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El Nino_Al Nito

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About El Nino_Al Nito

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    Super Platinum Member

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    Soccer, Superbikes, Racing, PC & Console Gaming, Cooking,<br />Yummylicious food, Interior Designing, Investments, Cats...<br />WOW, the list will be endless! =)

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  • Renovator Engaged
    Mr Yeak

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  1. Gee...didnt realise ur almost completing. Glad to hear of ur satisfaction engaging Mr Yeak. I rmbrd during our cleaning phase...at the day before handover, when i came up to my flat, Mr Yeak was doing touch up himself. He was even on all fours scrubbing the grouts in my living hall! Really had to kow-tow to him for his personal effort. bangbang, u and hippobb are close to my workplace. haha. i almost went for a flat at blk 512. Top floor. but wife not thrilled with mrt being bus distance away.
  2. er...then ur study room use as what? guest room? just make sure u dun use warm light in kitchen area. sekali one day ur missus wake up and decides she wants to be the ultimate chef...then how? put lights there just in case. 2 ceiling lights <$100. i considered the noir concept but not too thrilled by thoughts of visibility of dust, finger prints etc. well, maybe on more glossy items? love black tho...my 'evil' colour. haha. LCD or plasma? Neither...Projectors if you can afford!!! Haha. K la, maybe for movie buffs. What you primarily watch? TV only? Blur-ray? Gaming? >50% movies go for plasma. >50% TV and sports and gaming go for LCD.
  3. hah...next time you pose ur question in MCQ la. my posts tend to be blabbering long long coz need to bring across my point properly mah. i just took a look at ur lighting plan. since u having cove light there as well, then 2 downlights at 13w X2 each side is sufficient. the lighting salesmen all told me 13w and 18w hardly any diff in brightness. only when u use diff colours then got la. i did have 13w tho but use in bedrooms coz there the activities dun really require eye power one. u can have a look at my lighting plan in post #31...
  4. hippobb...thanks! i was worried that having three different colours in the kitchen wld not turn out well. Glad it did in the end. payton...thank you! PMed u ur request instead. Hope it helps. Bangbang...lol...u'r too kind. thanks again! wonder at which stage was it when u came up with Mr Yeak? Anyway, congrats for engaging him to do up ur house too! U r in safe hands. U staying in boring yishun too?
  5. Lol...i also cant afford too expensive leh. settled for something in between. Saw ur blog. The curtains by Mr Chew looks nice. Especially with ur granite bay window. Think its brave of u to paint the ceiling. I was tempted too but Mr Yeak said my ceiling must eat more long beans else wun be nice if paint. Thanks! Thats the benefit of an old resale unit. Comes with spacious kitchens and bathrooms. Thank you! Its still missing some appliances and cutleries and crockeries tho. Next on the list Kitchenaid vs Kenwood Titanium...
  6. Banned, no problems...i like questions. so long not essay qns can liao actually that stretch only suppose to have two on each side of the wall. 18x2 is bright. Dun need to bright wor if that area only for watching TV else glary. but since u getting plasma shd be less glare. somehow the shop sent me extra 2 more extra casing and cover but no bulbs. and that time ah huat the electrician already drilled the centre point of the three. i was abit TL that he drilled first before confirming coz we went thru the planning thrice before. but after thinking deep deep, since i got free extra two casing might as well install lor. Ah huat pacified me by saying he'll buy the bulbs so i said on la...haha. u the type who likes to leave main door open? if not. not really necessary to get divider. im not but i still get coz i felt more privacy leh even tho ours is corner flat. haha. wan something that block the view but dun wan to block the natural light.. i had this in mind too. was very tempted to settle for an full height aquarium cabinet but in the end felt its a very expensive hobby to upkeep. quote i got for full height and 4 ft long saltwater aquarium was ard 9k i think. includes everything tho.
  7. Ahh...i take it u both also like to shift furnitures around? steady lor...with dining lights, its like u are restricted to that area only sia. alternatively u may wish to consider floor lamps if its ur thing. oh yah, me too prefer sofa layout as current coz of same reason as u. hate nosy pokers! hence i bought a shoe cabinet then can act as a divider as well.
  8. Pinkytini...thanks alot! i think ur place is pretty well done up as well. Yup, it's finally over but i kinda missed that! Enjoyed coming home during reno phase just to see what has been completed...hehe My Anfield will be better enjoyed if and when the Reds bring home number 19 come May! Dun laff or snigger ok...keeping my thin faith here.... Btw, the desk i got from Vhive. Planning to get an executive chair there as well to go with the desk.
  9. BangBang, u are a real person! u r not indonesian are u? strange...i arranged for weekday apptmts with him in May/June. He seemed to rmbr me and sounded keen to come down...and apologised before...then nothing. Would have left a better impression if he had informed me he busy or cant take up my project. Oh well...whats done is done. Glad for you guys that had pleasant experiences with him!
  10. Patsy!!! Now i know why u put the "_sg" behind...coz u always travelling hor till later nobody knows this patsy originate from where... kidding... thanks mate! yup, sad with today's defeat. cant believe Rafa and now Roy are blinkers when it comes to recognizing that Lucas, Kuyt and Ngog cant play in the same team together!!! We ARE missing our number 9. Will the real Fernando Torres pls stand up?!?! Yanks out! :fire:
  11. Zelly Zelly...u moved in liao no? i think based on feedbacks on RT both shd be ok. its not like one fella can pao all the job mah. yup, could be the materials you chose. i also chose the more ex ones for the curtains and blinds purely because it looks better.
  12. Banned...so we both got transformers sofa? Haha Hmm...u could put ur TV console on the wall side along the main door? that way ur dining table can be placed near the window at the bedroom passageway and can view from there as u dine? Mr Yeak came over to my place last Saturday to take pictures and have a short chat and he commented that dining table in front of the kitchen door could be obstrusive if you have many ppl running ard the house. Wrt to dining lights, my ideas couldnt agree to where to locate them. hence due to my theme of modern sleek, clean and linear simplicity, i felt i'd best be served by just downlights and spotlights (aircon there) which where i actually intend to place the dining table initially. Covelight only for ambience purpose coz my wife likes yellow light but i prefer white. So give and take in some areas.
  13. Gals mama...thanks. Ample storage helps! Though one better not be a hoarder type else everyday will want to add something to fill up the space. I like ur toilet corner basin and mirror cabinet. Wished i had gone for that.
  14. Yup, i felt price was quite affordable. Saved me $700 if i had settled with Jimmy Textiles from Tanjong Katong. ...bangbang is a nick on RT? i read ur sentence is like this Mr chew busy so bang table or what rejected you also. At least he got told he's rejected. i wasnt informed and made to wait like gong gong sia. Lucky i was on chill pill those three times. haha