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Everything posted by pantieileen

  1. Ya, sliding gate is a headache, i practically have to call the gate guy every month $50 each time when my gate is jam. Apparently my motor is too small and my gate is too heavy. And yes, you have to watch out for debris like tiny little rocks Then again, i have not much choice. Swing out gates, bi-fold gates doesn't allow me to slide 2cars into my tiny intermediate terrace. And i have 3-4 cars on some nights. Parking nightmare in Singapore
  2. I listed all my properties and stated buy 2 and get 1M discount hahaha, no agents pls D15 IT 5m D15 SD 8M D16 SD 8.5M with swimming pool Can't be agents these days so boliao mah, send leaflet no need $ meh ? Called the number also no one pick up
  3. That's why i said i'm not sure if i should be upset. Standing from a owner's point of view, got rich prospective buyers of coz good lah considering market is pretty depressed lately and i notice psf for landed seemed to deflate slightly. But standing from a young singaporean point of view then i wonder if landed would be out of reach in future. Wonder how it would feel if i'm a hdb owner or a young couple trying to buy a resale flat. Anyway i played along, asking price for my unit 5m see if they will gong gong accept then i can upgrade to semiD
  4. Got this in my mailbox yesterday. Don't know if i should be happy that landed would now have more demand coz PR can also buy or that i should feel upset because from the way she writes. My humble terrace house is small and she can easily afford 2 and she might even consider terrace. I know PRs are rich can buy landed with approval but can buy 2 meh? If all PRs get approval, push up prices of landed then locals will never have a chance, forever stuck in flats.
  5. Both Hans & Grohe have made in China vs Made in Germany. Those for sale very cheap prices are Made in China. I'm using Gerbeit but i pangsai flush once only. Maybe my body smaller so less sai
  6. For most established, utilities are paid by the builders. They have a special account that they apply from SP Services and these would be used for water and power during construction phases. Alternatives, your builder can reimbursed back the utilities incurred in your account. But if you are rich and do not mind paying $400-500 plus a month on utilities and then realisd that your project has not started but you continuously pay for utilities then good for you! Well, that's just what my neighbor did for 1 entire year until we rang them up and notify them United Nations of construction workers and even prostitutes are staying at their un-renovated house in living conditions
  7. I think he forgot 2 very important points 1) what's his combine monthly income? 2) outstanding car loans How come only can cash out so little? I asked and I could cash out 900k coz got 2 outstanding car loans..regret lah extra 3rd car somemore if not can loan even more
  8. My current house used to be using zinc roof since the day it was built, whole stretch by my granduncle, we call them the Malaysia kampung style houses now. Based on my memory, should be 1m x 50cm kind wavy kind. Some are metal some are transparent as seen from my old neighbors (original never rebuilt). Transparent for light. These kind will leak and i believe their lifespan is about 30-50yr old since this entire stretch was built in the 1960s. When it rains, you literally CANNOT hear one another talk. There's no such thing as insulation in the old times and when its bloody hot in the afternoon, you can feel the heat. Esp so when it's in the backyard so no such thing as false ceiling. When it leaks, well, my late grandparents will put a pail underneath until my uncles or father got time to climb up the put a brick to cover the leak. So my parents house in the Changi area built around 1990 & 2000 when terrace or semiD houses in angmo style, more like European pattern are the "in" thing are on tiles. Tiles u need timber support and tiles comes in european, malaysian and japanese. Glazed or unglazed. Glazed nicer lah, got mould cannot see the black black stuff. Jap abit more expensive than Malaysia but still not as nice. Underneath the tiles, some contractors will put false ceiling, depending on location you install sometimes like front patio or kitchen no insulation, mostly is again false ceiling. so during rain, you can hear the rain but it's louder more like playing bass. Honestly, u cannot hear the person on the line if you are talking on the phone. Based on my memory coz i stayed on 3rd floor, the insulation = false ceiling is not bad, cannot hear the rain. Well i peek before when the termite guys come to check the ceiling and climb up, i see silver silver stuff i don't see the naked tiles so i'm assuming got some kind of insulation above the false ceiling. I didn't feel the heat since my room had a very high ceiling and most of the time on aircon so never noticed. Now my new house, i removed the zinc roof where my grnadparents used to lived, and use lysight. Simply because i did reconstruction and needed to use the old pillars and beams so i needed to reduce the weight and opt for light weight ceilings. Besides, i checked with family who built factories in tuas and felt the insulation was ok. I'm now staying on the 3rd floor with 4m ceiling. Metal roof i'm assuming you mean lysaght brand or etc are also available curve but i did mine angled. Contractors these days don't do their own roof installations. They will employ roof specialist to install it. The same roof contractor who did my house was a nice uncle, he climbed up my condo roof (top floor) after my tenant kpkb raining leak and helped me to prove to stupid management that the entire estate roof lifespan is up (tile pitched roof builts in 1990s), need to change roof. Never charge me single cent so he knows his stuff.
