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Everything posted by lilithfiend

  1. hey merydith, you sound kinda obligated to them even before you sign anything..remember: there is no need to feel obligated!! you're talking about alot of money here. and i think you have enough people telling you that you are being taken for a ride when it comes to the price..i feel nervous for you! no point paying so much more for "goodwill" with that business associate right?
  2. you should put it in your signature..i'm sure you'll get more responses..and ya maybe you should try to sell! hahaha..good idea..people must think if its free, its no good.. sorry el nino for hijacking your thread..
  3. yes yes don't throw away..i'm sure there are others who would want it!
  4. whole house will be screeded except the bathroom which will be tiled..laminates too expensive for now..
  5. hey patsy, i met up with my electrician last weekend, it seems he'll be providing us with the switches..so no need to take yours liao.. thanks though!
  6. welcome to RT! sorry a bit late..haha.. our reno start on the same day! good luck and have fun..
  7. thanks simon! pity henry didn't work out for us.. yep yep..fast right? in a couple of pages, our house will be done! SBH is better, their tiles are laid out better for your selection. Or maybe that day we went the place was not as crowded as LSH so we had more space to move around. they have a few locations, check our their website: www.sbh.com.sg hey infinitie, i'll also be keeping tabs on your reno progress! but most prob mine will be almost done when you start yours.. we'll only be tiling our bathroom, so i only have 1 floor tile and 1 wall tile..i'll post a pic once we've confirmed them.. the electrician we'll be using isn't from B&E. we're outsourcing our electrical, plastering works, painting to save costs..
  8. welcome to RT! seems like many EMs on RT recently...where's your place at?
  9. welcome to RT! foreboding name you've got there...
  10. hey infinitie, nice 3Ds.. is B&E doing all the design work for you? cos for us, from the start we gave them a list of things we want and they're more like a contractor to us than an ID. all the ideas in our house are our own... why didn't you get B&E to supply you with the doors? their doors/windows/gates are all very value for money leh! they can even beat the direct supplier's prices.. and you chose your tiles liao?! so fast........... as for my 3ds, i got it before we signed cos we requested for it as part of the decision making process..and i had to keep pushing my PM for it. i was almost going to give up and go for our 2nd choice because B&E took quite a while to get back with the drawings. we actually didn't need 3ds la, just hand-drawn also can. they've exceeded expectations by giving us 3ds...
  11. ya i know, i also cannot believe it's all starting.. 2 sessions over 2 days mah. my hb says i take too long to choose tiles. luckily we're only choosing for the bathroom. if its for the whole house, i think i'd take like a week..lol! haven't informed our PM yet about our tiles..still letting the decision sink in abit..once the hdb permit comes thru then we'll let her know..
  12. wow kungfu, stainless steel counter tops! hard to find in HDB! wat a waste its not to your liking. it really does look brand new..you could try contacting used stainless steel dealers. not sure what sort of price they'd give you but i bet the previous owner must have really shelled out alot on this...
  13. welcome to RT! look forward to seeing pictures...
  14. Reno Day 01 Hacking starts today! We'll go down to see see on Wednesday.. It has been a mad busy weekend.. Electrician Site Visit we met up with the electrician Jaskel recommended on Saturday, ran thru our requirements with him and he gave us a rough price quote. Now waiting for his official email quote. Tiles Selection - Round One Also met up with our PM on Saturday at Lian Seng Hin to see tiles for our bathroom. I was pretty hesitant to decide because the HDB permit has yet to be approved and our PM said while its better to order soon, she can also wait until the permit approval comes thru. So anyway after fighting the crowds on both levels and being disappointed with the range available, we picked out a few tiles we "sort of" liked, got the samples and got out of there. We headed off to the coffeeshop next door and had drinks. We reminded our PM about the little piping sticking out under the kitchen sink and she promised to check it out. We paid her the 40% commencement fee and got a bit more clarification on the coordination of various works (aircon, electrical, plastering etc). She shared that each reno project will inevitably have mistakes which she might overlook, and told us that if we spot any, to inform her so they can correct it, no need to argue/fight/quarrel. I thought it was good of her to set our expectations right from the start to prevent tensions during the reno.. Hb told her we want to have retractable window grilles (aka scissors style), she said she will check. I told her we'd like to know how the double hung windows would function and she said that she would show us the technical drawing when they submit to HDB for window installation approval. Hob, Hood & Oven Ordered We also ordered our kitchen equipment at *** Gallery along Balestier Road. We initially were ready to order at Adamas but unfortunately (for them), the hobs we wanted were out of stock. So we headed to *** Gallery cos I remembered seeing the Cuizino logo outside the shop. On reaching there, we realised that this is one of the shops our PM said they would give a discount if we show them her namecard. To cut a long story short, we confirmed our order for the following: Price: $1,079 after 5% discount, placed deposit of $500. Tiles Selection - Round Two Headed to Soon Bee Huat @ Changi Road on our own on Sunday. Liked the tiles here better, or maybe it was the lack of crowds that we liked..lol. Anyway, found a mixture of tiles, played around with the samples last night and we think we might have found our tiles for the bath. Hopefully the prices are ok for the contractor.
