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Everything posted by kalimantan

  1. went to see lakeside tower - 2 untis a) 1st unit - superb old ! no renovation - all occupied by ah nei workers as domitory - no wonder owner rent out to companies as a domitory. b) 2nd unit on a higher floor - renovated and clean without furniture - the bad thing is too may odd shapes room. But it is 1900++ sq feet. They wish to price it at 1.2m - which i find it not worthwhile - no amenities,no nearby transport I look at the surrounding - guess the condo management not doing much, although it is clean. Security guard *sigh* not much to say. Also went to see lakepoint condo - nansenette a) external surroundings are big. But when i went in - oh no ...1st floor area too small, 2nd floor, rooms are messy ...give me a bad impression ! Went to see northvale (1500++ sq feet) at chua chu kang 1. 1st unit was clean and renovated, but i wont buy it as peception is not spacious enough. 2. 2nd unit has a family stay, which irealized that after all the furniture in, looks less spacious. 3. wow , so many agents at northvale co-broking buying and selling ! It has been years since i start hunting for apartments. REalised that old spacious buildings are not well maintain, but condo buildings do not have much options in space. I will have to search again ...
  2. where to find auction properties ? must attend auction seminars to view it ? what are the concerns during a buy process ?
  3. 1st floor area are usually bigger area, but at a lower psf. 1. even if not resident at high floor that throw things down, it could be their children. Worst will be smokers who threw butts ! 2. my condo MC super on one (which we like it and always don't vote them out). They will continue to put notice at the lift level or newsletter on issues on litter bugs. They will not hestiate to embarrassed or take legal action against resident who throw things. We also have voted that dogs not allow to be at the swim pool area. uncollected Poo is fine at $200. All dogs have to be registered as well. Once a China tenant (a chinese teacher) convert her residential into a day care resiential where chinese students come into singapore to study. One of the boys destroyed our back gate (no card and force open the gate by kicking). Camera caught that guy and we ask that teacher to pay. Therefore buying a condo also need to know the power of MC. 3. Always remember that upgraders to condo are singaporeans who used to live in HDB and tends to throw litter here and there. Therefore do not expect most singaporeans become highly civic conscious overnight. It takes time to educate.
  4. today i am meeting 2 agents - one agent for lakepoint and lakeside tower (both are more than 20 years old building), the other agent for northvale at chua chu kang area. Want to compare on the layout as well.
  5. some questions 1. why does the industry allows for part-timers compare to professionals financial advisers (not insurance agents) ? 2. is the so-called exams renewable every x years - so that the so-called agency earn more ? 3. what can the agent do besides buy/sell traditional residential properties ? are they allow to go into mannaged services like collecting rental on behalf of landlord who are overseas ? Or can they do residential rental (those that i receive pamplets in letterbox) ?
  6. i look at the psf (from caveats lodged) - i would say reasonable. i relook at 99 years property because no one can live past 100, so having a bigger space is a plus for my children when they grow up. furthermore space is a premium nowadays after location. I not focusing on location as long as amenties within reach or walking distance, i won't complain much.
  7. I am thinking of buying a unit at the yuan ching road - lakeside tower from propertyguru site, top was 1981, which means it is about 30 years old. (99-30 = left 69 years) I do not mind buying older apartments, as my intentions are a) big spacious unit. meant to stay there to retire , also 2 kids will grown up and need bigger space. What are the concerns of buying an old unit ?
  8. What is the process to become a housing agent ? Must join a company ? Must be full-time ?
  9. here are my electricity bill for the month of Feb 2012 (kilowatts). Let's go into a little bit of statistics. (Asterik means no PUB man came down to check actual usage. ) *sept 2011 - 384 oct 2011 - 377 * nov 2011 - 387 Dec 2011 - 462 * Jan 2012 - 391 Feb 2012 - 343 From Sept to Dec 2011, i am using non-led lights. My hours of lighting are (mon-fri 7pm onwards till 11pm), (Sat - Sun 10am onwards till 11pm - in-between sometimes i switch off because bright sunshine) as you all know in my previous post, i installed led lights nearer to end dec 2011. For Feb 2012 bill (where kilowatts are actually calculated) - you can see the kilowatts drop drastically compared to those months in 2011. I cannot control the "unit costs" as this is determined by the govt fixed price, but kilowatt is something i can adjust. I am happy that i use less kilowatts and yet receive CONSISTENT BRIGHTNESS. I stay in a condo, so if you stay in condo and electricity kilowatts higher than mine, please consider led lights Therefore i would like to thank collins for influencing me to use LED lights as like most consumers , i've my doubts initially. Now no more doubts, and i plan to convert all other lights, eg all florscent lights in my hdb as well , as well as left over non-led lights in my condo as well (collin told me to wait for lights to spolit in condo, then make another major change for all other non-led lights). Best of all, my wife never complains after that !
