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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. i agree with May_dream, go someone's house is more fun... haha... maybe like what sis mae said, can "optimize" the trip to the west together with csingeu's house visit~
  2. and it seems that invisible grilles suppliers themselves are not aware of this rule as well. hmmmm.
  3. yea the Kallang slashing case last year, was on TV news for a few weeks that time... the robbers went around with parang knife slashing victims to get their wallets, handphone etc... one poor guy was killed. it's like when you look at someone on the street, how you know whether he/she is Malay, Chinese, Indian or Singh?? same logic la!! wahahahaha this is super funny~ yea yea Chinese ghost also float one. bro, Jap ghosts not only come out from TV, got hide in water tank also "Hum Sup Ghost" is the Cantonese equivalent of Hokkien "Chik-ko-peh" i supposed Lady_R heard the hokkien version before? but bro why you think of "Hum Sup Ghost"........ are you one also.......... this is called concealed wiring and is supposed to be not allowed for HDB (esp old one)........
  4. thanks for the explanation... hmmm i was told that outside of my office door, by the sea side, they used to spot a female ghost there at nite.... happened to be a Malay lady ghost also.......... wahhhh so scary... is your mom okie now?
  5. sponge with a long handle is better cos for those magnetic ones, not able to exert strength during cleaning, so not effective....
  6. LOL dun think too much about the supernatural stuff... i would be more worried about safety of walking back home late at night, alone............. you guys remember the kallang slashing case last year...? the young man who had the hand chopped off by the reckless robbers is my friend after that incident, whenever i had to walk home at night alone, i remembered what happened to him and get kinda scared.... nope, not "ghost covers eyes", it just shows that you are practicing selective "hearing", only "hear" what you want to "hear" good mah... we always have new things to talk about here~
  7. wahahahahaha you die die must bring up the arch door! well done! the uncle engineer sitting opposite me said those funny sounds you hear from ceiling are due to expansion/contraction of the metal structure. my bathroom door also like that... sometimes opens on its own when we are bathing/doing business inside okie la we should have locked the door.............. sis, what is a pontianak? bro Ko's thread now become ghost story thread liao............
  8. haha i remember the "stan stan" cos it sounds very cute... like calling some small kid's name LOL
  9. ahahahaha my bad still haven't put up!! oops.... and hubby like not very keen to help btw, i am finally going to furnish my common room soon. Mummy is coming this month, and my bro has confirmed that he will bring his whole family here in August, so i must have a bed for them to sleep~ going to check out Ikea sales over the weekend~
  10. hey bro sometimes even when you have gone through the quotation 100 times, there will still be missing/miscommunicated items... it's like that one la, just discuss with your ID to see how to move on from here la~ missing some stuff doesn't render him a bad ID that is not worth recommending... it's more important to have an ID who has good attitude and is opened to discussion. this is better than to have a 100% correct quotation my sinus situation is same as BlackCookie. i'm better off in dryer areas like HK or Japan, even though HK air quality is supposed to be worse than SG! the ENT specialist told me that this is becos the allergen that causes my sinus problem are most likely fungus/other natural organic stuff that are commonly found in humid, tropical air. he has seen many of such cases before. so need to narrow down to what is the trigger for your wife's sinus in order to find the right remedy... if really her nose needs more moisture, then it's better to use those purified sea water nasal spray to keep the nose moist, rather than to use a humidifier~ and my ENT suggested to take vit-B complex, which boosts one's immunity... it helps cos sinus problem usually can become better when one's health is improved hope you can the remedy for your wife soon. i understand that chronic sinus problem is really very irritating...
  11. chanced upon this rule when i was researching for reno... was just secretly glad that my (old) flat is surely handed over before 2007
  12. got such rule. any HDB flats handed over from 1 July 2007 are subjected to this rule: http://www.hdb.gov.sg/fi10/fi10324p.nsf/w/HomeRenoGuidelinesWindow?OpenDocument "For flats handed over from 1 July 2007 onwards: Window grilles installed must be of HDB approved designs. Flat owners can view the specific renovation guidelines including approved grille's design via "My HDBPage"
  13. hahaha your colleagues are so cute. but the other way to look at it is, since you dun have any 4D/toto luck, you will drag them down so end up everyone has to continue to slog in the company.... hahahahaha (good la, this is better than slogging alone... LOL ) wahahahaha i actually wanna say this yesterday but didn't dare to... just waiting for someone to start this LOL
  14. hmmm so will anything happen if you take food with alcohol content? like allergy or something? probably you can do it again when your son is older...
  15. wow, finally more photos! i like the look of the sofa... really nice! and i think the whole living room looks great! no worries about finger prints on black glass top for dining table... if you ask me, i would still prefer this to wooden table top which get scratches very easily. i specifically asked for glass table top as it's easier to clean, and no worries about hot pot leaving marks on table top etc. you changed the bed frame from the original one in the package? think it looks like mine... hahaha if it's the same then yes the bed frame is quite a bit bigger than the mattress. my queen size mattress is 1.6m in width but the bed frame is like 2m in width...
  16. wah your officer very on... my hubby was the very on one... we got married on Saturday, few days later quickly sent HDB the cert. i deferred for 5 months, just show banquet booking like you. another friend of mine deferred for 10 months. another friend's experience: sent HDB the cert right after wedding, now already married for a few yrs and baby also 1 yr old liao, suddenly HDB wrote to them asking for the cert. my friend sent them as per request and 2 months later, HDB wrote AGAIN to ask for the cert
  17. thanks sis! yea already getting better, but still a bit noisy when i sneeze and sniff in my office~ well, many Japanese visual rock groups look like that actually, i think after a fresh coat of paint, the pipes look much better... so i am very ok with living with the pipes un-boxed.... i also used to have wavy hair when i was younger... now it's not wavy, just unruly
  18. LOL true la but i can imagine how my hubby would roll his eyes if i do the same~
  19. aiyo i seldom check RT during weekends mah i have thought of dehumidifer before but there are some practical issues: 1) dehumidifier emits heat, will make the whole place very warm 2) for dehumidifier to be useful, it should be operated in an enclosed area: i.e. all doors and windows to be closed. i think i will die from heat or suffocation like that 3) need to find some way to channel the water collected as i'm not at home most of the day, cannot be there to throw away buckets of water if i have a WIW, i may be able to leave a small dehumidifier in it and close the doors. but i don't. so.... well.... now i bought those mini dehumidifiers and put in each compartment of my wardrobe trying to move away from thirsty hippo cos it is just the same as collecting and leaving a bucket of water within the wardrobe~
  20. wah~ your buyer is uttering nonsense thinking that she can fool you like fooling a 3-yr-old kid~ even if she wants to lie/threaten, she should have thought of better excuses~ let's hope that the sales can go through without anymore hiccups.... on a happier notes, you are really sweet to send that hamper to sis mae~ hashima would be great for her after the "stan stan" trip~ hahaha~
  21. hey bro i'd say why not you live in your house for a while to decide whether you want to get an air purifier with humidifier. i have very bad sinus problem too so was initially thinking of getting that, but after living at my home for a few months, i will NEVER get anything close to a humidifier becos my place is simply too humid~! i feel that in aircon room it is just fine~ now i'm looking at air purifier without humidifier feature. just my $0.02 for your consideration la~
  22. not consoling yourself la... that's exactly why we wanna bake/cook on our own rite.... can adjust the recipe to our liking hahaha LOL you invite yourself to her place la! .... CANNOT BE lah~! everyone here knows about the Deh power! all alcoholic... LOL
  23. many of my friends also got all sorts of injury from army.... looks like some improvement should be done to prevent all the young men from getting injured