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Everything posted by lilithfiend

  1. so cute the flower print chair..did u guys do the upholstery on your own too? must agree, the chairs came out very well, congrats! the storage compartment thing from ikea, very cute! is it from the kids section?
  2. can try best industrial. they sell doors and all kinds of locks. http://www.bestindustrial.com.sg/
  3. high? you mean the bedroom door knob? felt normal to us leh..i open and close the doors many times liao. maybe its the photo thats making it look high..
  4. original ones i think NTUC should sell it.. the dust in the place is incredible..like flour. no idea how many times we'll have to vacuum before it finally feels clean...good time to buy the irobot.. get them to replace the scratched ones..heng ours no scratches..
  5. long storyyy... but in a nutshell, she MIA for three days cannot contact. so i contacted her manager who told me they also cannot contact her. in the end, her manager took over our project. apparently, she has been let go after this saga.
  6. Reno Day 76 False ceiling and false wall completed. This will be our little exercise area. Bedroom doors installed. Will be repainting it cos we changed our minds after the doors were installed. Boxup of pipes from hall to kitchen and box up of big momma sewage pipe completed. Windows replaced, this time its the right one. Problem with alignment of locking grooves, to be fixed.
  7. yea i used the imitation ones before..but always feel not as good as the real thing. but i suppose for large-scale usage, cannot hiam la since the original one is so pricey..do you guys magic clean the ceilings too?
  8. yep, only 16 days away..hopefully can keep within that timeline.. the first round of cleaning is done by the contractor, not by us..our cleaning starts after HO i guess..not looking forward to that part! lol.. like that you must use alot of those wipes right? they're pricey!
  9. your house is turning out really beautifully! congratulations, you must be very proud.. also loving the amount of storage space you've got in that kitchen!
  10. we finally have a HO date - 28 July! just changed project mgr, so now things are moving more smoothly and we are worrying less and less..
  11. It's progressing well, i think . We finally have a targeted handover date: 28 July. We changed our project manager last week..the previous one was disappointing. Our new PM is more zhai and we feel more at ease, no need to think so much about every nook and cranny of our reno to ensure nothing is left out. What's been done over the past week: - Windows have been replaced - Bedroom doors have been installed - Aircon trunking have been rectified - False ceiling and other box up have been completed - Hob, hood & oven have been delivered - Measurements for main door + utility room door taken To be done this week: - Window grilles up on Tues - Painting starts on Tues - Carpentry in on Fri - First round of cleaning Pictures coming up shortly..
  12. carpentry looks good! impressed with edmund's initiative to change the lock code too.. like that you can fang xin le..
  13. hdb reno permit is supposed to be free. tell your contractor to waive it if he's trying to charge u for it. From HDB website:
  14. maybe can use those rubber thingy they sell in diy stores..something like this:
  15. i bought liao, cannot change....its ok lah just have to use it for now. maybe can change another one next time..
  16. hey, your water flows directly into the hole! mine is v. near the wall leh. sigh, i guess i just have to live with it. thanks for taking the effort to take photo of your tap..
  17. okie, thanks very much in advance! btw, we have same fridge too..but mine's white..
  18. sam, very impressed by edmund's speed!! you started later than me, did more things than me and already finishing before me...you must be really excited to move in! congrats in advance..
  19. can i check with you, when you on your tap in the common toilet, is the water flow very near the "wall" of the basin? cos i have the same basin as you and my tap seems to be too short and water flow will be v.near to the "wall"..just checking if its normal..
  20. when i read your first line, i thought "wah, your neighbours so nice.." then...... i read your second line. omg, **** gross!!
  21. ok now's my turn to go around pasting post its to mark out problem trunking to be rectified...why can't they just do it once and do it properly? ya i know!! i was quite mad..the worst part is we don't know who did it. could be the aircon people, could be the debris people. obviously none of them are going to own up. hi jaskel, thanks again for your help! as mentioned last night, we went up before seeing your post. tested the a/c and works liao..thank you! one less problem to think about.. also, thanks for sweeping our floors for us.. will tell my contractor about the chute and the water outlets..kam sia again! dunno what we would do without your advice & help..
  22. wow digging up three different old threads to "share" your find..very subtle.
  23. welcome to RT! good location you've got there.. i'd bring down BR2 and the walls between the kitchen & living if i were u, have an open kitchen and put an island right in the middle of the space..you'd be one of the few who have enough space for an island in a HDB flat! anyway, good luck with the reno!
  24. ya we also wanted to be around..unfortunately we had no idea the installation would take one whole day. that was pee btw...just realised i didn't state it clearly in my first post. haha pinktini..no la one bottle of dettol would be too much..i don't like the smell of dettol...eughhh. oh your aircon trunking oso alot of gaps ah? were u around when they did the trunking? ya i also ask myself many times the same question. nvm, already arranged for them to come down friday to rectify everything..
  25. hi pcomaster, depends on the installers you get la..maybe yours will be better? anyway, creation have agreed to come down and rectify the trunking..we will have to be there for this. now trying to get them to do it this saturday... one more thing i left out, we couldn't test the aircon after it was installed cos electricity kept tripping. no idea why..jaskel said he would go down and have a look today. the installers probably didn't even test it otherwise they would have told us that the electricity trips! argh.