  9. i'm on lysaght. confirm no noise. in fact when it was raining so heavily in the past few months at night, we don't even know. Maybe we are heavy sleepers. In most instance, we never heard the rain and didn't wake up to close the balcony sliding door so water came in. Can hear noise of water dripping if i never close the bathroom windows though.
  10. 100% agree. owners buy landed to enjoy the space, mostly garden and outdoor spaces. Newly built ones are just for $$ higher build up higher selling price.
  11. These are the kind of units developed and market by a group of individuals. They are very very unlikely to drop prices coz the investment for each individual is very low like 100-300k each so they can hold quite long sometimes as long as 1yr after TOP but looking at the climate now and so many similar units, wonder how long they can hold.
  12. http://www.propertyguru.com.sg/listing/12282478/for-sale-1503-changi-semi-d-brand-new-mrt-kembanga this one done up liao. prob can take more loan don't need to worry about cash for reno close to 3500sqft land, but i see "esso" colors in the waterfeature pix, i think it's near to TRUMPS
  13. There's a 4.5m ceiling one at Jalan Senang, 3storey house looks weird to me, drive from the buddhist temple and u'll see it. I believe same builder, or unless u are trying to buy the house beside it?
  14. Because the entrance for terrace is more narrow than terrace and even worse for intermediate terrace, the piling machine cannot enter and thus u have to micropile which is more expensive. From developer point of view, normal piling is easier and and more readily available (the same kind u see at condo/hdb construction sites) but for terrace u need the smaller one, Micro-Pile, less readily available = more expensive. Also, if u intend to do A&A and u need piling coz BCA die die need u to do due to poor soil condition then it builds up coz the machine cannot enter through the low ceiling (if u do not intend to change ceiling height coz A&A) then u might have to figure a way to lift the machine over the house so u need crane = additional cost But but but, if u do "new erection" cost over total buildup is significantly coz demolishing is going to be the same flat rate and they can just build from scratch which is also faster coz don't have to build new beams to support before u remove old ones. If your TS neighbor only sign contract haven't started works then worth to hack and pile together and u'll see the savings there. But from the way he write, i think he hasn't even bought a place so no story. Honestly, if he's serious to buy the place and build later, then the new neighbor will feel Lan Lan, nice place then u do he will suffer cracks
  15. I think identity is subjective. On the side road of my house is a stretch of pre-war houses (but not on conservation status), all but one house at the corner has a "fantastic architecture" and made the entire stretch incoherent in style. Eg. House #2-16 touch up their 2 storey houses beautifully with nonya style, then #22 &20 cmi and pop #24 modern architecture 3.5 storey high. If you happen to crave for Beach Road Prawn Noodles & Katong laksa at the same time, example is there, beside Shell Station Or stretch of 3 storey terraces houses and suddenly you see one intermediate house with a 4th floor after A&A. Maybe its just me but i prefer to conform to some sense of uniformity. Alot of people these days no issue with $$, seen many many examples of new citizens (parents from HongKong/Malaysia/China...funny not much from India though) paying $4-5m for newly developed terrace house (by consortium of sales agent and contractors pooling $$ to buy old houses, build sibei big big buildup and selling for $1500-2000psf, well i know coz my friend is one of them pooling $$ and my ugly modern neighbor house is done up by group of house agent, contractor and architect loh, they do many units in the easy, Duku Road, Seneet etc if u google on Property Guru all same pattern). That's why for original born and bred, 3-7th generations singaporeans cannot afford landed anymore. Coz there's no way u can fight with a group of them eyeing at