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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. if you see 1 unit from Pinnale coming up in the next sales of balance flat, you'd know what happened...
  2. hmmm are you looking for a "modern" looking door? or...? erm maybe you're right that main door shouldn't be too attractive~ and how come the wardrobe shrink again?
  3. i like the placement of the study table facing the glass wall... can watch tv while surfing net hahaha
  4. aiyah can't say that they are evil la, they also need to earn from providing the services... dun "one rod hits everyone on the boat". sometimes, those expensive you see in the forum can be because: 1) the cloths they use can be quite expensive (if you go spotlight you will know. the nicer looking chiffon or organza can go to ~$10 per yard, of course whole sale price should be cheaper) 2) some house owner wants full length day and night curtain, complete blocked half blocked etc etc... 3) some house just have A LOT of windows. i calculated for my 4-room flat. if i want full length, double layers for all windows, about 90 sq-yards of cloths required... huu huu... like that material cost is already $450 even if i use cloths that are $5 per yard... so i guess, if you want a lot of curtains and nice materials, might as well get the curtain vendor to do to save yourself some trouble. but if your requirement is relatively simple (like, just 1 or 2 sets for bedrooms, using normal cloth say $2~3 per yard), then you can always DIY... why not? btw i heard from fren that ikea sewing not that cheap, but i dun have the numbers.
  5. well said! while ID themselves should minimize mistakes, no ID likes working with a customer that grumbles and scolds him on every mistake made~ politely discussing and solving problems together is the way to go. good for you Ely~
  6. oh! i went online to watch those demo video on baking sites, they crush the Oreo with the cream one leh~
  7. LOL aiyo you should have given to pple who can appreciate, like froggy, May, me, etc.
  8. i think he meant the t-blog title has typo error... probably gotta contact admin to change~
  9. hahahaha strangely for me, i got some other stuff from Mega but the Brandt washer was actually purchased from Audio House... no one in Mega recommended Brandt to me... maybe becos they look at my face and know that i already know the brand~ heard before that the electronic type not so good cos the control board spoils very easily. Manual one more lasting... so i also got the manual type like you (we have the same washer rite?? just different size only...)
  10. dunno why must make the election date so secretive. can't they do it like US election, the date is known like 1 yr in advance... then everyone can make plans accordingly mah.... e.g. do not plan holiday over that weekend etc... you mean you threw them away?
  11. nope. but i think i read somewhere before... thanks for bring this up, sounds like a good idea~ btw i tried your suggestion to make digestive biscuit crumb by putting the biscuit into plastic bag and roll with dough stick... it works like a charm surely i will stick to this method in future. but it gets a bit messy when it comes to Oreo (due to the cream)... the resulting product is also not as fine as compared to digestive... i supposed it's becos Oreo is harder~?
  12. if one can sew, why not? many nice cloths around Arab Street or near Textile Centre area going for just a few bucks per yard. curtain rods can be easily settled from Ikea.
  13. hahahaha actually it's hubby who discovered the socks and pointed that to me... it's so cute~ hahahaha this is so funny~ we just buy those "floor protectors" (dunno what's the proper term for it), those white circular pieces of stickers.. then stick at the bottom of furniture~ (cabinet bottom, chairs or tables legs etc...)
  14. yup there is thermostats, but of course if you switch off the storage heater then the heating won't "restart" on its own once water temperature falls enough below set-point
  15. exactly! hubby also went "Ha! Ha!' after hearing what i said luckily he doesn't need to work on GE....
  16. if you are not comfortable with that electrician, how about asking your contractor to intro another one? usually they have contacts of a few electricians~ how did the tile get cracked?
  17. oh why leh? it's becos of workmanship or? hahaha mine is ok la... yup we reno almost same time... i almost signed with your contractor haha sis mae, your estate is so cosy, you two probably have bumped into each other before hahaha~ aiyo *blush* i think the cake is so-so only la but guess everyone loves chocolate? i hope next time the pattern can draw nicer... LOL~ hope you not angry with us saying that it reminds us of office pantry~ i really think it's becos of the water dispenser LOL one colleague of mine said he heard from "insider news" that GE will be 30 Apr. Another colleague said he also heard from "insider news" that GE will be 7 May. funny how civil servants (friends78, csingeu, hubby) don't hear any news at all~
  18. i think HDB will come to check if it's due to your upstairs neighbour water-proofing or other reason... i also start to have foul smell in toilets recently... read from somewhere in renotalk that to prevent foul smell, the connector between WC and sewege drain hole should be sealed tight with silicone (though most plumbers don't do this). but i am not fully convinced becos: all waste pipes from (sink, WC) are all connected to the same main sewege pipe evantually. so the smell from sewege pipe can still escape through other drain holes or through the sink... and this is precisely what is happening to me now but the smell doesn't come all the time... i suspect it's when upstairs/downstairs neighbours are using the toilet...
