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Everything posted by furion0000

  1. When i applied for RHB loan, the bank requested for the Lawyers letter, the Letter from URA, letter from IRAS stating transfering of ownership... I think must show proof... Also, my finance manager told me the bank might sent someone to my condo to do a spot check... till now, 1 month plus liao... reno ended last monday... no sight of the inspector yet leh... dunno he just scaring me anot
  2. Hi, i am interested in buying the Samsung 5120.. Can any kind souls advice on the cost and how to go about buying and installing it.. I saw 5120 selling on ebay and it ranges around 300 to 400 SGD
  3. what are the processing fee like? OCBC $30K 5 years monthly instalment : $579.71 OCBC processing fee is $200 irregardless of amt and admin fee is 1% It works out to $500 for the administrative charges... Anyone know RHB processing charges?
  4. i have the same problem... bought my condo in jun, took ownership in sep. till now.. nearly six months liao i have still not done renovation. Initially i recieved the letter to pay the 10% property tax... i was shocked... i immediately change my address on my IC... few days later IRAS sent me a revised letter seeking only a 4% property tax since i am residing at the property. Of course to change the address on your IC, you will first need to change the address of at least 1 of your telcos bill OR bank account... produce the bill with the new address and the police will change the address for you. Then go IRAS website and apply for Owners' consessionary tax rate hope this helps.
  5. Any bank offering 3%? Looking through all the banks i had yet to find one offering 3%
  6. looking through all the different banks, it seems OCBC is offering the lowest interest rate.. $585 per month for a 60month loan of $30,000 anyone can correct me on that?
  7. hmm... sounds interesting... but is it safe... like take money don't want to turn over to the rightful payee.. maybe i ask my ID... BTW, any recommendation of good reno loan? thks
  8. hi, to clarify some doubts regarding to my case, my property is a private property, thus the issue of registering with HDB is not an issue. To some points raised here, it seems that if the ID does not have a registered company chances are the loan will not be given The ID i am working with although is not a registered company, he does have a company name, namecards, website etc etc... Does this helps? The issue now is really three things, First-Any recommendation for a good renovation loan available in the market second-The things the banks will ask for when applying and the things to look out for Third-The procedures i.e payment to IE, the schedule, the paper work etc etc.. thks
  9. Hi fellow forumers, will be starting my renovation in Feburary. Scouting for renovation loan. Can any kind souls recommend banks that offer the lowest rates? Also, my ID is sort of free lance, he does not have a company, in that case can apply for loan anot? What are the procedures and the things to look out for? And advice will be appreciated
  10. yah... i am not convinced with his claims... hence i did not settle on his quote... the reason i talk to him again is to negotiate for a better deal... he does not seem interested in negotiating
  11. i talk to the ID regarding the quotation and he says things like: the material used for the study table is much better... the shelves will not sink for a long time.... cheap wood will of course cost cheaper but not durable... blah blah then he go on to say the feature wall design better than outside...that's why more expensive... i ask him about the iron gate..he says the price i get outside is not carbonized one... the one he is buying for me, he will go and carbonized... then i ask him the chemical washing usually give for free... then he says chemical needs money to buy where got free... i talk and talk to him hoping he can back down... but he keep insisting the quotation is fair given the better material... he says he can quote a lower price but the material he used will definately be lower as well... quality or price.. he asked me to choose... headache ahh...
  12. actually the condition of my house is still good... maybe taking out a few things then adding in others can still meet the budget... thks alot!!!
  13. hmm.... seeing all these... i guess should be around $35K bah... still out of my budget... pls share ur cost lah
  14. my god!!! i saw your t-blog... the design and finishing very very nice.... it will be nice if i have this in my house... BTW.. how much did you pay for all these??
  15. xie xie... must kowtow to u all... finally things are moving abeit slowly... but surely
  16. thanks for the help rendered... after going through you posts a few questions i hope you don't mind answering.. 1) How long is your search for the ID before landing this final one? 2) How did you identify this ID [recommended by someone else? finding it after some searching?] 3) The details of the work done 4) And finally the costs..haha thks a million
  17. Actually i have given up trying to negotiate with the ID for a better quote... I was hoping kind souls here can recommended value for money ID and has first hand good experience to share... Actually the maintainence fee is alright... but paying so much for so little is not alright... if not i would have sign on the contract and rush the work done.. Fellow friends who had value for money ID can PM me their contacts.. maybe i can quote your name too?
