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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. froggy, no worries about being thick skinned.... just bring your nice baked stuff over wahahahahahaha yay yuene just let us know which day is good for you. and ya i can come and help you with the meatballs~
  2. bro, IMM got this shop at the 3rd floor warehouse area that is a direct supplier doors (opposite of Woei-Lee where i got my retractable clothes hanger). their catalogue same as the one my contractor showed me according to Woei-Lee's boss, many contractors got their doors from them. you can drop by to take a look if you happen to be around IMM btw, from feedback by some forumers - SBH has more selection but less designer-type tiles. Hafary selection might be slightly smaller but more nicer tiles. for your info
  3. Chernobyl nuclear disaster, the most serious nuclear accident to date, affected a distance 2000 km away in terms of clouds, rains, wind, water, food, milk etc etc. Some data: Japan to HK: 2500 km away Japan to Singapore: 5000 km away for your info
  4. aiyo everything becomes photobucket... cannot see liao nvm i will see at home how come picoodle not working anymore? i thought 1st floorplan was put up using this site~ hahahahaha don't worry, i think there's enough of bad ones on RT my frameless sliding glass door (4 panels) is 1.3k for 2.6m in length, that's $500 per meter~ you can estimate from here i agree~ parents' place and my current place all have white door frames (for parents place, even all doors including main door are white). we used enamel paint instead of emulsion to make cleaning easier. on glass door, it's lovely to look at, but those who came yesterday would know how "clean" my glass door is curvy doors... sorry can't see photos... but maybe can try some retro or victorian theme hahahaha
  5. okie, for the record: This Sunday, propose 3~5pm
  6. hmmmm actually.... though mine is a normal wardrobe with closed doors.... i arrange my clothes according to colours and all hangers are hanging at one direction! hahahahaha hahaha i know how you feel... cos my house still has no curtains till now! still can't find the urge to do it, probably will only do it just before my mom comes over to stay... maybe just nice to mark the 1st anniversary of us moving in~
  7. Not sure how many of you actually notice that Jurong East Stadium is the home for the Japanese S-league team Albirex Niigata~ All gate receipts from yesterday's game goes to donation for Japan tsunami victims: http://www.straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/S...ory_645771.html Saw the stadium from my window last nite... it definitely looked more packed than usual~
  8. price itself doesn't reflect whether his quote is cheap or not... it's the combination of price and the material he's supplying~ what brand is he offering for the solid top and granite? i think those $65 pfr solid top are the lower end ones....
  9. another good reference... for your reading http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=25963
  10. bro, you can refer to this very useful and educational article here, written by a very familiar face on RT but it's posted in another forum: myhometown . sg /Forum /tabid/84/aff/22/aft/152822/afv/topic/ Default . aspx (please put the usual "www." in front and take out all the spaces in between to go to the website. can't post this link on RT) got comparison photos that you can see for yourself... of course China one doesn't look as good in the examples, but if it's cheaper... hee hee i don't quite mind
  11. They are coming to my place! May_dream & csingeu: i believe you two got my hp. let me know if you can make it Sunday late afternoon (4~5 like what May suggested). Kobelala & Mae: if you are coming, please PM me your contact
  12. Already got one thread in the kopitiam corner 3 days ago. look here. News reports on the hoax included in the thread. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=39029 TV news also talked about this many days liao....
  13. my hubby is civil servant and i have lots of frens that are civil servants or working in stat boards. i can ensure you that they don't earn this much at 26 yrs old (well, not even at 30++ yrs old ). but those in finance, banking, accounting... this is possible. my frens (a couple) income already burst the $8k ceiling at 24/25 yrs old... the gal worked for 2+ yrs and the guy just graduated
  14. hmmmm i dunno leh, i'm sure he won't anyhow advise but this sounds kinda weird to me. Stainless steel is corrosion resistent, pickling of surface is done by strong acid mixture, so it's supposed to be hardy. but what he advised makes stainless steel sounds like some very delicate stuff that is easily damaged. hmmmm..... i think his advise is more to bathroom accessories etc that is generally chrome-plated. hmmmm.
