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About ne0mesis

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  1. true story! haha.. and tks for the network adapters! cause seemingly after closing the mbr doors, i suffer major signal loss from the connection
  2. try lush lush (furnitures are from down under) as well and ghee hong furnitures but correct me anyone here, the above 3 are all doing replicas right.
  3. ooo i misunderstood. i thought you was going to introduce some gloss black with the yellow in the background. am glad the yellow will go cause is either make it or break it but likely the latter. haha my house is grey, white mainly dressed in stainless steel and gloss laminates. another primary color can add contrast to the house and we're strictly on just 1 more color, nothing more, so there's this constant reminder with our purchases.
  4. Nice to see you around still in RT! Talk about un-furnished and un-finished business, likewise, my games room is NEVER done up yet. hahaha Happy New Year too!
  5. chanced upon your tblog while revisiting renotalk forum after quite a hiatus really like the way you handle your reno - slow and steady, only doing what you really want and what you really like. the location is definitely unique and really give the peeps here a fresh take on reno since i'm assuming many are hdb dwellers like me. having said that, imho, just wanna comment that you gotta make sure the prolonged reno has focus and stays to the theme. somewhat, i feel from months to months we may feel different bout how the minimalism look as in clean sharp straight look vs rich curvy infinity look. i'm guilty of that, so just want to share with you. i must say the choice of yellow orange is really daring! good for you!
  6. hey sir!! been awhile! happy 2012! i think i said before right.. before you know it. the reno is all complete and look we're into a new year already! look how great your reno turns out to be! browse through and see that you're into quirky and unique buys too! nice collection you have ya
  7. gee.. is been so long i almost forgotten how to upload pictures to here. 2011 come and go and I hoped everyone's reno had been a smooth and satisfying one. well, for those doing their reno in 2012, i cannot tell you how rewarding yet tiring a renovation can be. but for what is worth, hang in there! renotalk forum is here for you to share your excitement if not rant your reno woes. is highly therapeutic trust me. we been wanting to dress up the games room but alas procrastination sets in (badly) and it just escapes us. we set our mind to get it done up this year, so we're just crossing our fingers. neverthless, the past year is filled with quirky buys! here's to kick start 2012 with our 2011 nonsensical yet we-knew-we-had-to-buy items! Top: one of the outstanding items that was really long overdue?! it was really the pesudo blood stains that made us buy this when we were in HK recently! finally a doormat for the house Top: been a few places to shop for our mahjong chairs but none caught our eyes? but when we were at "Like That One" sometime back in August, we just had to buy this when we saw it! we really like the discreet retro feeling there Top: the clock that we've been talking for the past year. inspired or rather copied entirely from a page in "home & decor", this clock from Lifestorey with its chrome and reflective square surface fits the house decor to a T! The lines of orange help to break down the otherwise flat white. Top: Tissue box from Hong Kong too. We swear to you we had everyone talking each time they realised it is a tissue box! haha Top: Our defined corner for seasons' greetings. This time, we stashed away our xmas tree and decided to go for little items to go along with all our quirky buys! Second day of Jan of 2012! Here's wishing everyone best of health and lucks, a prosperous and bountiful 2012 ahead! Happy Renoing everyone!
  8. Thank you for dropping by my T-blog. Yes, is been a year since we moved in and we still love our kitchen like we love it the first day we moved in! Unfortunately, procrastination sets in and WE HAVE YET TO DO UP OUR GAMES ROOM. HA! partly also because we are so in details that we really takeeeee our time on it (but that's more like an excuse anyway). but we haven been happy filling the house with quirky buys though! let me try uploading some pics! will b good to kick start this tblog for 2012
  9. Tks for dropping by! 1. I would say it wasn't intentional. We wanted to adopt a minimalist feel, do decided the flush the long wall with this cabinets to get rid of the recess on the long wall where the cabinets are now. With minimalist, the colors matters, so it just happened that it turned out this way. but yea, it does look like piano keys now that you mentioned it. ha 2. Yes, it is. although not all are openings. judos to our ID, he was creative enough to give it the illusion like every "key" can be opened. but in actual face, some are cut in i.e "openable", the rest are jus a visual effect. 3. ok, I will try. stay tuned! 4. space behind tv is just laminate over it and nothing more. alhtough a hole had been cut to throw in the wires. Hope it helps!
  10. hey there... no problem at all! is my way of giving way after learning so much from this forum too. yea, the island is also our fav piece in the house. Like That One pride themselves as retro chic boutique and they do have some unique and been-there-done-that pieces that surely catches attention. but of course, at boutique prices alike. if you're tired from Iwannagohome, hitting such stores definitely refreshes! apart from like that on, there's places like Lorgans, Restore and Second charm. Second Charm offers best pricing in my opinion. Plus, they can customise the re-touchup and re-color your pieces. Go for pencil leg kind for a loud yet subtle retro statement! thanks for dropping by my tblog btw!
  11. out of sight, out of mind. this is really true. just a simple harlow harlow to keep my little reno journey in here alive. hope everyone i spoke to via pm is doing great. time really files! soon a year of moving into bukit panjang. still lots of diy not done, but hey at least the mahjong chairs are bought from "Like That One"! HA! seriously, haben been snooping around in here to check out the recent unbelievable renos! is always therapeutic reading up the beautiful pics coupled with the behind the scenes stories and close-to-heart journeys hope to buy that pocket of time seriously cya around guys!
  12. this totally cracks me up!! do you know how unwilling she is!! hahaha and boy look how the place turned out to be!! if i may sum it up, free-spirited whimsical eclectic look! is been a long drawn eventful journey albeit the best one to lead you where the heart is - home. is a wrap!
  13. kind words there!! really! thank you, thank you i'm looking at yrs with earnest attention too btw. ha!
  14. is always worth logging on to renotalk now and then because some reno seen here really are noteworthy! totally love your space and the details to complement it. i put up some of my fav tblogs seen here on my tblog. do check it out, scandi, minimalist.. is all there! will definitely be back to check on your reno