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Everything posted by meowie49

  1. yeah!! i am trying to find suki ( my female dog) some friends... she is still very young.. cannot get out of the house yet...
  2. mapleleaf, mine also like that.. but i think some neighbours one are opposite
  3. yah!!!.. hehehe she eats whole day.. lol hi yeoman, it can be either way.. u can make both off or 1 off/1 on.... it is just a matter of swapping the cables... for my house, i did off for both sides... I think it is more logical..
  4. DANG!!!! i dun wanna be auntie... hehe sure.... u can drop by often... she will love ur company too... at home no one entertain her....
  5. hi dracula, not at all ... Thanks... ohh haha... next time i ask mama teach me.. then i pass the receipe to babymaro.. hehehee the club is no good.. the moment i signed the cert... my friends called me MADAM CHIA... $%$#^$#@ hehe congee... sama sama... gong xi gong xi too ar... bonkitty, thanks for coming despite ur busy schedule ar.... i wonder when someone will knock on my door with some receipes and cake/bread....
  6. thanks haha no one parks at my lot!! hahahaa.... i dunno whose cars those belong to... hehee.. but the JP asked us privately.. "wah.. u all got a lot of guests hor"... luckily my outside big... still can accommodate...
  7. yeah.... sorry for occupying ur "private" garage ar... hehe... which car is urs?? mine is the black Honda Jazz always parking at lot 469... hahaha.. ur one is the yellow one? thanks thanks thanks thanks... hey shay_d, long time no see u on the forum le.. hehe.. thanks ar... when can openhouse let us see? Is that avatar ur house?? look stylo leh..
  8. Hi all, I have 8 empty cartons.. anyone interested? I have to clear them by tomorrow (24/05/08). BTW, I am going to Salvation Army tomorrow to drop them some stuff. Anyone got things to lompang??
  9. hehehe... i got credit for recommendation
  10. dracula, i am looking at diamond now... BUT... haha wait for the next bonus then can consider liao.. haha... currently using a filter pitcher.. alister, dun worry, we all knows... only the "nonsense" fellow dunno.. dun care abt his comment and just ignore him. hahahaa... gui99, u are so cute.... hehe dun worry la.. it is better to be late then NEVER...
  11. hi stay79, logically is no problem... but i dunno if i will be going out... why dun u sms me b4 coming?? or just ding dong.. if i am at home, i open door.. arbo, hahahahaa... very sorry... but of coz, i wont mind u coming to my place
  12. dracula, u are correct... they do sell water filter and my sinks are from bellari.. haha.. but the price is a problem... my hubby said.. their water filter is like fishtank water filter.. why u pay "200+" for it?? DANG.... I think he wanna find better water filter system... duno him.. haha got to wait for the next bonus liao... faster year end pls.....
  13. my wet kitchen sink uses those big head tap... my dry kitchen sink uses those bar counter type... that water filter needs to fit onto the tap de.. then there is a diverter to divert water to come out from tap or to come out from water filter... that the problem ......
  14. hi all, I have a brand new Hyflux eLife Water Filter for sale. It was opened but not installed... after discussion with my plumber, we all agreed that it is not suitable for my sink. Anyone interested to take over?? Willing to sell at $500 neg....
  15. tension ar... hehe dun worry.. urs is not stolen... that day at ur unit saw u watching TV le... hahaha without splitters, the TV cannot receive signal de.... ey bonkitty, finish packing le ar??? i still got abt 8 boxes to unpack... sick n tired of unpacking liao... lol.. and the most interesting thing is... everyday will go out buy more stuff ... spend 3/4 of the day sorting new items then only night time starts to unpack old stuff.... hehehe... 1 day come my place dinner ar.... slack slack n get to know each other... lol... hi all, this TV splitters comes in 2. IT is located outside ur unit.. behind 1 of the locked doors... and INSIDE 1 of the small square boxes with lock.. somehow... STILL GANNA STOLEN... u need it with or without SCV subscription. coz without it, u cannot grab any TV signal... for those who plug cable in n can watch, then very safe.... for my case, we plug in TV, cannot grab any signal.. tat why get HDB to come n check.. and verified that it was stolen. hahaa gui99, same same.... hehe heard they went to visit ur unit today... sorry leh... i cant join in.. middle of packing my house... cant leave how is it??? hehe finish unpacking le ar??
  16. hana, i think u better go check too.. coz my neighbour one also ganna stolen.. tat day HDB guy came... we ask him can take neighbour one for us first.. coz that unit no ppl yet... he checked n said it was stolen too. Then HDB guy took 3 days (after dragging here n there) b4 installing for us... packing progress stilll long long way to gostill got a display cabinet nt up yet... hehe ...
  17. yah.... my 2 TV splitters , my door bell... got stolen.. the thief broke open the 2 doors outside to steal... hehe mapleleaf... congratz... what type of stool is it?? barstools??
  18. sibei siong.... move in really no fun... everyday is pack pack pack... and still pack pack pack..... my TV splitter ganna stolen... SCV guy came today n say cannot do anything.. unless i pay them $42.80 to install the missing splitter... argh.. have to reschedule another appt while waiting for the HDB guy to come n install the splitters... my unit sibei "not too lucky"... doorbell ganna stolen... splitter also ganna stolen... **bless the stealer with bear hand.... as swollen as bear hand**
  19. meepok, apparently this old birdy uncle is enjoying this conversation. Well, I gonna treat him as invisible from now on and spare myself a few days more life. TPY, apparently there is something wrong with u. I dunno what is it. BUT listen, I REALLY PITY YOU. Go get a life where u belong. You dun sound that irritating in other threads. Or perhap coz in other threads, u are sincerely seeking for help instead of chirping. With this, I stop all conversation with u le. You take care n BLESS U!!
  20. hehe meepok... that TPY uncle is just thick-skinned...lol hehehe .... he might need to act childish so he can "blend in" with his daughter... then he needs to be birdy so that birds will stop shiiting at his balcony... :notti: (kinda poor thing to need to do that )
  21. wah... this big bird sure cant stop chirping... cant help it... coz old uncle with nothing to do .... we got to pardon him... hi shivan, for my case, we didnt get it coz we think it is "good" or "no good".. we got it coz it is convenient.. hehehe he comes n installs mah... really too busy to go look for lock le... hehhee
  22. ehhehe mine also castle lock... called him yesterday and he was here to install in 3hrs time...
  23. of coz... but give me a few days to settle down first ok?? now **** messy... not just house messy... I am ALSO messy... lol.... too much sweating, coughing.. dusting.... argh.... lol.....
  24. you want the truth? The truth is noone wants u here in this thread and if you would just mind ur own house's bird shiit problem, this thread will be more peaceful. If u cant stop birds from going into ur house, what else is there to TALK? haha gui, you can still check renotalk!!! yesterday i also moved in le... shacked like siao... now the whole place is still in a mess... lol.... boxes lying around... yeah thanks thanks...