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  1. Brand New in factory sealed box. 4 tier boltless Rack can hold up to 70kg per shelf (evenly distributed). Can either build 2 of 2 tier or 1 of 4 tier. Size: 1520mm x 700mm x 300mm Shelves can be adjusted every 1 - 1/2" Tough powder coat finish resist rust stain Easy to assemble 6mm MDF shelves Price : $79.90 (Free delivery) Contact: 86869869
  2. Hi, I have not heard of chemical bonding before. Can i hv more detail maybe I can advise. Thanks
  3. U can use color enchancer. Maybe u can contact CK @ 9369 9469, he has this product and he can advise u on this.
  4. Just need to pour bleach into the bowl and let it stay for for abt 30min and flush off. May need to repeat the process if the stain is very stubbon.
  5. Hi, can i know what kind of tile your house is having?
  6. There is a 1 year of defect period given by the contractor.
  7. Buy a bottle of the bleach (green Bottle cheaper) and pour half the bottle in. Wait for 1 hr to 2 hr and you will able to see the effect.
  8. There are many types of rubber seal profile. It is the best if you can cut out a bit for sample or it will be very hard to buy the seal.
  9. Wait for at least 1 mth before doing the repair, or use a flexible type of putty to patch it and paint over, or embed a fine fiber netting across the crack and paint it. This will solve the problem.
  10. U can call 90820309, he can recommend you some specialist for roof.
  11. The simplest way is to apply PU sealant, not silicon sealant. But first must remove the existing silicon sealant b4 applying. 100% stop leaking.
  12. There are 2 types of grout - (Fine grout and normal grout) To prevent the grout from coming out, add liquid polymer to the gorut when regrouting. Epoxy grout is the best choice but the applcation takes alot of time and skill coz if the epoxy grout will start to harden in the pail after 30 min and you need to throw away. If you are looking for fine grout, u can look for Mapei: http://www.mapei.sg
  13. Hi there, I know a rubber gasket manufacturer in Kallang, maybe they can help u on this. The company is Asia Buildtech Manufacturer. But u need to bring the rubber down so they can produce to the dimension.
  14. Hi there, I know of a chemical which can solve the problem. The chemical name if I not mistaken is call "INS DampSeal" You can DIY and you can save few hundred dollars calling contractor to do for u. If you r interested, send me a mgs n I try to get the contact for u.