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Everything posted by gimz63251073

  1. locksmiths can change the lettterbox for you. alternatively, u can see if your town council has any appointed contractors. I replaced my letterbox lock at $20. frankly such cost shud be bore by the ex-owners. since its small amount, just forget about it.
  2. hi... the laminate from pergo looks the same as my master bedroom...but ours is robina..
  3. tv - on the wall between living and common bedroom. sofa - opposite the tv. pls refer to the first page for the floor plan.
  4. the hob is not very ideal: - no holes in the centre, so there is only 1 ring of fire instead of 2 rings of fire - the lower fire: is too near the knob, which is a plastic cover, so not very good i feel. but we have not yet started cooking in the house, so the above is what we gather from out testing of the hob.
  5. oh no..that sounds bad...better haunt them for the refund of $1k.... how come need to pay for design fee? not standard market practice leh... are they some super famous designers?
  6. realised that it has been some time since we updated anything... this weekend shall be a busy week. had already brought the pallet over to the new house, it is now a functioning shoe rack. Somehow, the horizontal gaps inbetween the pallet is a nice match with the horizontal wrought iron grilles! a pleasant surprise. Think shall leave the pallet unpainted. Should just get clear lacquer to spray the top for protection again heavy rain. Shall upload the pics tomolo! Things to do on sat: - install blinds - continue with spray paint chairs - get malm drawers from ikea - shopping and food at ikea btw, was at the ikea sale yesterday. not very exciting, meaning not alot of items on sale...shall drive down tomolo to get the drawers first. Oh yes, if you guys go ikea, do try the spring chicken! its soo nice and tender, puts kfc to shame totally and i would rate it above Popeyes.
  7. congrats! how come not starting on monday? haha... the start of a busy renovation process... ikea sale like not very exciting leh...just bought a few small items only...
  8. still hope that things can be settled in an amicable way, so that both sides can be happy. btw, works all completed ah..? can move in soon le?
  9. what i have said is a fact of life, u can choose not to believe in it. While sounding off the alarm is good, rarely does it impact the business of a ID in reality. There are tons (really tons, just look at hdb's approved contractors) of contractors and changing business name is really at a click of button. out of the 500 views, i probably contribute about 20? haha.. unless u keep coming into renotalk to bump up the thread, probably no one will read this thread one year later. If you don't believe me, thats fine. I am just telling you what the outcome would be. You could of course choose to believe that your ID will be so badly affected that he has no income and have to end up as a begger. In reality, one year later, your ID could be still doing a roaring business under a different name, at a different location and no one will ever know unless u bother to track them down. (which i doubt u will) The powers of forum is really over-rated. People come into renotalk at some point in life, i.e. when they are doing reno. After which, they will probably leave the forum and move on with lives. Just look at the people who are active in renotalk, how many of them stay around for long after reno is done? level of expectation --> just read some tblogs to get a feel of what is being provided. everyone wants cheap and good and nice, i just want to point out that the level of expectation should not be high becos most renovation works screw up somewhere somehow. U can set whatever expectation u want, they will always find ways to under-achieve. Simple things like drilling a hole to install a toiletries holder also can drill wrong. Toiletries holder only got 2 screw holes, but blind plumber can drill 3 holes on my wall tiles... eventually u did name the ID right? if that is not shaming, i don't know what shaming is already. i also had quarrels and bad experiences with my contractor, but i chose not to shame him outright in the forum. He surfs this forum by the way... as far as im concerned, i am done with trying to get you in touch with the reality in life. I shall move on.
  10. setup cost for citygas -> info available in website, just google for it. using cylinder gas has no set up cost, but its damm troublesome. I remember my mum using it last time in my old home..have to use judgement as to when the gas is running out, i.e. red flame instead of blue. cook halfway have to call for gas, and depending on luck, may take 1 hr or so for them to deliver. paying for piped gas is surely more convenient and cost is not high if you amortise it over the years you would be living in the flat. Looks wise, can always box up the pipe if you find it an eyesore.
  11. matashi...sorry to hear about your woes... for us, every little thing we do we got ronald to give a quote first then proceed. yours sounds like a miscomm and no agreement was reached before works are done... think must request for discount la...at least give and take a bit... but i must say box up kitchen in black is nice... PS: unlike most contractors who package their service into a package and give people FOC items, ronald's quote has no FOC items at all, to me, its a plus since consumers can see the cost more clearly.