  15. hey mickey, we know its not ideal to have the fridge on top of the drainage hole but we don't intend to flood-wash the floors so i doubt the hole would be used much anyway. might get our contractor to extend the kitchen cabinet base to the fridge area and have an access hole just in case. hey gimz, great news!! thanks very much for checking your place...another item to be crossing my fingers for. my PM has said she will check the pipe soon..
  16. yep there is space to open the doors, planning to get the side-by-side fridge..and we cannot move the fridge to the other side cos thats where we're gonna have our dining table! the woes of a small kitchen..
  17. hey gimz, that's bad news..shall have to find a way around it then..think hdb built these old 3-rm flats with their eyes closed. did you see the big piping that's right in front of my kitchen windows (i.e. blocking the windows)? hey infinitie, replied u via PM..
  18. hey infinitie, have you confirmed with B&E yet?
  19. Can somebody advise on this please? See the small piping protruding out (circled pink)? Is it possible to remove this part of the pipe? We have very little storage space in our kitchen as it is and if we have to reduce the space to accomodate this piping, we'd have even less space! Our plan is to put our fridge in that spot like this:
  20. hi! welcome to RT! you've got a great amount of space to play with..and a balcony!
  21. General Reno Permit Granted Our PM dropped by our place last night so I could pass her the keys. She told me the general permit to hack the floor and wall tiles has been granted and gave me a copy to keep. She printed out like a dozen to paste around our block. My hb specified to her previously that he wanted our neighbours to be given ample notice of our renovation cos he knows first hand how irritating the noise can get. Ok starting to babble here. Anyway, hacking of the "normal" stuff will start on Monday! I was surprised cos I thought they wouldn't have submitted the application so soon. The approval for the other "abnormal" stuff will take about 7 working days, so please Mr. HDB!! *prays hacking/expansion of bath is approved* Shall be meeting her tmr at the flat to work out some more details and pass her the 40% to get started. Will also be meeting our electrician and plasterer. I can't believe it's all gonna start....
  22. Yep will definitely put up whatever 3D drawings are given to me. Right now, those are what I've got..The colours used in the drawings are all chosen by the draftsman..we didn't specify our preference. And the flooring for the bath will be tiled, won't be leaving as screed..
  23. wow summerflowers, that sounded real "scientific".. hey btw, i replied to another thread on eclipse mattress where you posted the price of yours. may i know where you bought yours from? thanks..!
  24. actually, the taste is all mine. lol...hb don't mind standard hob..which we'll most likely be going for unless an affordable Viking lookalike pops up. far too pricey for the real one.. yep, our agents are from propnex..you guided your own agent?! easy job for her then.. and yes, we're quite determined to get the tub..haha..yea the length of the wall is 2m but 1.5m is sufficient la..we're not very tall people! and we'll just get a basic one, no budget for those jets..i'm happy with a normal tub..ah the days of reading while soaking in the tub are close! hey gimz, yep ours is an overhaul, we don't really have much choice. we actually plan to tile the floor in the future, screeding is what's affordable for us right now. have considered leaving the pipes exposed but i think we'll have enough wall "decorations" from all the electrical trunking running around..haha..