She is the kind that never gives you the opportunity to talk, she just went on and on throughout the phone conversation, blaming me for buying the house, threating to sue me, and saying that I had collobrated with the previous owner. Man I don't know where she got hose ideas.
I did offer her the opportunity that I can foot the bill for her part and mine as well, if she is unable to do it. She refused. She has not been living there for many years, and you are right the leakage is due to a pipe leakage from her neighbour house into her's. And that neighbour also offered to help but she has refused.
I did check with the the previous owner of my currnet place, he also faced similar problems with her. In the end he fixed up his ceiling by doing pressure grouting that lasted for two years. She just refuses do anything.
I did a check with the management, NEA came to her house, with a court order, because there were complaints of mosquitos breeeding due to the water stillness. They managed to get in and sprayed tones of insecticide to rid of any breeding possiblities
I am thinking of going hardball. It it mentally and physically very draining. Any good lawyer to recommed?