Hi all, just bought an old 2-storey interterrace which I'll be starting A&a in a few months. In the process on selecting an ID or Builder for the work and encountered contrasting advice from the few that I've met. The compound has a large yard which I'm hoping to extend the level 1 maid/store room into a large multifunction room. Due to cost reasons and that this is an old unit, I've no intention of making a double storey extension.
The 2 ID companies I approached said it is possible and mentioned PE cost and submission to BCA etc. The 2 builders I met up to discussed both advised that for first level extension, submissions is usually not done. I know BCA had some guidance on light weight roof lean to extension vs concrete extensions.
As much as not making submission saves cost, I'm wondering if this will risk issues with BCA that bears penalties to the home owner or issues should I sell the unit in future since the blueprint will not show this extension. Any thoughts or am I simply over thinking 😅