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Everything posted by purecat

  1. Hi i am not certain if i understand ur question correctly ? 1st 4 room is in Woodlands, 2nd 4room is in JE. Part of the sales proceeds of 1st flat will go back to CPF while 2nd flat we finance slowly using CPF (bank loan ) What happen in the past was we paid 20% ( last time downpayment was 20% ), bank loan can only borrow up to 80%. When you pay bank loan and interest using CPF, there is a CPF withdrawal limit, hence balance of loan you need to pay in cash. We fully paid our loan for current 4 room flat in year 4 and yes we exceed the valuation price. Hence the excess are supposed to be paid in cash. However, we wrote in to HDB to appeal and since they see that our age are still quite young, they allowed us to use our CPF balance.
  2. Normally it is 6 to 8 weeks On the day of 1st appointment before going in, we discussed with owner and agreed to be 5 weeks ( since they already shift around 3rd week ) We didnt prepare any letter. Just tell the officer will do. HDB officer agreed. She said not earlier than 5 weeks because CPF board side also need time to check your HPS application. However on our sales of current flat.... die die we must stretch to at least 6 weeks ( even though we know buyer wanted earlier ) because we need time for reno and house shifting.
  3. Thoughts Sharing 1 Apr 2010 At last, Flat officially ours effective 25th March afternoon! The sellers were very kind. They have left behind up a fridge, two tables and a movable wardrobe, which were donated to husband's workers. They also left behind a king size mattress except the one of husband's worker back out the offer last min. So ended up, dear husband n his bro has to carry it off last sun despite its weight ! Sellers were a family of avid readers. Their children must be mysteries and horror stories lovers while parents are more into Chinese life accounts types of books. Sorted thru the stacks given by them last sunday, we have like 4 huge bags ( size of Ikea Bags ) to be carried back to our current place. We donated two bagful to National Library and kept balance to be added to our own book collection. The same sunday, we met up with Allan for formality hacking , to pass him the bal of 30% initial payment and then then discussed reno stuff (eg removal of the arches or do you call them cornices ?, aircon trunking placement, electrical points layout etc etc ) We initially wanted to "flush" the height of the false ceiling for the foyer ( to 3 bedrooms ) to cover the ugly beams but was convinced by Allan not to, as the height will make them too low. I understand on Monday, contractors will start dismendling the custom-made cabinets, tables, bedframes, kitchen cabinets, electrical cabling. Tuesday, they started on the hacking of the floor tiles. I did a quick check on Tuesday eveing despite the thining light. ( since it is like 7pm ! and skies outside is dark !) Personally, I was quite pleased with the speed. All tiles appeared to be hacked already, though honestly not sure about the bedrooms since I am in heels and only taking a peek from the main door. Wed eve ( ie yesterday ), I drop by again and the bedroom doors and frames are coming off and probably more hacking already done. Supposingly , today will be debris clearing day ? We were told that tiling will begin next week! Anyway we will return tml during day time and check out if we can take some pictures to post here. This long weekend, we will most probably have to start shopping for the kitchen sink + tap, cooker hood & hob and the bathroom accessories. And we will also be meeting Allan to make our choice of the laminates for the window grilles , cabinets, the veneer doors, the toilet bowls n basin & taps, etc. Already looking forward to the weekend ... Ok as for now back to work
  4. Hi Kelvinkezz , we are thinking of getting a granite sink as well. Care to share how much did you pay for yours ? Nice Chimney Style Hood . How much did you pay for the Hood ? And where did u get it from ?
  5. Welcome to T Blog A.M.E ! Your place look big ! 4 bedrooms (study rm inc) ! We also just collected our keys officially today !
  6. we bought the bigger size ( hence 2x13 watts ) think listed price is $28each. After disc $25 each. Smaller one i think is $23 ( 1X 13 watts )
  7. Help Required ! Anyone know if contractor are able to separate between the Fibre Optics Cable n the normal electrical cabling ? Will be rewiring whole house ? Do my contractor have to call Opensys ? The location is kinda odd. haiz...
  8. 008 Photos Before Renovation ( continue from earlier post ) Need to remove all the cornices in the house.. at Foyer for the 3 bedrooms... we will flush the height per beam.... no choice to avoid two ugly beams. Need to remove the balcony door frame ( no balcony doors anyway !) Study Room ( that also explain our high hacking costs, need to remove custom made study tables, bedframe , dresser etc. ) Celeste's Room ( more hacking required !)
  9. 008 Photos Before Renovation (continue from earlier post.) Master BedRoom Master BedRoom Toilet Ceiling of Main Entrance ( Thinking of flushing the same height as the hanging beam initially but that will means a very low ceiling at entrance... haiz will forgo ) to be continued...
