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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. business management related master degrees normally requires minimum 2 yrs working experience. anyway, even if he can, go in right after graduate is not good cos no experience - don't understand much and cannot contribute in class/project group. frankly, PhD in engineering even worse than masters... can only be researchers and options are very limited~ my PhD friends all ended up in government research bodies.
  2. There is basically no layout. Just imagine a HDB 1-room flat. only the parents got "room". the rest sleep in "living room"... or partition a very, very small box in the living room as "bedroom" - the "room" can just fit a single bed~ it's amazing how they can squeeze so many things in such small space... though this is very common in HK if you are interested, can do a rough sketch to show you
  3. second part on the baby boy won't work cos so long as he is 2nd generation of citizen/PR, needs to serve NS. unless he declares he won't become SG citizen or PR anymore in future. HK housing market even worse as they are much closer to China. even the 15% stamp duty is not stopping the property market from going up up up~
  4. erm yea indeed i'm not Singaporean... hahahaha applying to become one... see whether gahman wants to take me in or not wahhh offer to serve liao still want me to provide free drinks and food??! too much rite~ yup we don't gamble so no $$ involved
  5. i think this naval architecture is not the artistic kind of design... is more to the engineering/technical side like design of the shipyard and ships... correct me if i'm wrong if you are refering to the normal "artistic" architecture degree, it's a requirement to complete the master degree to be qualified as an architect. structure of the course is 3 yrs bachelor + 1 yr work attachment + 2~3 yr master = total of 6~7 years
  6. that's provided if your sis can finish packing on time~
  7. yea man... i think reglxt's boon keng estate has 4-room that are 85 sqm? and i think the Dawson development is even smaller.... 82 sqm or something like that~ even same build-up area, for e.g. 30-yr-old Clementi 4-room and new Punggol 4-room both are ~90 sqm, but the new Punggol ones look smaller due to the "condo-like" layout~
  8. That is exactly what my son told me - Poly recruits uni grad with no working experience too!! I think his plan is to give lecture and at same time, have evening time for his part time Master. somehow, those frens that went into Poly as fresh grads didn't last long. all came out after 2 or 3 yrs back to the industry. it's those who worked for a few (or many) years then go to Poly that last... hahaha his idea of teaching poly and do part time master sounds not bad also. alternatively, he can do full time master and teach part time in uni... graduate faster and can get income at the same time
  9. okie, as promised, here comes the photos for the Doraemon cookies The recipe: i used a super simple butter cookie recipe: 310g flour 225g butter 100g sugar 1 egg 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Recipe calls for baking at 175ºC for 8~12 mins. but the problem is, my oven temperature setting goes in steps of 10ºC, so i can only choose between 170ºC or 180ºC~ i did the cookies in 2 batches, 1st in 170ºC and 2nd in 180ºC. Found that 180ºC seems to be better... will use this setting in future. and for both batches, baking time was much longer than 12 mins! took almost 20 mins leh... maybe my oven is not powerful enough? hahahaha~ Cutting the cookies... learnt the meaning of "lightly floured surface" the hard way - my definition of lightly floured was certainly not the same - the dough was sticking all over the place! have to put lots of flour on the surface to get anything done. the dough was initially very hard after refrigerated for an hour or so, but once taken out and rolled, turns sticky super fast... sian... started with Doraemon first. not too bad... wanted to try out if Dorami will be easier but alas, Dorami is much more difficult to cut and remove from the worktop without deforming! i shall stick to her brother.... a small incident... Thank God it didn't turn into an ACCIDENT! when i was doing the 2nd batch of cookies, i already knew the 12 mins stated in recipe was not enough, so i put 16 mins... still not done so after that 16 mins was over, i thought i should give an additional 2 mins. while there are many good things about my 3-in-1 oven, here comes the bad part: i simply pressed for additional 2 mins but totally forgot to choose OVEN MODE before that. only realised something was wrong when i saw small BUBBLES starting to come out from the dough... my Doraemons were BOILING~ only at that point i noticed my oven was on MICROWAVE mode quickly switch the oven off and turned back to OVEN mode... gosh it was so dangerous cos the metal baking tray cannot be used in microwave mode!!! Can explode anytime!! Thank God nothing happened... shall not made this mistake ever again!! anyway, here are the final products~ as mentioned in earlier post, the 1st batch doesn't taste as good cos it's a bit overbaked. the 2nd batch is nicer and the buttery feel is better Doraemon is so adorable... i feel happy even just by seeing (and eating) him~ hahahaha