those super old houses. Then again, TS talking about SD then i abit out of point. But my take would be if new neighbor building 3storey or 3.5storey (in fact after u pile can go up to 6storey!!!) then i'll do the same and redo have the same height. There are some issues when u are of a different height with your adjoining neighbor. Eg. if you are 2storey or even 2.5 and neighbor is 3-3.5 then your roof wears out easily, water from his end will fall onto your end. Possibility of his contractors stepping onto your roof (what my 2storey neighbor faced with his 3.5storey neighbor step onto his and he doesn't know coz daytime no one home)
  16. Hi, I am seriously considering purchasing a old 2 storey semi-d and was planning to do some A&A to add maybe an attic and revamp the interior, maybe move some dividing walls around. Thus I expected that my budget would not exceed $500k even if I wanna do till it's really nice. (500k at this market rate abit impossible, maybe 650-750k more likely) Now I found out that the next door semi-d which is the other half of my potential house is going to tear down and build to 3 storeys! Saw the drawings and it is really nice and very huge. Now I think my potential house might look less attractive compared to the new one next door (currently it's in a similar or worse condition). (i'll do the same as them if i were you. Keep the same exterior facade look, interior can be different since it depends on your family) I have called the builders for the house next door to check and they said my potential neighbour is spending around $1m or so. That's quite out of my budget considering that the price of the house is already quite a bit at this time. (Did you check what are your new neighbors intending to do? 1m possibly is no lift, got piling, bomb shelter, 6bedrooms 6 toilets etc, maybe no swimming pool) My question is, should I stretch my finances and consider a rebuild too so that both house will look as nice or just stick to original plan? And a further question, does anyone have any idea if I can save money by using the same building company? I am quite lost! (If i were you, i'll contact the new owners, ask if they have paid builder already, if not, share resources. Pile both houses together, he save 50%, you also save 50% on some cost, point is, future buyers for your property if you are intending to sell will also based price on exterior facade, land size, build up area. So maybe you can play cheat, make front look similar then lower cost for interior materials and back of the house) Thanks in advance, from a complete newbie to landed property/major reno. (Forgot to add, the land size is approx 3500 sq ft.)
  17. I've got a newbie question and hope some of you experts can help. I'm going to engage a builder. 1) What's the "usual" payment schedule? e.g. ?% deposit, ?% when what work is completed, any % held back after completion? -Deposit, could be 10-20% but i paid 10% -Appropriate amount when they have completed certain job. Eg. When they completed Temporary hoarding, insurance etc etc for that month then they'll send you the invoice and you pay. When they finish lights, you pay for electrician bills etc. Hold back 5% after completion but depends some say 5-10%.Remember, don't stupid stupid like my parents generation pay lump sum then contractor jabok 2) Who bears the utilities bill when construction is being done? I've heard that the contractor bears, if that's so how is this done? Builder will bear but the moment PUB and SP Services install new facilities then you'll have to open account under your name so you'll start to pay first but remember to collate your bills and ask contractor to refund you. Honestly, the amount wasn't big for me, less than $30 for 3months before i moved in so i just paid myself. Give and take. Before PUB and SP Services lay cables outside your house, builder will apply for temporary permit so they have their own account to pay for electricity and water which they use during construction purposes but honestly, this amount is actually factored inside your quotation when you sign contract just that they hide it under utilities or other charges.
