hi there, I am moving back to a old condo - which is abt 20 years old which is currently occupied by my granny only. I need to do some minor renovations before I can move in. I have gotten 2 contacts of contractors and was given the following quotations but I find them expensive. Was wondering if someone can help me to vet the quote and perhaps recommend a reasonable and good priced contractor. Yes I do not ned an ID. THe quotation is as follows: - To dismantle existing kitchen cabinet $180 - To install 35 feet laminated cabinet with ABS Trimming $3500 - To install 19 ft solid surface work top for kitchen cabinet $1292 - To install 1 set of aluminium bi-fold door for kitchen entrance $200 - To install 1 set of 1.5ft by 3 ft height divider with cabinet **** stair case $750 - To install false ceiling at Master Bedroom & seal up air con hole $ 750 - Electrical: To install - 2 no SCV - 3 nos of 13 amp twin - 8 nos of lighting pt incl hack and make good 8 nos of lightings - $850 - To install TV cabinet Full height & 1 set of wall mount side table for game play - $3200 - To install 3 set Alum casement window at kitchen and 2 bedroom - $2680 - To re-polish parquet floor for 3 bedrooms - $850 - Whole house Nippon super vinilex 5000 painting including pa hack area (4 colour) - $ 1480 - To haulage uplifting & clearing of debris for the unit - $280 - Acid washing for the unit - $160 Total - $16,720 I find this a little expensive. Need advice from all of you. Thanks in advance.