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Everything posted by lilithfiend

  1. oic...i doubt there'll be much works in the bathroom after the fan is wired up since that'd prob be one the last things to be done..but will keep in mind to wrap it up if possible.. my money's on spain this time..hopefully they don't screw up! we're happy that gerrard got the captaincy though, i felt he should have gotten it instead of ferdinand in the first place. ok thanks jaskel.. the fan will be mounted on a fixed glass panel. the existing louver windows will be replaced with the glass panel..didn't know pinktini also had one...off to go and see hers now!
  2. wah, jaskel getting busier & busier eh? congrats lachesis for finalizing your contractor..look forward to seeing your transformation. btw, love the bosch side-by-side fridge too!
  3. we have almost the same kitchen sink! 'cept mine comes with sponge holder and chopping board..how big is yours? and we also have the same hob! 'cept i ordered gimz & baby's one as well. so mine is a combination of both of yours! haha wat a coincidence.. i also had the same headache when considering ceiling fans with light, everyone said the light wouldn't be as bright. if you don't wanna put cove/down lights, you can supplement it with floor lamps or table lamps..which is what we'll be doing.. did you take pics of your lights?
  4. finally the s/steel top is revealed! looks good guys..but how come so little pics? i'm sure u guys took more right, from all angles? lol..show show!!
  5. a quicky estimate would be around $1.5k to hack all tiles and another $7k for flooring. generally speaking..
  6. so long liao still not repaired yet? my fan will be installed before tiling begins so it won't be at the last moment, thankfully! ok think thats what we'll do..after aircon up will get plasterer to touch up again..thanks for the advice!
  7. .........the toilet roll holder's price is extortionate! but i did a quick calculation on vpost's website, if u bring the item in from the states, shipping will amount to about S$50 which then brings the total price to around $139 too. so i think you're gonna have to find another option..
  8. yes indeed, though 3m is pocket change compared to the contractual sum of 16m. anyway, i'm certain rafa has got a job lined up for him at inter. if only this news had come earlier, then we might have had a shot at mourinho. hiddink would be a good choice, though i doubt we'll get him. the odds are hodgson or MON, both of which don't excite me much.
  9. wow, 11 colours! can't wait to see how it all turn out... good luck..your colour bible really was put to full use eh?
  10. they won't send u bill, only send u reminder if u dun pay. you have to zi dong go and pay yourself if you haven't applied for giro. i paid mine via axs machine, you might want to check with your town council..won't kena fine for late payment as long as you're not too late la..i collected keys on 21 april, i paid apr's fee together with may on 17 may. just don't delay too long can liao..
  11. if reno starts 15 jun, can't it complete by 10 aug?
  12. haha no la, if that were the case, i'd have posted it on my own blog! lol... YES!! very happy and excited..change is coming! though i doubt el nino shares my sentiments.
  13. i'm in a good mood this morning, guess why?
  14. Bathroom Ventilation Fan Have bought the ventilation fan for our bathroom - KDK 20WHA. Thanks to Stryke for sharing! Electric shutter seriesHigh pressure exhaust typeWindow mountingSingle speedHigh performance propeller fanAir volume = 445 m3/hPurchased from Choo Chiang Marketing @ Rowell, $118 (excl. GST)
  15. think its the same as mine..my unit also does not have a master bathroom. i have one squat WC and one separate shower with basin. where is your unit? there are quite a lot of 3-rms on the t-blog section. can have a read and see how others do theirs. some completed/almost completed examples are ossify, goobii and baby81984.
  16. pls help me see if got the shower caddy!! i wanna know the price!! thank u!
  17. hey babe, u mean conservancy fees right? once the house under your name, its your responsibility to pay the service & conservancy fees. so yes, it is under your name after 2nd appt.
  18. yep we know the possibility of removing/replacing aircon trunking is low..but what if? about the walls, ya that was what our PM said - build wall around trunking. but we worked out the trunking on paper last night and to run trunking from utility room, it will have to pass the new wall which have not been built... have to work this out with PM tonight.. yeah, jaskel gave me a good price for the electrical works. i think i squeeze him until cannot squeeze liao...lol. (sorry jaskel ) actually we not only outsourced the electrical, we also outsourced the plaster works and painting to save costs.
  19. eh..is it 54? haha sorry cannot remember, all i remember is that its too big for our hall cos we'll be putting track lighting next to it as well..
  20. what a difference the laminates make! your house really looks like ossify's now..haha.. what u guys gonna do with the leftover wood?
  21. i was also eyeing this range! but then we realised its way too big for our small living..56" leh! so we settled on another smaller one instead.. and yes, buy from A Lighting - their prices are good..
  22. ya his prices are good..i didn't really bargain with him leh. actually, he decided on his own to give me a discount. hahaha no idea why. before i can ask him 'can cheaper not?', he already used calculator to minus liao. i actually thought his range of lights were quite limited so only bought certain lights there. lucky you..can sort out all your lights in one store! yea lor, our thoughts exactly. but what our PM said also made sense i guess. if drill big hole, and they anyhow touch up, won't it be **** ugly?
  23. wey, i never poison u on LED lights la. that's just zelly..haha..i only recommended A Lighting! good to see u have all your lights sorted. got free delivery not ah?
  24. yes it can be merged. i've merged mine, but had to go thru extensive approval process. the huge pipings cannot be moved. maybe u wanna post a floor plan so we can understand better?
  25. hahahha sammy sammy. u so funny. and so fast leh! bought all your lights within one visit...must really applaud your decisiveness. i cannot be as decisive as you.. got bargain with alex not?