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Everything posted by blue8179

  1. MBR cove light effect WIW Study room/guest room
  2. Finally, lighting up up upz!!! Yeah Will continue upload by tomorrow... Z..z..z
  3. More photos... Master bathroom Will update more photo after lighting installation by tomorrow... Exciting But worry parquet or flooring coz no protection when install lighting...haiz...
  4. MBR (Painter missed out light grey color at bedhead wall....) Study room Common room Common bathroom (piping..ugly )
  5. More photos to update after painting... Blue, white, grey Our blue color feature wall Dining lighting point shifted to correct position View from kitchen
  6. Finally meet up with main contractor. We complain about the uneven wall after plastering. He bring along his sub-con and explain to us plastering means plaster smooth only & the wall will not be flat or even.... Is it should be like that? haiz...what is the point to plastering???? For the uneven floor tiles...He bring the PIC from tile shop to explain to us that 600X600mm homogenous tile is like that...The tile will warp due to the size and the process of making the tile (e.g heat...) Means that we should accept it?? I thought the workmanship play a part too.. If the tile is warp then the tile should be rejected & ask us to change tiles...If knew that tiles are warp then should stop the work, right???? Haiz...hopefully can solve the problems asap... Maincon said he want to carry out chemical wash before install lighting & carpentry work. He told us that this is the only one time washing for the whole renovation. I really disagree with it but he said carpentry is not belongs to him so any mess up by carpentry should be settle by our own... He also revarnish parquet flooring as well.. I think it should not be varnish 1st coz lighting also not install yet..all the protection are gone too... :(
  7. Mine is 135sqm wall and ceiling quoted 2600 but we ask for discount then my contractor give 2200. But the wall & ceiling still uneven after plastering. May I know how should the wall & ceiling looks like after plastering?
  8. 14~17 Sept : Start false ceiling & partition. Photo taken on 16 Sept... View from Main entrance View from living area to dining area. We have 2 lights for the false ceiling. One is downlight & the other one is hanging dining light. But they make mistake coz they add support @ the false ceiling for the hanging light which is @ fridge location... View from service balcony towards living area (2 layers of false ceiling) MBR WIW - Cover up the 2 beam with lower ceiling height partition
  9. 13 Sept : Go to visit our new house and the parquet flooring done... WIW (Triangle layout) MBR Tile @ Master bathroom (* Not the correct tiles. Think he already forgot and just simply choose the tile by himself. We do have the sample and its very big differences. Initially should be tile w/ dark wood grain. We ask him about this issue and he said this is tile that provided by the tile shop. He then told us no worries to the pattern & color of the tiles coz it can be cover up using a mat) .....
  10. I started my reno last month. Unit area is 135sqm. Overhaul include existing false ceiling & cornice. Total $3700 (Include clear debris).
  11. I like the kitchen layout w/ 2 access door way. The kitchen size seems quite enough storage place for me R they going to overhaul the place? or just do minor renovation? I'll prefer to place fridge, sink & stove from left to right which is opposite the window. If need to have more work space then I'll remain the sink area @ the window side so that the cooking area will be more spacious. By then the washing machine is a tricky part. Opt 1 : To check where is the available foor trap in the kitchen. Then consider where to place the w/m. Opt 2 : Relocate the common bathroom door to diagonal position so that enough space to place the w/m in between the door & window. Wall bet. BR2 & living room is 4.3m shown in floor plan. Which means 3/4 is about 3m. Left 1.3m for tv only. The center of living area definitely will shift towards one side. Curtain also need some allowance too... Just my personal opinion
  12. In the middle of renovation journey... Think is the time to give comments to my main contractor - William. So far not satisfy with his service. Good point : 1) Quite punctual for 1st few time meet up and will inform us if he will be late. But lately meet up will need to wait 15~30 mins 2) friendly uncle 3) Reasonable price Bad points : Always need us to go on site to discuss with his sub-con. Feel unfair coz engage him as main-con is to let him coordinate for us. a) Erect new wall - Ask us to apply leave to be on site to confirm the location of new wall. b) Kitchen cabinet base - Sat go on site then discover the tiler dont know where should the kitchen cabinet base start and end... c) Forgot to inform tiler whole house skirting should be timber wood