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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. i like to play Sudoku... my hubby always says i'm very boliao~ at least you have darker complexion that can "mask" dark circles~ well when you finally settle in your nice new nest, you'll be able to rest well and have smaller eye bags~
  2. oh dear that was really a bad day... hope everything is fine and settled now~
  3. ya i certainly think ancient Chinese were genius... just look at the Chinese calender system (lunar + solar), think they are much smarter than us hahaha yea i truly think that confidence, cheerful and kind character is what makes a person attractive~ btw i seldom eat nuts... i think i should take May's advice to start eating some ginko nuts~ and i also don't memorise formulas... i always tell pple "that's what textbooks are for" LOL i'm learning baking too... the one you saw at my home on Sunday was just my 4th attempt
  4. iirc, corridor units no need fire rated doors, those near the lift and staircase need.... but HDB rule says if you require one, you must have... i for one won't want to challenge "ah gong"'s rule..........
  5. AGREE x 100. at my hometown, most of the flats have pipes running outside the building (my parents' place included). Dunno why can't HDB do the same too mosaic tiles usually don't come in small small squares... normally comes in a big piece with many small squares on it... hope you can what i mean... so no way you can line the pipes with it la~ even if you managed to get small squares of mosaic tiles, the workmanship is going to kill~ well hope that it's a consolation for you: initially we were very sad that we can't box up the pipes, but after painting, it does look wayyyyy better and it's actually okie to look at it without boxing up
  6. yea... i have seen these toilets-at-both-ends layout in Jurong, Choa Chu Kang, Bukit Batok, Kallang, Tampines. i'm sure it's not related to the geographical location of the HDB
  7. yea lor... stupid rite i actually forgot~ anyway, fresh good fruits too wasteful to make cookies... i am eating some of the grapes RIGHT NOW. LOL hahaha can visit the much acclaimed restaurant you all were talking about... Lee Wah or something like that? oh... track light should still be easy to find as designs are usually simple, shouldn't take you too long to get one
  8. i think the process is already starting for me... my dad said my memory used to be A++, now only got A to A- and now recalling things from half a year ago is like opening a winzip file. can't recall until some trigger points that cause me to "unzip" my memory hahahahaha
  9. hahaha yea... like my floor plan, got stupid things like R=60000..... there is no way to draw things like this on floorplanner~! i also used Autocad instead.... (though give up later cos cannot do at home~) wah your seller is SUPER nice!!! a bit too nice liao~
  10. actually the toilet thing is not special... many houses got toilets on 2 different ends of the flat... like my sis' place (where i used to stay) having 2 toilets side-by-side is definitely a smarter design. hmph. but i must say the extra sliding window at my kitchen is good
  11. my fren was in similar situation as you. in the end, he paid an ang bao to his agent friend to "represent" him. like you, he rather pays his friend than to pay those other agents.
  12. as you saw yesterday, my pipes are at a place that can't even be boxed up... so other works already started today?
  13. a resounding yesssss to your comment. how i wish my giant pipes are at a better place
  14. hahahahaha dun emo~ *pat pat* it's like that one la, starting time is a bit s.l.o.w.
  15. maybe your workplace blocked picoodle? just like what my workplace does to photobucket~
  16. yup he's mechanical engineer and really well verse in solid work. whole house 3D modeling, can turn 360º one leh... impressive! anyway, you're good with Autocad... drafting things like floorplan should be chicken feet for you
  17. okie some progress report... finally tried my Doraemon cookie cutter with a simple butter cookie recipe. sorry froggy, didn't use the one you supplied cos haven't gotten baking powder yet pics to be up later... forgot to upload them~ verdict on first batch of cookie : smells good in oven, but taste wise, not great at all... pretty bland~ i still have half the dough left in fridge, is there anyway to savage it (make it taste better)? original recipe is really simple: 310g flour 225g butter 100g sugar 1 egg 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  18. Mae, nice meeting you yesterday! you look so young!! and you mentioned your sons are very tall... so you add to the statistic to me and hubby's unpublished study of "tall mom = tall children" theory yea lor we talked until forgot to eat and drink... LOL
  19. hahaha don't worry yet. so far the feedback i got from garment steamer are quite extreme. some totally love it, some just condemned it. i don't know if it's becos of brand, or it's becos of the user...... wires are probably not fried since the fryer hasn't been used to frying anything i think it probably can't be used anymore, but somehow my whole family (parents and siblings) insist that it can. oh well.
  20. Yo! sorry a bit late in checking-in here hope all things go smoothly for your reno i got a friend also in similar situation... talked to many IDs but finally got a contractor to do up his house after "stealing" all the good ideas from the tiring ID meet-ups he did his own 3D drawings using solid work... whole house 3D modelling leh... hahaha
  21. hey May! nice to finally see you in person yesterday! did you go and tell your contractor that since he submitted wrongly, he should give you some discount??? LOL seriously la... i thought they should have done enough reno to know how to submit properly....
  22. i thought garment steamer should be quite easy to use? hmmmm. but i did heard of stories that garment steamer is worse than a normal simple stupid iron. hahahaha~ hope you get yours to work soon LOL... good housekeeping habit passed down from mom and dad (just so happens that both are neat freaks) but i'm not half as good as them in terms of cleaning, tidying house, etc just btw, my parents' home has this deep fryer, that they carried all the way back from Singapore when i was in Pri 4, (yea, deep fryer is not popular in my hometown ). Till today, it's still in the box, unused!
  23. bro, btw, if you are just buying simple lighting (downlights, tubes etc), can get from Pantech lighting just next to Chelsea. they are cheaper... unless you buying a lot from Chelsea then you can ask them for discount also, good idea to buy this kind of basic lighting near your home... in case one of them is not working, you dun need to travel all the way to say Balestier to get one light bulb changed what other light you need?
  24. oops we didn't take any pics leh csingeu, mae and May, thanks for dropping by my place sorry not so clean and tidy but you can see a real house by yourselves, not just those nice post-reno photos on RT, which is actually more realistic............. (excuse excuse... okie la i was lazy to tidy up hahahahahaha ) yea we love the Jurong Lake view too , though it comes with a price (high COV + very humid mouldy house), but it's okie~ and hor, we talked until i forgot to bring out some grapes and stuff i bought for you all also talked until forgot to share all the nice food you all kindly brought here... now my home got lots of grapes, maybe can make wine LOL wahahahahaha actually it took me a while to convince hubby he is more of a private kind of person la, so yesterday was definitely a "new" experience for him LOL it's okie, next time, he will be more used to this liao