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Everything posted by meowie49

  1. Something to add on to meepok.. it is at Blk79C #22-XX...
  2. hahaha... but i work from home... no office 4 me to take newspaper wor...
  3. lol... alamak.. really wasted... haha ok next time pass to me ar.... ur "ember" or "amber" no need use newspaper ??
  4. haha paiseh la... i dun mind paying de..... my dogs urine a lot... then no put newspaper below, they anyhow urine wor...
  5. hi all, anyone have old newspaper?? My house ran out of newspaper... Apparently 1 set of papers per day is not enough for our usage.. Any kind donation??
  6. yeah.. vaccum every alternate day... my fridge ar... eyy.. suppose to be 4 ticks... but it is big lor... the 2 door with ice maker n water dispenser.... Wine chiller no ticks de... hahahahaha.... then how? what is the MP reaction?? lol...
  7. i thought u are reporting yourself.
  8. well, as much as you will forgive US, we will FORGIVE you too... for all the sarcastic remarks you have previously posted... (please take it positively... this is just my thoughts abt you)
  9. wine chiller ar... hmmm.... TV ar... wine chiller on 24-7.. inside got wine leh.... as for TV... hahaha working at home = work + watch TV... hahhaa.. jialat... I see how i can cut down on TV... haha thanks.. BTW, the thing u help me buy... quite useful ar... but cannot "kiap" heavy things.. hehehe... thanks ar... like that then comfortable mah... hahaha... nvm la.. nowaday sleep in living then on fan le... no more air-con room...
  10. Phantom, Thanks for popping by!! lol.. hopeful ur visit here will make this thread a more pleasant place... hehe ... i set 23 deg.... hmm can try ur timer method thanks for the tips
  11. ohhh!!! maybe lor... not old ar... but not young also liao... haha ...
  12. phantom, this thread is helpful and it really builds up our Kampong spirit. Thanks for not closing this thread. yeah... mine was 200+ last month. But this month got rebate your 200 bucks is b4 rebate or after rebate? sometimes i wonder wat is clocking the bills so high. My mum's place (5I), on 2 air-con every night, uses washing machine 2 times a week... bills is just 150-170 per month... my place (5room), on 1 air-con every night, uses washing machine 1 times a week... bills is 240+ .... but like everyone says, wait a few mth for the bills to stabilise...
  13. wah... good leh... i very thrifty liao... seldom on air-con nowaday... but.... lol still so high..
  14. excuse me, i will really prefer you to ignore me coz EVERY of my reply are not meant for you anyway! BTW, did I accidently pluck your feather? Is this why u are always picking on me? if so, i will gladly buy 1 feather duster n gift it to you. I dun even mind buying you ULU glue to STICK back those feather too.
  15. If BIRDS are your best friends, then he is mine.
  16. Hi howlupjac, BOTH. the bill was 100+, then after the rebate this mth, dropped to 90+
  17. yeah! Just got my SP bill this month. INdeed, it had dropped from the 200+ to 90+ this month. happy ar....
  18. huh? so fast property tax le ar... wah...
  19. dracula, dun worry, i have a hubby who is not as short... u should have seen him b4 mah... worst come to worst, i invite babymaro n meepok to my house whenever there are some rubbish... hahahaha... hi droplets, just dun bother abt him.. This old man can only speak in such a sarcastic tone. i get used to it le... ppl bring dog to dog run, he wanna bring B I T C H... ppl talk about rubbish, he asks ppl leave it there... ppl wanna buy device to pick rubbish, he comments on ppl height... if something good were to come out from his mouth, maybe the sky will fall...
  20. wah.. dracula!!! where u get..help me buy leh... lol... u very efficient leh.. hehe...