but end up tiler construct tile skirting. He never knew about it until we report to him. d) He inform us master bathroom piping for shower area can be conceal coz we erect a new wall can conceal piping. Yesterday been told cant conceal. Hubby ask him why that time said can conceal now cant. He just shake his head said cannot, cannot, cannot.. e) Our MBR will go for parquet flooring but we request to have small portion of floor tile the entrance of master bathroom. Now floor tiles (whole house) r done but there area still cement screed only. We raise up this issue to him then he ask us to choose tile...But we already choose the floor tiles. Then he said is tile shop's fault for not inform him this case. Feel that he is not responsible. Coz he is our maincon & choose the tile together with us... He totally forgot about this isuue. f) Window frame should be black as we discussed b4 but he said we never said and now done in silver color... g) Ask us to apply leave again to explain false ceiling design to the false ceiling sub-con..Faint.. this sub-con always said cant be done by this way and that way.. Poor attitude. h) Poor workmanship - Different level in between the tiles. Can feel the uneven surface in between tile's grout line to each other. Will the tiler come back to polish it? Seems like we need to coordinate by ourself.. We did consider to get different sub-con to save cost but we decide to split into 3 contractor to make it easier. If happen to know need us to explain to sub-con then we should get our own sub-con to do it. Coz feel wasting time, money and effort to explain. We thought we already told him what we need. But he never take it seriously and just ask us to explain to the sub-con which is poor attitude. Expect to have additional cost since he never know what we want and might underquote...Sigh Hope to reach the end of the renovation asap
  13. Air-con blower unit @ MBR Common room Study room Our air-con compressor Sunset view from MBR
  14. New gas pipe View from living to kitchen View from service balcony Our new stove location
  15. Plastering done & protection sheet is lay on the new floor tiles! Yes!!! Plastering done & cement screed flooring w/o protection sheet @ study room & MBR
  16. Update : 3 Sept (Fri) - floor tiles done for kitchen, bathroom, living & 2 bedrooms - Cement screed done for MBR, WIW & study room - Plastering for 1.5 bedrooms - Protection sheet on flooring 9 Sept (Thu) - Plastering done for whole house - Complete installation of air-con (system 4) - Start rewiring - Install gas pipe
  17. Hi Apple, Carpet is from Ling carpets @ 38, Changi Road S'pore 419701 * Beside Joo Chiat Complex (Tel : 6346 3800 / 6345 7923) Dustbin is from "live it up" located @ parco marina bay #P1-23 to 25 / 29. They have wide range of color for you. Hope these help. Enjoy your shopping
  18. Renovation cost not yet finalize coz I get 3 different contractor for the whole reno. 1) Main contractor - hacking, wet works (tiles for bathroom, kitchen, living, & 2 bedrooms & parquet flooring @ MBR, WIW & study room) - false ceiling, door & door frame, plumbing, glass/ mirror/partial window - est. 38K 2) Rewiring - 3.3k 3) Carpentry - 11~12k For the fan, I did ask the salesman too. He said no problem. I'm worried too coz I going to install it to false ceiling which is lower than existing ceiling Btw, which fan are you referring to? Fan for living / study cum guest room? For the study/ guest room will trim to be same as living one. We source them in JB. Pls give me advise whether can make it or not? Start nervous..haha..but not yet delivery so..perhaps can change..
  19. Welcome to RT!! Wish ur have a smooth and happy reno journey. Btw, I have meet this Kelvin form Senz Contract and Services too. But I still haven't confirm with him yet. May be not "click". Did you take a look on his workmanship?
  20. I think we have a similar layout from the entrance to the left side of house. Just a bit different for common bedroom @ the right side. The column in between your future room & living room is same as mine too. I like ur idea to make it as a study room w/ glass panel. I leave it blank coz really dont know what to do with it..haha.. Just put altar table to lean against column. Initially, we plan to have a platform but worry will narrowed the walk way so cancel the idea. Plan to put study table too but my husband said he prefer to have a study room with privacy Ai..so..finally...keep "blank" for the area. A bit wasted May be bcome hi tea area in future..hahaha Seems like ur reno is going to be complete.. Congrate!!! Envy.. haha
  21. Today's damage @ JB L-shaped sofa (Will change the color ) Coffee table Bedside table lamp Others damage: 2 sets of 5 feet sliding door wardrobe, 2 single divan & mattress, 1 queen size divan & mattress, lightings...
  22. Hi, Read through ur blog and feel very touch 很高兴你们走出来了,好运会接着来了。加油! 很期待早日看到你们家的装修圆满结束。 All the best to u and ur family!