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Everything posted by flamedav

  1. I got myself 1 of those promotion package from KEC. The $1.4k one. Now next step is to look for a Blue Ray player
  2. Yes you are very right. I went down Adelphi today. The sales staff were very knowledgeable about what they are selling. The demonstration was valuable. It turned out that it is not always the more expensive set of speaker that suits my hearing. I'm so glad I had listerned to your advice.
  3. Ah so I wont be making an embaressment of myself when I go down Aldephi then. Thanks for the recommendation!
  4. Hmm ... for a budget of <$2k would I still get a good deal with specialised audio shops like KEC or am I better off buying off the shelf systems from electrical shops like Courts, Harvey, etc?
  5. Yea heard police came. We gotta keep a lookout for one another. How dare these burglars try to pull a fast one in our estate
  6. Waa can't wait for Froggy to move in. So fortunate to be neighbour
  7. I think your mbr will be dark at the at the wall where your headboard is. Especially at the 2 corners of that wall. If you do not wish to add anymore downlights you may consider getting bedside lamps later on. Looks nice for the bedroom.
  8. Hmm .... Once we have all moved in we should drop by your place often. yum yum .....
  9. Congrats Fifteenmay. Glad u are liking it there. Can't wait to move in too.
  10. Alamak, the vouc h e r is a 'carrot' to lure you there and kena chop .... Better do some pricing research before going so you can counter their scheme.
  11. I used to keep my door open every time I go to my unit to sit sit. More windy. But keep getting alot of door to door sales person coming to my gate till I gave up. Maybe it will be better when the estate is filled up ba.....
  12. Yea 1 thing I notice is when I open the door the living room becomes windy. The moment I close the door all the wind stops, even with my living room windows fully opened. Wierd....
  13. Yes please do share. Is it cold/windy/hot etc? If very cold maybe I can skip the fan altogether Or if very sunny in the afternoon I will plan in a super thick curtain for the reno. I've checked out FV point. Not that much to eat leh... I hope they develop up the place.
  14. I've been sleeping on my Dunlop for the past 10 years without issues. Still happy with it. Out of curiosity, actually what really happens when a matteress "fail" For a water heater failing means cannot boil water For a car failing means cannot move For a matteress ... hmm ........
  15. The rooms in our estate is actually very small. IMO 2 downlights on 2 opposite sides should be sufficient. The downlight in my judgement is based on those 2 bulb per downlight type. If yours is just 1 bulb per downlight then maybe 8 isnt too much. We can also check with 15fifteenmay after she has moved in.
  16. Wow 25 seems like alot. Can to share your how many downlights for each room? 11-6-4-4?
  17. Looks cosy. Have a great moving in this wkend!
  18. IMO I'd advice for furniture is to take your time to buy. Read many incidences where the furniture end up cannot fit or colour dont match etc. Best to take time for furniture List of what I think should buy first with highest priority on top. Dont flame me, it's just my opinion only. (Cannot complete reno without it category) Air Con Hob/Hood Kitchen Sink Lights Fan Bathroom stuff (Cannot live in without it category) Bed Dinning Table/Chair Fridge Washine Machine (Boring without it category) TV Sofa Sound system (optional)
  19. Wow congrats! If I happen to go to my empty unit again this sat I'll come over and say hi.
  20. Good lah, then your level sure alot of feng and alot of shui.
  21. Oooooo I guess you must be wishing all the furnitures can just appear be delivered today. Congrats! See you soon. I think it will be another 2 months before our turns come.
  22. Very nice and unique idea indeed! I doubt not many in Fernvale Vista has done this yet. For the colour matching problem, computer drawings sometime do not really bring out the true picture. I'd suggest if you can get a copy of the material or something that best represents it and put it them together to have a better picture of how it will turn out. Something like a mood board.
  23. Hmm... with regards to the layout. Will the wardrobe be secured to the wall at the side? I'd suggest to do so for safety reasons and also a peace of mind to the person sleeping next to the wardrobe.