  12. hi, welcome back! i think the kitchen floor looks nice. the sofa looks damm comfortable as well! the kind where u sit down to watch tv, end up sleeping... btw, no kitchen cabinets...?
  13. don't understand...exhaust fan for ducting?
  14. then i hope my previous owner voted no for lift upgrading!
  15. posting on forum is a very short term thing. People will forget about this thread once new threads come in. company can change name easily, ID can change name also. posting here does not raise public awareness in my opinion. more likely is to shame to take revenge by shaming him instead. i see that there are 500+ views on this thread.....assuming a maximum of 500+ people do not shortlist the ID, would the business of the ID be affected? i doubt so...Singapore have several millions in population. "professional" is being used extremely loosely, and contractors, (those good ones) should be described as dedicated or serious in their work instead. there is nothing professional about a sales and coordinating job. As with other unregulated industries, people should have low expectations and take safeguards to protect themselves. Afterall, thousands of people officially complain about renovation matters! there are many others who don't...
  16. CPF ordinary account interest rates are higher for the first $20k (or is it $30k?) might be better to pay by instalments. Though actual savings would be insignificant since amount payable is not a huge amount in the first place. But by paying instalments it would mean having extra buffer in ordinary account will help to tide u over in tough times.
  17. the only way to stop a child from hurting himself in a child centre is to lock him up. your example is irrelevant in the first place, but i shall still try one last time to convince u. i have yet to hear of any child who did not fall sick or hurt himself in a child center before. Child care center cannot and will not guarantee injury free. Children easily trip and fall down. So we gotta make sure whole area is filled with carpet? what measures you want your ID to take? did he say that he will pay u if things get stolen? if there are multiple people holding on to the keys, what difference does it make? ID is not stranger? think again. He is. How well do you know him besides his name? And for goodness sake,you demanded 100% payment for the tv! It already leaves no room for negotiation when u make such a demand. You are already at a losing end right from the start, and yet your demands are so high...it will only create a lose-lose situation. You loss is much greater. one year down the road, this thread will be gone to the dustbin but your ID's shop will still be open. This is life.
  18. simply put, u trust someone whom you should not have trusted. How can you trust ID? They are not doctors, lawyers or accountants who have a legal liability towards their clients. Also, IDs will NEVER monitor on a daily basis. They only go to site if something goes wrong, trusting the ID is not an option at all. I have changed locks many times during my own reno even though the only thing "steal-able" at the stage was kitchen cabinets. ID will never supervise. Period. I don't know how you get that impression that ID will supervise. Was it communicated to you explicitly that he would? Black and white given? House owners must supervise to ensure minimal cock-ups. True, you can screw ID when things are done wrongly, which they would rectify but in nowhere is it stated that they would supervise. If IDs supervise, would u still see so many stupid mistakes made in people's t-blog? Your example is irrelevant. First of all, child and TV --> one is replaceable, one is not. Also, child injury is most of the time caused by playfulness. If they had been obedient and followed instructions, would they have been injured? whatever the case is, you put the tv there and expected people to look after it for you. A better example is you put your laptop at a cafe and walk away after asking a stranger to take care of it. When u return, laptop gone but stranger say he did not see who took it. Who can u blame? Can you ask the stranger to pay u the laptop cost? Clearly, it was not an issue where total blame can be attributed to your ID. While you are frustrated and angry, do try to see reason and settle for an amicable solution with ID, like giving you a discount off the bill.
  19. saw it at Chinatown, beside the famous frog leg porridge...so tempted to get it for wifey... thanks for the intro!
  20. acrylic better, metal one will rust...my grandpa's elmark rust like no tomolo. from grey become brown. not sure how old the fan is though.
  21. haha, reno HO is just a begining to shopping time! all those things like table cloth, towels, kitchen utensils, cutlery, pans, spoons....etc u will shop till you get phobia! our house was done a few wks ago, till now havent shop finish yet! lots more to go leh... somemore furniture coming in need to clean up... our small house already we shagged out...ur house so big....got maid mah?
  22. then u don't get the option. Could use a portable induction as backup.
  23. ahh, then u gotta use cardboards from elsewhere...like lightings, pans, etc? for me, i just take from my dad's newspapaper collection...hahaa oh, we got a carpenter to do kitchen cabinets instead, since my friend had lobang. so, not done by Ronald.
  24. Nokia 1 iphone 0 haha....protection just use tons of old newspapers if you don't have cardboards... better do urself...not alot of effort in doing it. But alot of effort is required to make rectifications when furniture guys screw up (which happens often).