I have done 4 renovations. I am sourcing for my next renovation now.
All Id's have there particular style, big set ups are different from small. But again big ones come with a price and some time no surety of good workmanship.
Well, the same one goes for small one too. The ID has to be sincere and said what they promised. So set a hard and high standard when you first met. Those that can't meet the criteria will fall back. You have to be firm and yet reasonable.
Let me give you a tip, if you want your reno with new ID to be pleasent, "treat your ID with some respect. Let them be the boss and share your concerns and view points". Aviod bossiness, demanding and learn proper communication, pateince and more patience. Stand for your rights (also your quotes), yet be accomdating to some minor mistakes (which is bound to happen).
Sorry brother. ID and clients are 2 ways communication. But ultimately, clients are paying the IDs. So when my boss pay my salary every month, am I suppose to be the boss??
Yes, treat ID with respect. But respect needs to be earned.
Lastly, you are the pay master, you are going to stay in the house for many years. ID at most need to be patience and share the pain for a few days. If they meet the standards, there won't be any pain for anyone of us.
My second ID, I engaged was bad. I got him in 2003. The last I heard, he has busted himself out of job due to his bad temper and ego!!!