  19. LOL bro your floor is definitely darker than mine... hmmm not sure if you guys read my rant on the light-colour kitchen floor tiles in my t-blog~ http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?sh...st&p=600289 the trap dirt part in the story probably doesn't apply to you, but light colour = dirt easy to see is certainly true. if you are the type that cannot tahan the sight of dirt on floor, you will find yourself cleaning any spots you see once they appear.... the rest of the house is not so bad, but kitchen is easier to get dirty cos the floor can get wet (e.g. by drops of water accidentally splashed from tap) and you walk around when cooking... dirts can appear when feet step over the water~ the pros of light-colour floor is... once you see dirt, you tend to clean immediately, so the dirt won't accumulate... and this helps to cultivate good house-keeping habit hahahahaha
  20. sorry bro... i'm no expert but try to answer and give my own opinion~ do you bathe with very hot water? if yes, then probably not a good idea to switch off the storage heater once the water is done. how storage heater works: say there is 25L of water, it will heat this 25L to a set temperature, for e.g. 70ºC. then this 70ºC water is supplied to the mixer to mix with cold water to give e.g. 38ºC of warm water. when hot water is drawn during your shower, cold water will continuously top up the heater tank to make up 25L. obviously when this happen, the hot water in the tank become cool gradually. if you are one that bathe with hotter water (say, ~42ºC), then more hot water will be used faster, cold water will be topped up faster and hence water in the storage tank cools faster. but if you turn on the storage heater during shower, then this new cold water that added will also be heated up so the cooling will be slower. also, of course if you have a storage heater of bigger capacity e.g. 35L, the hot water can tahan longer without heating... back to your question: so it depends whether you are those that bathe with very hot water - if you are, then most likely you need to turn on the storage heater during your shower in order for warm-enough water to last the whole shower. some pple bathe with not-so-hot water so they can turn off the heater during shower. for 45 mins, the hot water should still be hot cos there is insulation for the water tank. as for which rating to go for, i will definitely choose 3kW if i can. just imagine - one day you get to home at 12 midnight, dead tired from work, can't wait to sleep but still gotta wait 30mins for the 1.5kW heater to heat up 25L of water too bad i stay in old resale HDB so can only use 1.5kW btw, if you want to use rain shower, then instant heater is out of question. sorry for being long-winded... hope you understand what i try to say~
  21. alamak... my eyes got stamps on didn't see your electrical list... LOL... FYI, my electrician told us that it's better to get the ceiling fan shop to include installation instead of asking electrician to do. cos those pple do ceiling fan installation day in day out so better in doing balancing, but electricians don't do as often so skill wise maybe not as good~
  22. wow Merydith, very long time no see!! how's your house so far? good?
  23. oh sorry... for Ariston i should say, the better looking one only has 1.5kW model Storage heater concept different from Instant heater. Instant heater needs "multi point" to supply to different locations. For storage heater, basically you only need one outlet for hot water from the heater, and the piping will bring the hot water to whichever area you required. the hot water is then mixed with cold water at the mixer to provide the warm water you need for bathing etc wah she spends so long in shower but i supposed water not running for the full 45 mins, rite? if she really uses so much water, then better get a heater with large capacity~ do you have rain shower? if yes, i think 25L just nice for one bathroom. plan to have 2 pple showering in 2 toilets at the same time? also, if the 2 bathrooms are very far away, not good to share heater too... speaking from experience
  24. okie i try to explain. Part 1 let's leave instant heater out of the discussion 1st. we shall compare just storage heater of say, 25L. basically you need X amount of energy to heat up this 25L of water. so for 1.5 kW storage heater, you may need 30 mins to provide this X amount of energy to heat up this 25L of water. but for 3kW, becos the speed of heating is 2x of 1.5kW, it will only need 15 mins to provide the same X amount of energy to heat up this 25L of water. theoretically, you can switch off the storage heater once the water is heated, and use that 25L of water for your shower. Part 2 so now compare with instant heater. instant heater is 3kW, so if you turn on hot water for 20 mins in shower, you are using 3kW for 20 mins, hence using more energy as compared to storage heater (you only spend 15 mins heating up the water). but if you are the type that only spend 10 mins in shower, then instant heater saves more energy by the same logic. hope you understand what i mean