  18. To be honest the study table from top to bottom does not look to worth that kind of money.. but out of courtesy i keep this to myself. This is already the 4th contractor i approached... as budget is tight.. at most $20K, the moment most ID heard my budget they turn unfriendly and uninterested in my business. This time round i kept mum about my budget and this is what i get... Got my keys on 22nd september, after 2 months and yet unable to find a contractor... the house seating there for 2 months liao... Maintainence fees at $220 per month like down the drain... so really hoping any kind souls out here can help me...
  19. thanks for the advice given... am reading through your T-blog soon... personally i feel so ripe off... I commented that the price is abit steep and he has the audacity to say "becoz you are teacher, you deserve this high class work, i will not recommend my design to any tom dick and harry on the street" abit pissed... like been taken as a chai tou
  20. sad to say.. the study table design is very very simple... about 14 feet in total and only has drawer at both end... machiam a long plank on two stands only... abit pissed off..tell him go ikea buy at most $500 only... go courts also wouldn't exceed $1,000... then he says the angle of the room so more expensive, ikea table don't last long blah blah
  21. Quotation: Living Room 1) To supply and install design wall to wall low hanging TV console table and wall features insert with stainless steel trimming **** Hall : $6,500 The Length is 10ft and about 6 ft tall... 2) To supply and install 8mm thick white base glass insert to TV wall features :$1,200 the glass covers about 20% of the feature wall listed above 3) To Supply, re-locate and install power points, TV points and TV wall features side lightning points and T5 lights: $1,200 That is a bit too ex. Same sentiments... my colleague was telling me... usually about $400 4) To supply and install wall to wall low seater cabinets below living window: $3,500 Material wasnt stated... but the length is about 6 feet and the height is tall enough for an adult to sit... about knee height Dining Room 5) To supply and install full height mirror at dining: $2,800 4feet long 6 feet tall 6) To supply and install capentry backing for full height mirror: $1,200 ??? Personally I feel this should be already included in item 5. he says carpentry and mirror different thing so must pay two price Study (Actually Bedroom 3) 7) To supply and install full height book shelves cabinet at study room: $3,600 8) To supply and install design study table below study room: $3,600 9) To supply, additional and install power points and telephone point for new study table located at study room: $900 Misc 10) To supply and install 4 nos of ceiling lights for 3 bedrooms X $350: $1,400 11) To supply and install one ceiling fan c/w lighting **** hall: $750 12) To supply and install one hanging light at dining hall: $900 13) To supply and isntall doubel panels wrought iron main gate: $1,300 14) To supply and paints ICI emulsion paints for whole house ceiling and walls: $2,500 15) To repolish existing marble flooring ****, dining, passage wall and store room, inclusive revanish wooden skirting: $1,200 16) Chemical washing for kitchen,yard,maid room, maid toilet, common toilet and master bedroom toilets existing floor tiles: $350 Personally, i like the design of the wall feature and Study tables... but i think its too steep... can anyone kind soul advice on this quotation? I will really appreciate all help
  22. Property: Northoaks Area: 1249 SQF Bedrooms: 3 TOP: Dec 2000 Floorplan: Type C Quotation: Living Room 1) To supply and install design wall to wall low hanging TV console table and wall features insert with stainless steel trimming **** Hall : $6,500 2) To supply and install 8mm thick white base glass insert to TV wall features :$1,200 3) To Supply, re-locate and install power points, TV points and TV wall features side lightning points and T5 lights: $1,200 4) To supply and install wall to wall low seater cabinets below living window: $3,500 Dining Room 5) To supply and install full height mirror at dining: $2,800 6) To supply and install capentry backing for full height mirror: $1,200 Study (Actually Bedroom 3) 7) To supply and install full height book shelves cabinet at study room: $3,600 8) To supply and install design study table at study room[actually bedroom 3 from floorplan]: $3,600 9) To supply, additional and install power points and telephone point for new study table located at study room: $900 Misc 10) To supply and install 4 nos of ceiling lights for 3 bedrooms X $350: $1,400 11) To supply and install one ceiling fan c/w lighting **** hall: $750 12) To supply and install one hanging light at dining hall: $900 13) To supply and install double panels wrought iron main gate: $1,300 14) To supply and paints ICI emulsion paints for whole house ceiling and walls: $2,500 15) To repolish existing marble flooring ****, dining, passage wall and store room, inclusive revanish wooden skirting: $1,200 16) Chemical washing for kitchen,yard,maid room, maid toilet, common toilet and master bedroom toilets existing floor tiles: $350 Personally, i like the design of the wall feature and Study tables... but i think its too steep... can anyone kind soul advice on this quotation? I will really appreciate all help