  15. i fall into the category you mentioned (late 20s to early 30s) but have the habit of saving and planning for purchases since primary school. i guess it's a lot to do with family upbringing~ i guess attitude towards money may change as one's life progresses, but i've seen many who don't have any changes in money-spending habit after having kids. hahahahaha never watch 9pm Channel 8 show for long time liao~ this sounds funny hahahaha
  16. yes of course you can! just let your carpenter know... bro, if you ask me, i will say China or Indian granite doesn't matter. Indian granite more ex cos apparently the sparks are nicer and the black is more intense (if i remember correctly). But if you are not particular about this aspect, then don't need to go for really high grade indian granite... my granite is ~$100 pfr, but i never asked where it comes from if friends78 is reading this, can ask her to ask Henry where does the black granite on his office table comes from... LOL
  17. yay! today's the day! hope that after your explanation, they will be more confident to give you the approval
  18. i'd say nothing beats staying in your own nest right after wedding BUT, but, if you are not in a hurry to move, and reno + wedding are going to be in the same time frame, then better to reno after wedding.... speaking from experience... we started reno in early Jun, wedding in end July. Moved in just 5 days before wedding.... we almost DIED from exhaustion... and now we looked back and wonder how on earth did we actually made it, it was simply crazy~
  19. i think at the breakfast counter, hanging lights will be nice btw, any hanging light(s) for the dining table? personally feel cove light not suitable there... can't see the food clearly~ i initally like cove light a lot, but don't have the courage to do after thinking about the cleaning part.... the light box for the cove light is gonna trap a lot of dust and maybe... dead insects.... lizards.... (hubby very scared of the last 2 items! hahahaha ) hmmmm i think now pple seldom use halogen downlights rite...? high power consumption plus very HOT~ yea downlights and cove lights will be more ex but cove lights should be a little cheaper as compared to downlights, cos total no. of points required will be less than using all downlights in the same area~
  20. hahahahaaha yea we would know if we read page 2 of your blog (or is it page 1? )... i remember the post on tom yam soup... LOL lunch is actually quite good cos you (and your guests too) won't feel so tired and still have time to mingle around and talk to friends after the banquet. but downside is a lot of pple still think hotel wedding lunch is very cheap and "under-bao" while in actual fact, wedding lunch is probably just $10~$20 cheaper per head as compared to wedding dinner. both choices are good, but if can't meet the minimum tables, then very risky.... now cannot do seating arrangement yet... can only do rough estimate of no. of tables required... the challenge comes when pple RSVP and you do the detail seating arrangement wah like that cannot talk so much in your t-blog liao... got "watchful eye" of your wife here... hahahaha just kidding actually storage bedframe quite good leh. i like... can put a lot of those you-don't-use-often-but-can't-throw-away things there what i mean is, they have a lot of storage bedframe other than the one in the package. if you go to the furniture mall outlet, they have one whole showroom just for beds. so that time i changed to another storage bedframe that is not from the package actually without the legs it will be more sturdy? i would go without legs cos like that then dun need to clean the floor below the console~ wait! this Sunday? okie okie need to tell hubby else he will faint~
  21. hahahaha dunno why i found this very funny~ sounds more like hairdresser than baker hahahahaha
  22. thanks froggy btw, is a recipe with baking powder good for embossed cookie cutters with intricate design? and also... how you all manage the inventory of so many different kinds of sugar and flour at home... now i only have all purpose flour and 2 types of sugar, i already wonder how to finish all of them... and looks like i still need to buy icing sugar for most of the cookie recipes............
  23. LOL my hubby said tualobang not "powerful" enough. shall ask him to check out greatdeals.com.sg then... thanks for the link
  24. i think someone mentioned it could be about the structural beams on top, not just the RC....
  25. welcome to RT and Jurong~ you can report to the Jurong thread too... hahahaha~