To all deliveries,I believe Mattress Atrium is getting the supplier to do delivery,a lot of retail companies are doing so,getting stocks from other suppliers and deliveries will be done by the suppliers themselves,but once the supplier has a problem,it will definately affect the retailers,which is beyond the retailers' jurisdiction.Is all happening all round Singapore especially during Festive Seasons,Mattress Atrium is not the only one,OM,SEALY,MDC,SPECIES,FC and many more companies dealing with beds.The retailers can't do anything if suppliers claim to have problems,but to face customer about the delays,ALL RETAILERS will never want anything to happen,but smooth operating to their customers.If retailers create hassles to customers is like getting themselves to ''jump off a building and die'',they are not stupid to do things like that,especially they are bosses,owners and entreprenaunts of their company,don't think people like that would want to create unneccessary hassle to customers when they are in service industry,knowing eventually will affect themselves,and it will be a waste of time and money,which is ALL RETAILERS main concern.So that's why I don't think they will.I won't know how you guys think,to me,I never blame the RETAILERS,but only the source of the SUPPLERS.Mattress Atrium is NOT a manufacturer or supplier,ONLY a retailer.All retailers sell products,retailers don't do deliveries,poducts are good,deliveries delaid,source of the delays caused by? The quality of the poducts generated by? Ans:SUPPLIERS and MANUFACTURERS