  10. LOL... i think more like RGB than CMYK! CMYK colours not so bright LOL
  11. darling, your room alone is bigger than the entire flat of many housing in HK.... my friend only has less than 200 sqft which houses a family of 5 + 1 baby. so, be contented with what you have la... it's Singapore LOL erm many condos have small small rooms becos of layout... smaller than mine though total house floor area about the same~
  12. bro i think the oven thread is more informative with regards to oven leh.... the more experienced bakers seldom drop by recently so a bit hard for the newbies like me to give advise btw, i'm using a Panassonic 3-in-1 oven cannot remove... you mean the cookie get stuck to the tray or just that it breaks so easily so you can't take it out? did you follow any recipe or you just adjusted the amount of corn flour on your own...? i always follow tested-and-proven recipe to minimize surprises.... too much a noob to alter recipe myself
  13. at your post editor, there is one "insert image" button. click that one and paste the link of your photos, then can show in the post liao...
  14. i'd prefer to have the light grey extended to the floor... else too many colours in one small toilet~ but if you need rough tiles for the floor, then no choice liao, unless you change the wall tiles to the same as floor tiles.... okie maybe i shouldn't give you so much option cos you're probably too tired to change anything now
  15. you can still go Osaka and Kyoto area... Kyushu also can haha
  16. where got trap... i really don't play with $$ one... it's a personal principle LOL if you all play with cash, i can still come... help to serve drinks and stuff hahahaha btw finally saw your kitchen cabinet last nite... yea actually won't notice if you didn't mention, but it looks nice le! this kind of little details do make a difference~
  17. must post photos for this one la!
  18. haha... i think i know which is Firm B if i guess correctly la... btw my very good fren used to work in Firm B.... if you have any question regarding shipping line, maybe i can help to ask him? bro, it's true that having some form of ambitions is much better than having no drive in life at all~ just btw, have this kind of many months bonus is very common in marine line and maybe banking? but surely not common in other lines your 3~4 months bonus is considered very good liao~ it's common for many electronic companies to have no bonus nia esp during downturn.... for Poly, now they employ uni grad with no or a few yrs working experience too (i have quite a lot of frens teaching in Poly), but they will still probably prefer one with more industrial experience. In fact, one of my frens quitted from Poly and joined back the "outside world" becos like what you said, she felt that Poly job is probably not one at this stage of life.... shouldn't go to "semi-retirement" so soon~
  19. Shipping line is tough esp if he needs to work on site, but it will be good experience for fresh grad which line is Firm B? also marine industry? and yes $3k starting pay is quite good for technical line~ and for poly lecturer, it's better to have industry experience first then go into poly when he's getting older, started a family and feel sick of hectic work life
  20. now almost time for konbawa liao~ i also went Japan for honeymoon... we went Hokkaido~ you mean you were there during the quake??!!
  21. 1L spray in your handbag... isn't it very heavy even my water bottle is 300ml only... more "handbag friendly" hahaha
  22. i'm definitely not into feng shui but i love nice scents and fragrance for room... used to have different fragrance daily to suit my mood but now hubby doesn't like leh... so my very pretty body shop burner goes into retirement... just for display only now scents good for asthma and allergies? please let me know which type... so can psycho hubby to use hahahahaha thanx~ hmmm friends78 doesn't have "The Friend" profile... should change to warrior78~ okie la just kidding~
  23. ikea wooden racks got different range... the very cheap one is lousy, but the mid-range to high range ones are actually quite sturdy... but again for small space like storeroom, better to MTM to maximize storage space~
  24. actually your marble colour is quite light, so it will look very classy with white furnishing good la, very white floor is really a pain to clean... you know
  25. wow you are very adventurous with colours! and the main door looks very interesting... the MBR looks huge~