  10. i m sorry to hear that you hve unpleasant experiences with harvey norman and electronux. I will take note of it and inform my family members not to buy anything that is expensive. very disappointed with hn and eleectronux
  11. historically, a spouse make or break the other spouse. Marry someone good, will "wang" the other person. Marry someone who do not care about the other party's interest, will break the other party. Here i do not discriminate any sex - but read lots of historically stuffs and lessons show that way.
  12. Hi guys I engaged collin's services last year, nearer to Dec 2011. Prices are very reasonable and i very happy with the LED lights. Collin is knowledgeable as well. Once incident is he brought wrong lights (but temporary subsitituted with warm lights) and he promise that he comes Feb to replace with white lights, which he did. He also refund me whatever is necessary. Best part is he also give me a pair of movie tickets which i consume in January. Little things counts. On the contractor side, he outsourced to a very good external skillful contractor (Anthony - Malaysian, but will become Singaporean soon after 18 years here ..haha) and i would said quality is assured. This man knows what he is doing. You can be assured that there is no Ah Nei (indian contractor - not discriminating , but electrical staffs - i prefered Chinese) Collin, please go ahead and post the picture which you captured. Hope it serves a good reference. Best Regards James (Glendale)
  13. can 5 yellow be seen with naked eyes ? Can you let nicken know what to do when he sees 5 yellow ?
  14. i like the idea of sleeping with cardboard, with coffee, etc Maybe can try sleeping naked as well to feel the 100% Qi in the house ... That will be a great experience . wah ...bro bepgof, changing house again in mid 2014 ? huat ah
  15. me not expert in ritual thing... But pineapples or rice - to me are just fruit and staples - how could these bring owner wealth ? You throw these things in , later you still have to sweep away right ? Avoid doing things that contradict. If you die die want to throw something, throw some coins and notes, then you take back lor - sure win one. I suggest you open doors to look around and start planning for renovation - which is most important ! Unless you own half the world fruit platation or rice farm - then i consider the person wealthy. BTW congrats on your new home, i know the feeling of owning a new place, how i wish i have that feeling again :-)
  16. just to update my previous post on some of good retailers (i pen it down during a talk with the leather sofa cleaning guy) - i've not bought anything from the below retaliers yet, but these will be my considerations. Please correct me if i am wrong or missing information so that forum members can get good value from them. domicil marquis furniture natusi da vanci - tanglin mall
  17. recently before cny, i ask a professional leather cleaning man to clean my sofa. ok just for the factual - the cleaning cost me $250 for about 1.5 hr of service (2 men clean at the same time). I raise a few questions to him. I can't remember the exact details, but i will translate in layman term (sorry i no expert in the technical terms in this industry) Q1) can recommend a few good retailers that has top quality leather sofa ? A) <i put the company names in my laptop - i will answer this again> - but the company name that you buy OM is not listed as a top brand Q2) How to maintain color of the leather ? A) Need to bring back the sample of the leather piece (which each sofa should have) - they will then try to match it chemically. Cost about $500 and spraying a coat that can last about 3 years. Q3) How to maintain the inside and elasticity and comfort of the sofa ? A) need to bring sofa back and then they make adjustements like top-up and putting springs (like a bed spring coil found in famous beds) - i can't remember the details... Q4)The leather shows the vein ... A) he told me something which is blue vein and can be seen over the years - he told me the process of making leather ...over years leather thin down, can see the leather vein, only way is to apply some chemical. - related to Q2. q5) if i buy branded sofa ...he knows anyone that can give reasonable discounts and not make super-normal profit ? A) He knows one or two few branded sofa people (question 1) and can quote his name - but i did not ask further. q6) What is his experience like ? (honestly i don't know aabout this industry, but ask for fun) A) more than 10 years or so. big companies like airlines / car also engaged them to perform leather uphostery q7) why do people buy cheap sofa and expect they bought real leather and surprised it won't last a year or two ? A) a lot of people want to buy cheap and do not want to pay more. This is a mistake.
  18. okay the fillipion should be the one can f ... but the singaporean that sublet the whole flat (let's say it is not compassionate ground) - as long as he pay taxes, who cares ? Why must always complain against another singaporean ?
  19. how come every consultation with any master - always must connect with 4d luck ? Must 4d be connected to fengshui master ? I never hear anyone said "got this fengshui master - cancer or serious illneess are cured ?" is there a master that has "toto luck" ? maybe i should start a thread that says "master with 4d luck" - and then everyone cheong there ...
  20. how much did u buy your sofa ? I bought my sofa, only conditioned once a year. See the link below. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=45199
  21. shaggydog - any further replies ? Show us master kwek picture
  22. huh ? i meant to say 2008 - things are cheap ...eg rice, wet-market shopping, etc. Don't think too much ... :-)