  18. 700k was TOP Jan 2011, but can't be up by 100% mah in say what 2yr? They probably got family discount since family of O&O but also can't be 50% discount, ok lah say free consultation and drawing but still must pay for materials, materials don't drop from sky.
  19. Who u consulted sia? Ong & Ong? They did my neighbor's semi-D only cost 700k with furnishings, total re-erection with piling and lift and crap. U kana chop carrot isit! Normally the entire process of reconstruction onwards takes 10-12months you pay by per month basis but also quite siong lah
  20. Honestly most 40-60yo terrace same pattern coz my family is in the construction biz after WWII, last time not many architectural firms mah so all copy same pattern. From East Coast to Bukit Timah if you notice all same same Downstairs = living room, dining room, kitchen, granny room, outdoor kitchen, 1 common toilet Staircase = normally not facing maindoor (fengshui) then got those pocket tiles (for ventilation) Floor = last time using mosaic (nice lah but cleaning is a headache but can use any form of detergent even bleach works wonders) outdoor kitchen = if original owner then mostly is cement which means as new owner you need to just hack and put tiles Upstairs = if it's semiD, there'll be 3bedrooms, masterbedroom always faces front (again fengshui) with ensuite toilets, 2other bedrooms behind share 1 toilet and longest pattern. if its terrace then same thing but there's just 3bedroom, no masterbedroom. And there'll always be a balcony in the front. If you heng, some old houses covered up their balcony into bedroom and got it approved as bedroom many years ago, if suay then not converted means if you erect then cannot be kept as balcony only under A&A can be retained as balcony. Overall these days for semiD & corner terrace, new erection would be around 700k - 1M (must build bomb shelter), inter terrace around 400-550k for reconstruction or major A&A with extension (normally need piling, BCA these days very very niow of coz with piling they also make more $$ for authorization admin fees). And both cases need PE, Architect and builder, average 10-12months. if just minor reno, no major changes in structural then less 100-120k reasonable market rate, 200k can get you good furnishings (marble, grohe, hansgrohe, parquet flooring, EU kitchen etc), HDB/Condo contractors can do your job. takes about 3-4months Seriously hor, some guru should just post terminology and market rates lah, everyone asking same questions.
  21. 100 very difficult but 100-120k possible. In fact, don't even need builder, any contractor can do for you. But doubt would be easy to find contractor now. Everyone's rushing for CNY. Sidenote, so happy that my immediate neighbor's A&A going to be done by CNY started in Sep when i was in New York, did all the above you needed but more extensive by hacking several walls, rebuilding new walls, now doing exterior and interior plastering liao. Finally don't have an ugly dumpsite to greet visitors during CNY for me. Kudos to my builder for rushing their project too!
  22. i tot u referring to govt and policies! Then i tot end 2013 mid 2014 = recession so govt pok liao use finish reserve must go back to normal sia
  23. Ya my contractor told me 30% increase in material and labour wor so now reconstruct inter-terrace 2.5 become 3.5storey is 700k for conservation house, front facade still 2.5tall...so no point no one read the daniel ong complain his neighbor drilling non-stop ah! Wonder where he stay wor...his neighbor worth 5-6m and his only 2.5m??? http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/547013_10151334458421004_2063668506_n.jpg read liao feel that Daniel Ong never check BCA/URA website before he slam bollywood. Add half a storey/ or 1storey is also considered as reconstruction. Tear down everything flat is call erection..maybe he think erection is kkj erect but sigh...quite disappointed at his letter After move in sure must still do mah...coz 1year warranty period before u pay the last 5-10% of coz must do, i lagi more niow ask to repaint the whole house (coz i want to change color...cheapo i know). And reconstruction is standard 10months, new erection maybe slightly faster by 1month, he ish really no experience sia But i must say the neighbor also don't know how to "zhuo ren" at least before u reno, you send a letter tell your neighbor will take how many months to reno or verbally tell them, send your left right neighbor cakes and stuff to apologise for the noise.