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  1. Hi guys. I'd like to ask your advise on the following topic. We are married couple (no kids) who bought resale 3rm flat a few years ago. That time I was on EP (employment pass) and my hubby is Singaporean, so the flat was registered under his name (Owner) and I was listed as an Occupier. Payment was split about 60/40%: hubby pays by CPF, and I pay by cash. Now I'm PR. So, I'm wondering if it's wise to change my status from "occupier" to "co-owner". What do you think? Does it give any advantages/disadvantages in future? We do not intend to sell flat soon, maybe will be staying here for a long time, another 10 years or longer, but just in case I would like to check what can be the consequences of such a change to co-owner. Thanks!
  2. Hi, Seabass, Honestly, I have no idea about what kind of tiles are those bricks on the kitchen.... But those are not real bricks of course - the tile is about 300x200mm, it looks like a puzzle with a pictures and 3D effect of bricks. so, when tiles are laid, bricks pieces must match. This is a small sample of this tile (only a piece of it). The floor in the kitchen was about 10cm lower than in the living. We leveled it with living room, because we extended the dining area into the kitchen. But there is still a drop in kitchen area (tiled space). My contractor told that it the level can be increased everywhere in the kitchen - only then you they will need to make a higher "step" in the common toilet, coz it will become same level as the kitchen. I know that in some flats the floor in kitchen and living is already at the same level - so I don't understand why there should be this drop in other flats.
  3. Hi, Lyn, I'm using Room for Ideas for my 3rm now. my reno is 95% finished, but my blog here is not updated yet. Partial hand-over will be tomorrow, and touch up after CNY. I'll update pics once got more free time. Julia.
  4. oh, I see. Need to remind them to display then. Thanks for information.
  5. Looking on the toilet pictures - I'm wondering - how do they make sure that small debris does not fall down into sewege pipes? With so much trash on the floor - it's very easy to block the pipes... How to clean later?? And they didn't stick a HDB reno permit outside of the main door. maybe forgot? Is it compulsory that the HDB permit must be displayed outside? I saw it many times when passing by renovated flats, but not sure if it was done volunteerly or it's a regulation. Does anyone know about it?