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Everything posted by kcwee

  1. Haha....cow head cannot match horse mouth....what talking you le? You said you engage confrontation which you knew shouldn't, then itchy backside still want to confront? Or you trying to show you can predict "waiting for you to come in...". If that's the case, too bad with your prediction siao liao.....not thorough. Please don't talk like as if you are somebody la. Ya kalapa.......I did pick on people who talked back to me le......thought you went through my posts? Si pei jialat, talk about forum ethics, all your posts have meh? So you don't think saying "FS masters don't use bazi" create an insult to those masters who practise that meh......
  2. Wah seh, an nei wu eng ha........ really meh....i also didn't know haha....must come lesser liao. Sure, you are pardon......pai seh never in my life I got say I'm better le....all I comment are for people to be aware le.....masters not happy can come in and explain la.
  3. 老实讲。。。不明白 le.... 不明白的是:你有本德 meh?
  4. Yes things can be quite simple if YOUR THREAD TITLE and "FS masters don't need bazhi" didn't boldly boasted posted out. Yes, we could have a better open discussion if I didn't have this negative impression of your arrogance. For me, I simply criticise what I see in that master's website, nobody can deny that if a master can make a mistake in her website, very high possibility, there will be mistakes in her audit. Well, I do moderately to those arrogant people lor....not very long....maybe you can search and put in red to remind me again hehe
  5. wah lau eh....did you put in nice words at first?Nope.....still don't want to admit? Humble won't be here bragging all over the shop about your "statements". saying "FS masters don't take bazi", is NOT humble sharing but have NO REGARDS of practitioners or masters. Want to call in some forummers to vote or you later still want to act blur and put the blame to something else? You believe in what you practise...sure correct meh?
  6. What I quoted was a common fact for people who use bazhai, this quote is in relation to when she uses the wrong 天干地支. This comment is nothing compared to your autocratic narcism.
  7. My chinese not as good as yours, tio bo. This is an English website. You want to ho seh ho seh sing chinese songs, there are many chinese forums out there, please do so.
  8. What's wrong with you? Did I say you related to this teacher?
  9. haha....very funny le...my chinese limited edition, lai let me try to sing some chinese songs here: 开始我看到巽卦, 吹个不停, 不知天高地厚,连九五之君也吹动了, 无君之日,吹久而蛊坏,刚柔不顺眼, 有久绝不通之意, 也有生事之象
  10. 都说我是小苍蝇了。 你这么利害, 你先说您的高见吧
  11. 我在描述的是先与后,你是真的不懂还是假不懂?再讲下去真的没意义了。
  12. 谁能看到是什么杂物?我也可说这些杂物的质不错啊!如要讲下去,艮为土, “质”包好嚒?
  13. Midasls, your post tilte is "How Fs master works on site", so you are master yourself? If so, the worse arrogance I have ever heard. This again tells us, it does not seem to me is sharing liao
  14. It is alright to state your view. You are welcome to state your view. Stating one's view leaves room for discussion as well as room for comparison tio bo. But how you wrote was too autocratic. Quoting "FS master don't take your bazi" is absolutely domineering, shall I ask you base on what authority to say that. If you don;t know how to put words humbly, this is the response you expect from some of us liao. Even if I know nuts or a small fry, I'll surely salvo
  15. Si bei jialat....act blur or what? Did I say everybody do means right? No, they can be wrong also..... BUT YOU, wrote : midasls, on 01 Aug 2013 - 4:08 PM, said: YOU WROTE AS IF YOU ARE RIGHT!! So you sound like definitely you are right. You want to teach si bo, why not open a class la. I got money maybe will try enrol hehe
  16. ‘坎入震’ 与‘ 震 入坎’是一天一地, 不用分清? 这话也是回应你的用卦。坎入震 (艮)是先高杂物后搬条路去塞,震(艮)入坎是道路已经存在而后搬杂物去塞。这是不是分不清?
  17. "杂物堆积得高, 叫震卦。 那艮卦是拿来踢球?" 这话是回应你所用的卦, 别转话题。如果堆积高的杂物可为震卦, 那不是动 静不分? 不然你再打多一个太极来指教老兄吧。 堆积不动而又高之物何时可用震卦?
  18. Wah.....so definitive ah........that means many masters wrong liao ah?
  19. 说的没错, 但我要成仙才会唱这种歌。
  20. 杂物堆积得高, 叫震卦。 那艮卦是拿来踢球? ‘坎入震’ 与‘ 震 入坎’是一天一地, 不用分清?
  21. Aeh Cop..... have you heard of a cantonese saying called 死鸡踢饭盖. When we talk to someone.....better know whether that someone knows Tai Chi or not, tio bo. If that person knows Tai chi....sian liao, I rather see MMA of UFC
  22. Haha....no need to thank me....want to intro her website here or there, check properly her writing. Don't when discovered, use assistant as excuse liao. Website also depend on assistant? How about audit for people also need assistance? Website is a representation of her tio boh? Got mistakes means what le? Means do audit that time also can have mistakes tio boh? so all those that seek her advice jialat liao....... I just read her last section already discovered mistake liao, if I spend time to read the rest of her sections.....I don't know le....you say le?
  23. 我是小苍蝇,何能?另请高人吧。。。。weeee......wengggg....weee....wengggg
  24. wah lau.....firstly, don't side track. I oldlady ans your ques liao. you improperly use the term 杀人黄泉。这是水法。 To ans your next " 污垢的死水是伤人丁的".....对了。。。您很对。。。没有错。。。100 %
  25. 辅助? 也有道理。。。 卦气失令不代表卦运不旺。卦运不旺也可用。。。。没考虑 “贪狼一路行?