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Everything posted by kitty

  1. Hi Mr Chong My bb is now sleeping in my MBR..and he is sleeping under a L-box..is it not good..should i change his positon?
  2. funny is it different fsm have different ideas for fales ceiling and L box?? cos he say as long as it's not beam it's ok becos L-box and fales ceiling inside are "kong xing" (empty).. so i did L-box...now is my FSM make a mistake?? even my cai wei i also got L-box on top
  3. i am also looking for water feature.... S&S u found one?
  4. anyone has any good and resonable steel rack to recommend?
  5. but mine washing machine is toshiba top load not front load...so can still have hot water?
  6. what about having hot water at Washing machine...but mine is those asian top load not sure can have hot water anot
  7. was thinking should i ask my ID to link the hot water to my sink area in the kitchen?
  8. is with sliver nano or AG icon washing machine is a better choice
  9. which top load is better -the aquabeat pana - hitachi or tobshiba
  10. but i've an chuang at my current in-laws house already before i got marry....but will be buying a new bed for my house so can still an chuang again?
  11. beside date for moving do we also need to select date for stove and installation of new bed?
  12. what is the normal watts for bedroom? it's 32W or 40W?
  13. is it ture that Ackerman does have their stock available for their bed...somehow saw other threads that Ackerman need to loan the owner a bed first for their actual bed to arrive...
  14. kitty


    hi air can i know where did u purchase your item?
  15. kitty


    saw some nice furniture at novena, but saw bad comments on this company. Anyone has good comments. or any resonable furniture shop to shop for sofa, dining table, etc?
  16. ya i didn't know i actually top up $$ for ALL-in-one paint...and realised that the $$ does not inculde the ceiling part...the ceiling will be just normal white paint...which i think they should also use ALL-in-one paint for ceiling lor but ID told me he will not put the sealant cos HDB have acutually paint a layer of paint already..not sure if what he said is true.
  17. just to check when we upgraded our paint but does that imply on the ceiling too?
  18. is Supreme 3 in 1 and All-in-1 better than wash and wear?
  19. donno leh cos he say he charge us only for that range..so if want better grade have to top $$$
  20. does the water splash out? do u cover 3/4 of the area or just half of it?
  21. at least yours give you chose..mine id just turn to the cheapest range and i me chose the colour
  22. is the sheen part shiny? where u can really see the difference between matt and sheen? some colours i wanted is not in the ICI wash and wear or even nippon wash and wear is all in one very exp? should i just stick with pentilite?
  23. is it true that we still have to repaint the house few years later even we use better grade of paint? cos now ID giving us pentilite ICI...we have the colours we want under pentilite, so not sure if we need to upgrade to wash and wear or even All in one