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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. you can copy the furnishing in for the MBR toilet... wooden racks and potted plants... sounds great! i think it will be resort-like still... like those hotspring resort leh hahaha~ *that reminded me of the nice hotsprings in Hokkaido. wanna go again!!!* will wait for your photos~
  2. hi dex! great to hear from you~ congrats on your wedding again... where did you go for honeymoon?
  3. wah like that also can! you should complain to Samsung! and how can they make you pay for the cable!!! i got quite a bit of stuff from Audio House too, including TV. everything came on time, neat, installation was fast. Same goes for Mega Discount Store. Audio House pple even called a day earlier to confirm timing and how we want the TV to be mounted. hmmm... so after you warned them that you'll lodge a complaint, did they come within 30 mins?
  4. hahaha maybe becos you have a bigger area so more tiles to think about? wah Chelsea lighting a bit farrrrr for you leh... i supposed Balestier will have more choices and it's much nearer? actually not all of us are in the west... there is a big boon keng gang and there used to be a lively simei gang too
  5. wah finally... yea lor you no need welcome liao anyway, congrats on your new home!
  6. LOL May you can consider this form of "fund-raising" hahahahaha my family doesn't play MJ with money... just count points only LOL
  7. i will keep the marble... after polishing, it will look much more better and shiny my marble floor was in a very sorry state when we got the flat. was surprised by the improvement after polishing~
  8. yea and that's why i have quite a few pairs of high heels too!
  9. the noise is from traffic? sigh that's bad my place is very noisy too. traffic + MRT. thank God i'm a very heavy sleeper so no problem (yet)....
  10. i think the vent of the hood can be connected to some centralised venting system of the condo... hahaha yup just got the kinect last month! very fun and indeed good exercise for us.. perspire a lot during the game man~ the only time i played with 3 suits was once when we had not enough "legs", so took out one suit and played as per normal... in my home town, a lot of pple take out the "flowers" cos they found flowers make the games easier to play, not challenging
  11. wow... didn't read here for a week or so... there is so much to catch up! on your taps without hot water - it depends on how you wash your face? my parents place doesn't have hot water running to the taps, so during winter, we get warm water from the shower set (from storage heater) into plastic washing bowl and use that to wash face~ for washing hands, we just endure the coldness... LOL another fellow virgo reporting... hahaha i have lots of earrings and am constantly finding the better way to organise them neatly. recently got those transparent plastic holder with many pockets from Daiso... cheap and good. finally can sort the earrings by colours and locate the pair i want in seconds~ i got a rotating stand from Japan but didn't use now cos the earrings kept falling off... ARGH.
  12. i think the thread i read last time, someone mentioned to leave only the corners unsealed... maybe you check with the solid top guy if this is commonly done? but i agree with your point... might as well seal all 4 sides... got excuse to buy new one if it really cracks of course it can make soup... in fact that's the exact reason why i got that thermos pot~ but the thing is, you need to boil the soup for like 20 mins before you put into the thermal pot for further cooking, and during this 20 mins, anything can still happen if not careful but surely it's easier to watch over the pot for 20 mins as compared to 3 hrs, rite~
  13. to be frank... i think white is nicer than black hahahahaha~ but so long as you like black, can liao~ do take note on the scratches issue on black solid top as mentioned by many forumers~
  14. wahaha my oven is also small la so must buy smaller tray... thank God my 3-in-1 oven doesn't have turntable... if got turntable the size of the tray will be further limited... hahaha melt immediately not good mah? i thought that's why it's called "melt in the mouth" cookies? wooo another baking fan! thanks for sharing~ please continue to contribute here and educate noobs like me hahahaha~
  15. not exactly near... but not too far cos cos i'm in Jurong anyway~ i'm along Jurong East Ave 1, opposite the Blk 347 hawker centre/market maybe i should be happy that my original marble floor limited the choice of colours i can have....
  16. i finally saw the photos at home last nite... i think i prefer the master toilet actually... maybe it's the colour scheme hahahaha
  17. hahaha then the one unsealed side gotta be strategically chosen so the over-boiled stuff won't go there~ and your contractor is right, boiling in a deeper pot definitely helps i have my fair share of spilling incidents... luckily mine is induction hob so it's easy to clean~ those electrical ceramic pots also good for soup... used that back in my hostel days. the power will cut in/cut out automatically so it's okie to leave it on when you're away for work etc hahaha i think she is trying to keep the place neat like what you said... so that's good for all you know, your son will be with her for the next 3~4 yrs? hahaha
  18. i use Baron one... bro really lahhh no one can help you choose WC cos the "feel" to the butt varies. LOL just remember don't get those so-called water saving ones. these are the ones that is not powerful enough to flush the p** away~ many forumers have warned before... less or no ticks (or water droplets for taps and WC) is better when it comes to water-related stuff. i think the "p** flying" incident mentioned above was from one of those "water saving" WC. if you go Japan, almost everyone use Toto.... maybe they support their own product hahaha~ LOL same for me and hubby lor.... we have VERY different taste~ was a headache when argueing about which is nicer hahahaha and you're right other furnishing play a big part too! stainless steel la... really can't go wrong. just have to remember not to feel "heart pain" when you see scratches on it cos scratches will definitely appear... hahahaha
  19. yea.... fully understand the tiredness! jia you! you can make it! if i remember correctly, Nyatoh is the solid door... there are 3 main types of doors: solid, semi-solid, hollow. Hollow ones are like those normal classic door. Solid nyatoh ones of course is durable and good for sound proofing but look wise more boring Veneer plywood door is like something in between, got more designs also. if you don't need such solid doors for your rooms, you can go for hollow or semi-solid to save cost. i went to Mega Discount Store at Kallang Leisure Park. they have price matching policy so it's can be the cheapest... and can use credit card to get rebates.... not really, i only bought the sink after reno is half way through... if you are just getting simple normal sink, you need the cabinet design to know what sink to get... like my L-shape kitchen, the max size for the sink is ~600mm, so i actually can't buy before knowing the cabinet design.
  20. maybe... very likely... wahahahaha i read from somewhere in RT that you can seal, but not fully tight seal so as to give some allowance for thermal expansion of the glass. maybe you can check with the contractor on the details my previous place was stainless steel gas hob so surely they will seal.
  21. finally you have your own t-blog~ will wait for the photos~
  22. you can read bro Rondy's thread.... http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=37571 "LG = lousy good" btw, for front load washer and dryer, go continental
  23. i dun have this problem leh... maybe i am used to pressing all switches slowly and softly...
  24. for now, i feel that the lighter theme looks better, cos the colour combi is more "harmonized" as compared to the dark theme. i think it's becos the wall colour for the dark theme is too light. another way is, i think the lighter theme will look good too with the floor tiles of the dark theme - get what i mean?