Very interesting tBlog as me and my wife are getting our keys soon and our floor plan is 99% the same as yours. Also a techie person here, will probably be setting up 2 ceiling locations for access points. Will be very interested in hearing how your Google Wifi placement performs, as for the configuration app, are you going to be using a iOS device to configure that? I assume you will be downloading the app using a US Apple ID?
Before going into all the tech stuff, as we are most like going to do a open study just like yours, and the whole living area is quite spacious, is it okay to post your aircon installation locations and the BTU for each indoor unit? Thanks a lot! Do let us know how well the aircon is cooling the place down too, as I am most likely going to psycho my wife to go for the 2 ticks even though it sucks more energy (on paper, anyway).