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About gimz63251073

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  1. hi, are you still able to provide me with your stainless steel kitchen countertop?

  2. Hi love your stainless steel top. Is it strong & stable? What's your damage? Who should I contact?

  3. thanks Battle for the kind words! i guess our itchy hands had slowed down quite a bit, now not very "on" about DIY liao, most probably becos our house has no more space left to put anything... many ideas are sourced from internet, there are many creative people out there! One interesting idea we saw was that people used fabric and glued it to their door, we were so tempted to try! But lazy us... hahah...
  4. hi dean, looks like the primer is doing well? though still a big of brown on the door. my painter had painted gloss white paint on my door previously, not sure what they use but it havent turn yellow till now. My wife totally hates oil based paint as it is very smelly! Nippon has a water based paint for wood, try it out, it works well enough for us. At least it does not stink...
  5. Simple DIY to do a ledge for wife's small little pets. Its supposed to look like this: Yet to complete the simple project as we were simply too nua... anyway, the concept is to join 3 pieces of wood together. We are experimenting using simply carpenter glue, so this is what happens when the ingenious carperter is also a wife: "clamps" to hold the wood! I burst out laughing when i saw that!!
  6. uh? any pictures to show for your door? yeap sponge is yellow with blue handle. Do apply thin coats and mix a bit of water for easy application.
  7. thats unfortunate... hope things change for the better.
  8. high end developers are already unable to sell as much as they would like to, Kepland announce that they will rent unsold units. 2 years later, market will have many condos up for rent. U just need to ask around and you will find that many people want to be or are already "landlords". Surely a bubble in my personal opinion. Just like a stock market, when every one is investing, it probably means market will be coming down soon.
  9. who u kidding... i see such deals EVERY WEEK in Saturday newspapers leh... just not at EXPO la.. but thats not to say there are no good deals there, but no need to over-sell la
  10. DBSS is crap to begin with la, 20yrs down the road, do you seriously think DBSS will command a premium over the "normal" flats over at the next block? both will be old flat where total renovation is needed, whats the difference? DBSS is just a scheme for government to milk the developers who will squeese the buyers thru marketing. Or you can view it as a way to allocate housing to those who can afford to pay more or those who dun mind paying more to secure a house at a good location.
  11. the property in question is a 2 room flat, how different is it from a studio? What about the subsidy that you have to return to HDB..? The statement by ministers need to be more clear, and not simply use 1 example to brush aside the issue. Actually i quite pity the ministers, they often have to say such things to defend their party's position. No such thing as speaking your mind.
  12. Buy on a 30 yr loan and have nothing in cpf? Tat is changing the problem from unable to buy a house to unable to retire.
  13. Do note that for the $850 salary case, it is higly dubious. 1. based on $850 per monthly, it will take around 20 years to accumulate $40k in ordinary account. This means there must be other income from another person or that that guy used to draw a higher pay. 2. Without the $40k down payment, some guy on the internet had computed that he would need to pay $237 from his ordinary account instead of $83. (i din bother to verify) 3. After paying for the house with a 30year loan, the guy will have neglible savings in CPF for retirement. So he might have to do sale and lease back of his house in future. Common sense would tell you that a person earning $850 will have trouble getting by with daily expenses. So by buying the flat, are we not in essence "paying for rental upfront"? After the big hoo-ha, minister had to say the focus should not be on the $1k or $850 and instead, the focus is on the availability of help... You can draw ur own conclusions la.... my conclusion is that though you are smart, we may not be that stupid.
  14. frankly, towards the end of 2011, most people are pessimistic about the stock market in 2012. We are nearly at the end of 1st quarter of 2012 and look where the market is? It just shows that its **** hard to predict the market! I was looking at Keppel land when it was beaten down to $2 plus, had not bought in becos i thought property might hit a standstill, especially in China. However, within a short time, Keppel land rose to $3 plus! Never easy to make a decision to buy it seems.
  15. nope, the purpose of HDB is not for owner to live in while collecting rental from private property. gahment is saying that if ur private property is too small, get a bigger one if you can. If not, can get resale HDB. No more having your cake and eating it, at least not when there is a shortage of HDB flats.