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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. 4k+ liao, and still counting...
  2. yea i tend to think that the moment you step into the house, you'll know whether you like it or not. got the "feeling" de.... the only problem with n-s facing is sometimes not enough sun to "sun" bedsheets and blankets that's the problem i have now but i rather live with this than west sun yea they will have to walk pass.... so like that corridor flats are good rite, sure a lot of "qi" cos many pple walking around yea toilet!! hubby was just guessing that. floor trap to keep them away? sounds good... how it looks like?
  3. wah the wardrobe looks MASSIVE!!!! oh my! and i get excited just by seeing the half-completed island.... wheeeee! if you feel your wardrobe is small, just go to my t-blog and see mine, definitely make you feel much better hee hee i think he always like all the walls knocked down one that's why. hahahaha~
  4. wah Rulang difficult to get in siah... i doubt if i should even try next time cos heard that even volunteers staying within 1km also need to ballot.... sian....
  5. hmmmm but no leh i have never seen them around until fogging day. you also know... my kitchen quite clean one mah hahahaha anyway will check again. hmmmmm we suspect our downstairs neigbhours though.... hahahaha cos they keep a lot of junks de. the xiaoqiang only come after town council fogs the rubbish chute, so normal days no sign of them at all~
  6. haha i wear "market" slippers in kitchen~
  7. i think Ely is not really buying that much, just that she posts EVERYTHING she bought so it seems like a lot. hahahaha~ see, she even posted the purchase of drain cover here.... ya lor, new house, nothing to bring over, lots of things to buy... same for my case too~ you are still worthy of the Online Shopping Queen title, reign together with reglxt
  8. wahahahahahaha~ 9 pple is a lot i guess most importantly, die die they have to finish your MBR + toilet first for you to shift in. the other parts can still be done after that~
  9. alamak, i just read the old old post that you asked for Henry's quote for comparison... so sorry i missed it i guess mine is cheaper cos i kept the original marble floor~
  10. Cellini has been having good feedback on RT. my bed and sofa are good, and their service has been great so far i think only one complaint on wrong delivery... ask friends78
  11. but windows already all closed leh, so i dunno how can they come in... if crawl from the small gap below main door they should die in my living room and not kitchen~
  12. surely the element of sensationalizing is there.... yea like you, although i'm glad that i already have a roof over my head, i really feel for my friends who have not married, friends that have been balloting for 3, 4 yrs in vain while watching the price increasing day by day, and colleagues who are already saving $ for downpayment for their children that are in uni now~
  13. i can help in cantonese songs if you need why need to remove your choice from the song list? you can have both rite
  14. well no published data but i was the product of this scheme just btw, so i'm able to give you some idea on the numbers and the history... sorry OT and talk a bit more on the history cos i noticed many forgot how things changed in these recent years. scholarship to Asean countries is probably a "friend-friend" thing with the collation countries. scholarship to HK is basically inline with SG's special technical immigrant scheme for HKers back in the late 80s/early 90s (tapping onto pple's fear of returning to China in 1997). the scholarship is quite cheap... like $800 per year... then they send down employees from the SG consulate office to all the elite schools in HK to give talks... till now my friends from those schools still remember the "advertising" talks by SG officials... cheaper than TV advertisement~ there are actually quite some choices scholarships for locals, but many locals are probably not aware, maybe due to poor publicity. oh well. according to an ex-ACS fren, almost everyone in his class received some form of scholarship or bursary (from govt, commercial companies, etc). it's ironic that such "lobang" are not well publicised elsewhere but so many in this "rich-men school" are receiving it. anyway, my focus is still on the difference between now and then. immigration is not something new but in our case: in early 90s: controlled, selective (focus on skills and qualification), small in number now: loosely controlled, indiscriminate, overwhelming in number the ever-changing education minister also makes life for teachers very difficult. cos every time there is new minister, there will be all sorts of new initiatives and changes in direction. in the end becomes no direction~ btw you missed out one, before Ng EH is Tharman
  15. just follow the town council instruction: close all windows, use masking tapes to seal the rubbish chute (we seal many times cos hubby very scared ). well that's exactly what we did actually hahaha... but still... so far after i moved in TC fogged 3 times: the 1st time no xiaoqiangs, but the 2nd and 3rd time they managed to come in and die in my kitchen and toilet~ still thinking how they come in... let you know when i discovered the reason~
  16. hahahaha good and bad lor... yesterday they just did rubbish chute fogging for our block... hubby got totally freaked out by the sight of dead "xiao qiang"s lying around in the kitchen, despite we did all the necessary sealing and closed all the windows.... at that point, he said he prefers rubbish chute outside the flat my sis always consolidates and throw only in the morning when they go out to work... so no need to go out especially just to throw rubbish. but must seal the plastic bag at night lor, else a lot of ants will come...
