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Everything posted by meowie49

  1. haha .... i am not worked up... haha but yeah.. my blood is boiling.. haha... ok will listen to dear alister n dracula advice n ignore this TPY..
  2. Hi TPY, I dunno if u are over-stressed with work or renovation or what. You seem to like to pick up fight. Do you sincerely think that our estate is very safe? (Think with ur brain b4 u reply) Have u heard of the recent break-in at Blk 79A? If everyone behaves like you, then Blk 79 will be in the news soon.. with the headline (2nd JOO CHIAT FAMILY).
  3. tpy: After reading the forumers' post, I would like to make some comments. This forum is a place for us to seek helps and ask for suggestions. We will always welcome positive comments and helps. But if ur response gonna be so negative, we rather it be left unsaid. Meepok and gang are advicing us to help keep a look out for "suspicious" characters and take care of our belongings. Together with why the SPF is not doing much, which is the main reason why WE, as owners of these 5 blocks, should do more. Your mere ( ) sad face when saying SPF isnt doing much wont change ANYTHING. I believe everyone of us are responsible for making our environment the place we want it to be. (Dont mean to offend anyone.. just voicing out my opinion ) hahaa... they arent stolen... they are being BORROWED forcefully...
  4. based on my understanding, if they receive a call, they just have go down n check... BUT, if they catch anyone, they NEED TO WRITE LOTSA REPORTS. Maybe that's why they dun give chase.. Open 0.5 eye, close 1.5 eyes. but u call neighbourhood policepost or 999?? I am not sure.. but u sms me when u are here? I tell u if i am around.. hehe yeah.. way to go, toppie.. well said..
  5. dang.... yaya.. paiseh.. sick until blurr le..
  6. you wont believe it.. i got 4days MC.. lol... too bad my project is "objective" oriented.. MC like no MC.. lol.. but yeah.. i am feeling better already... thanks ... OH... how is ur flooring?? Did your ID agree to change for u in the end??
  7. hi, my model doesnt come with the built-in recording.. congratz
  8. hi, 1) I bought LG full HD 42" TV at $1999 during a sales... heehee .... and the reason why i chose LG? coz it is cheap... hahaha... (The price of this TV had since went back to 3k +) 2) hacking wall is relatively cheap.. abt $200-500. However, if you need to hack wall, u will need PE endorsement. Engaging a PE is abt $400-600. If u hack 1 wall, u will need to engage a PE for $400-600. Might as well hack more...
  9. Hi jacky and dracula, sorry for "flying kite" yesterday... was sick and in bed whole day... wanna go see the installation of TV also cant climb out of bed... 39 degree.. Feel like dying... Thanks for the info, carelinwen.
  10. Yeah.. I will be in after 10am... meeting to go liana house at 645pm... anyone wanna join me?? Jacky, if u wanna come, just drop by.. no worries.. but TV, fridge etc .. coming.. so.. might be a bit messy...
  11. hmmm... i sense some hidden meaning here.... do u mean "please play with me.. coz i need extra cash" I am using Bellari.. hehe... but havent move in la... look nice and yes.. i love their service... So u manage to change ur laminates floor ar?? hmm tomorrow i will go to her place look see look see... hope it is not too bad ...
  12. wah... 1-2 dollars... u all play fortune ar... i play for fun nia wor... 30-60 cents can lose a few hundreds also... wah... now i am thinking... u treat me like carrot ar.....
  13. personally, i also never see the scratches..
  14. Hi all, 1 forumer called me regarding her problem. She is closed to handover le.. However, her whole floor are full of scratches and even her bedroom floor laminate have scratches... hmmm.. Do u all think the ID should change for her?? I also dunno how to advise her... anyone?? (Sincerely I feel it is hard for her to fight for changing whole flooring and laminates.... What do u ppl think??) yeah... no problem Welcome speedmover, Good luck with moving in... When u mean not up to ur standard, what is not up to ur standard?? Workmanship ? or Design or what?? wahahha dracula, I love rusty players... hahaha For me, I can play 10-20 cents to 30-60 cents... no more than that...
  15. jacky, u patient abit hor... i am very busy these days le... (fall sick also)... have to rush to move in on the 15th... Maybe after that I invite u all over? Alternatively, I will be there tomorrow whole day coz my TV guy coming... u can pop by.. Think u see the workmanship n see u like a not first... hehe u seem the very "HIGH EXPECTATION" one... so, u see for urself first wor... If u like, I can give u contact. Redwyrm, U are most welcome too Ey... I am also mahjong siao... "san que yi" remember to call me.... Hi dracula, yah.. i need a bedroom door.. Thanks ar... Just 1 will do... I have 2 spare toilet door in my unit now... they will take those 2 first... when urs is ready, let me know hor... gam xia gam xia... Dang... hahaha ... handsome no use.. coz is my hubby going dentist.. not me... hahaha "Hand up".... Me n my hubby bowls too... heheh learning hook now.. but still GNS... wah... i love Blk 79 sia.. havent move in so many kakis le... Got bowling kakis... Got mahjong kakis.... Got "walk the dog" kakis.... ohhh... so happening...
  16. for the screeding, u really need to call and ask ah-di.... u call town council no use de...
  17. Hi all, Any recommendation for good dentist in TPY? Hi dracula, If u dun mind, can i have ur 2 bedroom door?? I had a relative wanna reno her house.. but she is the "not so rich" type. Do you mind if I give ur door to her??
  18. wahhhh... that sound so HOT n HAPPENING... :rolleyes:
  19. hihi.. my pleasure... next time go ur house le...
  20. hahaha... always good to know more neighbours ... anyway, they are friendly neighbours too... so it is GOOD....
  21. hheheeh sure Hi all, Tomorrow house hopping... 1pm at my house(for those who wanna come)... then we move to babymaro house... then... see who else open house??? **babymaro & meepok, u all wont mind hor?? I need to "INTRODUCE" my hubby to the stylo malo carpet.. hehehe ** PM me for my unit number..
  22. dun...... make..... me...... SAD.......... I will love to.. but got to work...
  23. Special Thanks to Shivan and Redwrym for opening ur house for us to view today.. wahhhh... i super like ur house layout and can overlay ur toilets.... **envy** Thanks... (This is a very last min decision to house hop.. not preplanned de.. so too late to inform Ryuki,stay79, howlupjac and coco_mybibi.. Sorry abt that.. ) Hi, I have a 6ft wardrobe + S.Single bed frame + matress + 1 big modular ikea study table and lotsa boxes (boxes have to be collected from 2 separate location.. 1 in Ghim Moh and 1 in Changi). My damage is $150. You might want to check out my mover? BTW, the wardrobe n study table need to be dismantled .. I figured that is more work??
  24. will do will do... can pm me ur unit.. then i pop by?? will drag a few forumer to come with me.. hehee...
  25. heehe sure.. pm me ur contacts? will update u via sms...