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  • Renovator Engaged
    Colours by Leslie Chua

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  1. i used to do that too.. hahaha.. thanks for sharing!
  2. Nah.. u never try u never know.. my gf even complained its not very original.. why the color of the shirt is red instead.. why dun have a 'P' on the shirt..
  3. no la.. borrowed lor.. where got money buy projector..
  4. haha.. i dun have kids!! my gf is the "kid".. hmm.. must see what kind one lor.. Anyway i only know how to copy.. hahaha.. Hi martin.. I understand what u mean.. But i purposely do that one.. the whole house more of modern and industrial feel.. except the Grand Hotel "MBR" Maybe its not that nice after all.. Nah.. I copied and cheated! And im not letting out my secret jus yet.. Hee hee..
  5. hi thanks for ur compliments! im an assistant engineer only.. haha.. u sure u wan to hire me? it doesnt look as nice close-up leh..
  6. actually i already bought 1 can liao.. den still thinking what colour to change to.. That wall no more space liao.. haha.. so no more project..
  7. WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Cannot later very scary!!!
  8. marsh: I also dunno whether its the same "apple white" or not lehz.. I wait for another few days see if i can find or not lor.. haha.. if not take urs to try can?
  9. Is this the msg that u said was for me? Anyway jus let u know.. dirt and dust is not black and grey only.. hahaha.. My black floor tiles also very easily dirty.. White footprint everywhere.. dusts very easily seen too.. But i still love my tiles!
  10. haha.. yeah.. Thanks man.. lucky is jus pochacco.. if its others i think i might have fainted..
  11. As per requested by bearlyn, I shall post my work here instead of his t-blog.. Here it goes.. Anyone got Nippon apple white to spare me some? Thanks!!
  12. haha.. nvm la.. my blog no ppl see ma.. yours more ppl.. You go buy paint lor.. very easy one la..
  13. confirm mr nice guy!! hahaha.. got la.. i copied the drawing onto the wall den paint one.. but secret..