  17. i think dexfuto mentioned before that the melamine cleaning sponge helps for black solid top... do a search in his t-blog leh, i dun remember details~ these cleaning sponges are easily available in Daiso for $2.
  18. wah for my sis' block, rubbish chute is at the lift lobby so unless you stay in the corner, your neighbours will sure walk past you to throw rubbish Thank God we have ok neighbours so no leaking incident outside the door step as yet but this staircase at lift lobby thing is very common leh... many HDBs all over SG are like that..... hey sis mae you sure all these info here won't affect the sale of this unit or not............
  19. well i guess when they write in the news, they will write the maximum amount to capture pple's attention..... the main focus on this case is, it highlights how expensive the new, subsidized flats have become. top up is almost always necessary for SERS even if you change back the same flat type, but the problem for this recent Clementi one is, the top up required for one to maintain an equivalent space and standard is so high that SERS has become something undesirable (no thanks to the high new flat price).
  20. (sorry to OT a bit from GE but really wanna answer bro bepgof on my opinion. please bear with my long post ) haha, the same pple who said 2 unis were enough are now planning for the new, 4th university in SG the scholarship scheme has become very different over the years. about 10+ to 20 yrs back, this scheme is only for Asean countries and HK as i mentioned. number of recipients is not that high (around 60 per year?), and they are scattered in some 15-20 schools all over SG, so you only get a few of them in each school for each year. this wasn't a bad idea as the "marketing" of the scholarship actually raised the country's profile overseas (you should check out the number of pple going for the qualifying exam in HK back then, it's surprisingly a lot while actual intake was only ~20 pple). having a small number of students from different cultural backgrounds can be quite interesting, i think my SGrean classmates also enjoyed having some different pple around . sometimes, the presence of these "scholars" can also tell some PSLE "elites" that there are many other smart pple in this world, outside of SG the gahmen is also quite clever in getting these "talents" in their formative years - many of them eventually stayed put in SG, assimilated into the SG society, work, live and talk like any of the locals around. but things have changed very differently in these 10 yrs or so. as i mentioned earlier, secondary scholarship scheme for PRC students started in 1995, 1st few batches only have ~10 students in 2 schools. then slowly, more and more schools asked for these scholars cos they help to win all those "prestigious" prizes in international maths olympiad ah, Australian science quiz ah etc. now i heard that in some schools, these scholars alone can form almost 1.5 class on their own when this happens, what do you think? these 1.5 class of scholars will naturally stick with their own countrymen and don't interact with SGreans as much. local students also feel very sian as many of the top spots and opportunities for international competitions are taken up by these pple. btw, there is only supply if there is demand. as written above, it's also the schools that are asking for the scholars cos they don't want to lose out in competing for all those academic prizes (kiasu-ism at work, and very much like how we have imports to win Olympic games). from what i heard, the schools also finance these scholarships. now, there is even a scholarship scheme for primary school (admission in P.5) in case you are not aware if you noticed, what's happening in the scholarship scheme mirrors what is happening to the immigration policies in SG. about a decade back, SG also welcome immigrants but in a more controlled manners. did we have so much complaints/discontentment back then? in these recent years, seems like immigration policy has become too opened that it's working against the original objective. scholarship/immigration schemes might have started as a pretty good things with good intentions, but just like many other good things in this world, good thing turns bad when it's too much in excess.
  21. actually, whether have letter or not, pple will still apply on their own... make completely no difference
  22. the rubbish chute is just next to the lift is it? my sis block is like that but we are one road away from Bukit Panjang, not sure whether same or not
  23. you can check out the Clementi pple's thread on RT... they have discussed this high top up before, it's a problem esp for the old folks who don't expect to be paying housing loan anymore. the newer resale 4-room in Clementi (those 45x series) is around $680k to $700k, 32x series should be around $460k for 4-room. these prices are about a year ago... 32x series 3-room around $350~370k 0.5 yr ago. so likely the new 4-room are price ~$700k++, new 3-room ~$450-500k. in the article, they mentioned the top up is for upgrading from 3-room to 4 or 5-room, so top up of $450k is definitely possible. the problem is that area a lot of older pple who are no longer working, so they really didn't expect this and dunno where to find the money to pay for the top up.