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Everything posted by marshmallow

  1. hey Ely! nice meeting you on Saturday you're really funny and it's certainly enjoyable talking to you and just btw, you reminded me a lot of a primary school friend of mine. she loves cats too! (think she has some 7 or 8 cats in her apartment) if there's ever a chance that both of us are in HK, i must intro her to you~
  2. Hi to my future neighhour~ welcome! 135 sqm is really big... guess that's probably one of the biggest 5-room you can get nowadays~ and, just wondering - have you considered how to extend the MBR while keeping the marble floor? that's the same headache we had before decided to knock down one wall becos we dunno how to patch the marble floor after hacking~ anyway, all the best for your 2nd appointment, key collection, reno and etc~ you are always welcome to drop by my place if you need a drink or something when checking reno progress at your new place~ hee hee
  3. Hey bro, welcome to RT and to the west~ we've met Ader earlier in May's blog. hee hee your home is a 3.5 at Clementi? good location leh! we were initially looking for 3.5 or 4 room in Clementi during our house hunting but at that time, all the 3.5 rooms were asking at least 60k COV (surely out of our budget~)..................... having a fireman's pole and stuff like that sure sounds like a great ideas. so that's the Sir Ikari in you?
  4. hey sis! thanks for letting us mess up your place on Sat i'm really happy for you - finally having your own pretty home at a great location~ it's really nice meeting so many of you! already looking forward to the next gathering hee hee.... and i agree fully with footprint's earlier description that your house is very "fun". hee hee
  5. yo so we finally "forced" you to update? anyway, on the cove light, i personally prefer daylight. but why not just try out May's / your mom's suggestion to use both warm and cool white? even if you find it not suitable after a while, the lights can still be changed...
  6. some pple just became billionaire in HK after the grand "mark-six" tonite. but wait... that's HK dollar
  7. let me kpo... she mentioned the price here: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=36856&view=findpost&p=610617 it costs $1.4k... but also read what May_dream wrote here: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=36856&st=1000&p=630308entry630308
  8. Ely, sorry to hear about all the hiccups you are having *hugz* hope that things will get better from now on. so have you started asking your ID for the daily schedule? i tend to be a bit soft too, so when it's necessary, i got the hubby to talk to contractor in order to exert some pressure on them. i would love everyone to be happy and try to be nice to everyone (is it a virgo thing? ) but i guess sometimes it's necessary to make your unhappiness known~ anyway, be positive and look forward to your new home~ i'm sure your home will be an extraordinary beauty becos it's very "you" - that's what makes a home special, rite?
  9. LOL i thought it is a Southeast Asian thing. didn't know Taiwan also have maybe HK toilets are so small that usually the normal shower head can be extended long enough to do the job of washing every corner of the toilet, so a hand spray is not quite necessary sounds like your son is having a lot of fun with the spray eh.... erm..... you guys can practice the "one-finger kungfu" too... on the flush button... this is not limited to ladies
  10. wow sis! you were doing your reno when i first came to renotalk. now you're moving again! wow! anyway, all the best for your 3rd reno! i'm sure you're an expert liao that quote is enough to buy a 4-room HDB liao......
  11. sis Mae, my instinct also told me something must be wrong so but i just kept quiet since he is loving his new house every single bit. last week when i found out it's probably the same block i really went another interesting story... after getting a good q number for the sales of balanced flats exercise, this same fren went to recee a few flats in Bukit Panjang (the area where he balloted). then there was this corner unit... when he and gf went to the door to look see the surrounding, the neighbour (an auntie) came out. Auntie: are you 2 balloting for sales of balanced flat? My fren: yea why? Auntie: aiyoooo don't get this flat ah, this flat something wrong! My fren: *shocked* huh?? Auntie: you know ah, this flat previously occupied by a young couple. the guy became very ill and died. then soon after the gal also had some misfortured and died too! all within 2 years! My fren: *super shocked* wah so serious! Auntie: yes! that's why every time i see prospective owners coming for recee, i will come and warn them! no one should ever stay in this haunted flat! very scary leh.....
  12. aiyo all the posts here are just making me laugh! you guys are just so funny! the discussion in bro Ko's blog as well! have to make sure that no one sees me laughing in office~ hahahahaha
  13. hey i think whether the black gold will continue to stay on the WC depends on the design of the bowl, and not becos it's expensive? mine is a 200+ WC and no stains leh talking about the hand spray, it's something that i've never seen until i came to SG maybe not popular in HK. i'm thinking should i add one too cos it will be easier to wash toilet... btw, May_dream i agree with you that the flush button should be bigger. this is something i've never thought of.... now i gotta practice my "one-finger kungfu" (一阳指) on a daily basis.....
  14. hahahaha ya hor... aiyo then we come empty handed? nice photos from Simon again! i also feel happy looking at these pictures hee hee... tomorrow we will get to see the real thing liao! yay!
  15. LOL of course la... normally pple won't pay attention to ceiling fan some more mine got lighting kit and yours doesn't. so only from the pattern of the blades that i could tell it's the same fan haha my parents have many bottles of alcohol at home too, but we hardly drink... only during CNY maybe~ some bottles of liquor have been around since my primary school days! i'm the one that is re-building dusty computer at home... hubby keeps nagging me to throw that old thing away LOL
  16. sorry i can't help but noticed that cute little door.... then you can buy pumpkins during Halloween too... match the theme hahahaha this is very true... food for thought
  17. my fren got his flat from sales of balance flat directly from HDB a few months back. the previous owner just renovated the house for 1 or 2 yrs then dunno for what reason the flat is returned to HDB. i think it's the same block cos he is also facing the CC~
  18. finally get to see the photos at home... and just noticed that you even have a small arch door below the staircase ah? hahaha anyway, all the lights you got a so pretty!
  19. we have the same fan... hee hee 14!!! sigh i haven't bought clothes for a long time. somehow it's not easy to find something i like...
  20. friends78 and May, no need to get so much food and trouble yourselves okie? we are already creating a big trouble to you gals anyway from past experience, we will talk and talk until forget to eat.... hahahaha btw, lazybum9 replied my PM and said he can't join no news from reglxt as yet
  21. i just checked... my inbox not full leh how come not getting through? anyway i dun like this new interface... they never notify you that the inbox is full (unlike in the past). and dunno why the notification area is always blocked by the banner. sigh. LOL your nick is very neutral mah can't tell whether gal or guy, so most pple go by "bro" but i thought for May_dream and myself, it's pretty obvious that we are ladies LOL.... i feel recently more gals on RT. used to be more guys when i started coming (maybe it's just my feeling )
  22. hi sis! long time no talk~ btw, my colleague just completed his reno and moved to his new place. and i just found out that most likely he is in the same block as the flat that your sis didn't get in the end