  10. 008 Photos Before Renovation Living Room Dining Room Kitchen Common Toilet to be continued
  11. continue... Study Room ( I prefer the aluminium holder to be on the other way ) Bathroom Lighting Kitchen Lighting Downlights for Living Room, Foyer , Main Entrance & Dining Room
  12. 007 Lightings From Chelsea Lightings @ Jurong East ( Opp Chinese Garden MRT) Total Costs =$1660 + 2 more downlight to order Living Room Main Ice Cubes Series Lighting ( Multi colour changes + white light ) Dining Room Ice Cubes Series Hanging Lights Master BedRoom ( All combination of warm or white lights ) Celeste's BedRoom ( chosen by her ) to be continued....
  13. yah i was quite impressed with that sediment flakes paint... we are doing it for the balcony walls ! Kitchen because i want it plain white or cream colour, so will change all tiles.
  14. Hi everyone , i am still new to this Fibre Optics thingy. My New 5rm just have it installed while in the hands of the seller ( whole block is doing it ) if they asked them to come back another time, it is $200. So consider lucky ? But now question is I need to rewire whole house, is there any way where the contractors will not remove it wrongly ? it is just next to SCV point ? are they sharing anything ???
  15. gosh ! in my current 4 room we dont even have a full length mirror. because not sure where to put so the only place u will find mirrors are in the toilet. in upcoming 5 room, intending to put in dining room. however now checking the costs .. may change mind... too ex. hahaha. i would think majority would choose to put mirror to make the room look bigger, and for us ladies, i hope to ck my dressing before i go out. though only cos of fengshui... so also have to be careful the exact placement location... quite mafan eh.... now colleague tell me if u get the cheap ikea kind and it falls down latter.... suay 7 yrs ! really let me think twice now lolz.
  16. 144 means 一世势 。 Looking on the bright side means "Your whole life will have power !" People are unique creatures while Chinese think 13 is good , some Americans will think is bad. Was told by a colleague recently that some of their buildings dont have 13th floor. My unit no doesnt sound good 1724, but i look on the positive side 易财二世. And even before shifting in , I already strike 2 times 4D (small prizes though and still waiting for the big one to finance my renovation haha) 。I wasnt even buying 4D regulary in the past but my mum say, the no. came up jumble so many times ( think was 3xs and a few times 1 digit miss by few nos. ) She say wealth is in the way so must buy. And I choose to believe it the good way . You may want to read my T-Blog , I did a writeup on this. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?sh...rt=#entry480418 More importantly, you must find a flat u like and you are comfortable with.
  17. The direction where we will be sleeping under ( suppose to point to Husband's good gua direction ) but we will also be under a " tiny beam " To avoid ( just like in current flat ), we are building a backing ( it is like a false ceiling material dunno call wat but instead of ceiling it is on the back of your bedframe which after painting is like a wall. ) Hence this means it allows the wall on the back of your bed to flush out. Hence the beam will have the same alignment as the " fake " wall. But this also means ur room gets smaller. Ours just a bit since the beam is narrow. Not sure about yours.
  18. Better give a disclaimer first. I am reading from one of Lilian Too's book, work or not is a big dunno. SW is for relationship and SW is represented by earth. Hence Yellow will be good. To enhance earth, I think people can use red ( to represent fire ) and tones of red. For my upcoming flat, some will be yellow some will be pink . East is Family and Health corner. It is represented by Wood. Hence anything to do with wood/ green will be good. Water is said to enhance wood, hence Blue will be a good choice. South Corner is for fame , represented by fire. Red is a good choice. Some uses green, as feeding wood to Fire will enhance fame corner.
  19. 006 TILES SELECTION Mosiac Tiles to use for bathroom Combination of tiles for both toilets. Blue for MBR, Black for Common Toilet. Toilet Tiles Kitchen Tiles ( But we decided to drop the brown one because the cabinets will likely be wooden laminate ) Living Room/ Dining & BedRooms Floor Tiles
  20. Reading from fengshui books, think it is good to reflect on food to " double it up ". And if place in living room, " double up " the joys and laughter of the family time together infront of TV. But i suppose if a family always quarrel, it may also double up also ? So for us for new flat, I choose to put it reflecting food in dining room. However do make sure the angle u put do not face the kitchen entrance. Read somewhere that says that has the effect of doubling " fire " ... dunno how true though.
  21. All the 5 room flats we viewed in JE is asking for min 40 COV if not 50k ( with not much reno kind ) We are consider very lucky to find one that ask for 30k and we manage to bargain down to 15k ( major overhaul required )
  22. huh ! how can this happen. why would you go agree if you are not ready to shift ? at least should stretch the maximum 8 weeks !
  23. hopefully didnt remember wrongly. if cov is more than 10% of the purchase price, you only pay 10% within 10 days from date of 1st appointment to HDB. balance of the cov is paid on 2nd appointment also to HDB. If you COV is less than 10%. you pay them in full within 10 days from date of 1st appt to HDB. On 2nd appmt, HDB will then pay whatever that need to be paid to the sellers.
  24. Hi Pisces_ land please check your PM. Rgds