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Everything posted by bepgof

  1. 之,人之师也 龙,万物之首也 金,贵重也 The king of the kings, the master of the masters, the best of the bests, the most expensive of the most expensive ! Good name ? 非也
  2. A typical case of humanic behaviour seeking for conformance/acceptance. Spiritual beings 'live' in everywhere, could be in 4th, 5th, 6th..... dimensions. Come and go at any time/place and appear in any dimensions. Communicating to them is not limited to a specific 'place' or a specific 'pattern'. They understand your mind/heart/soul without you telling 'them'.
  3. Buy. No parties interested to know what had happened to this 'once-very-important' room, the rule and regulation.....
  4. Fauzi should be 'young' enough encountering such conflicting decision making process with 'seductive choices' available driving him/her to void/breaking the commercial contract which he/she has earlier entered into, for better 'value for money'. Why signed something which 'do not need'? Under certain external undue influences....?
  5. Human live in community - individuals behaviours often seek for acknowlegement, recognition and conformance for 'acceptance' in order to be remained in the community. Failing the acceptance, will be treated as if like 'alien'. To certain extend, human behavious are often 'herding' without logical reasoning due to pressure for conformance!. These values, norms.....form part of 'culture'. Only individuals with artistic DNA love to behave as if 'alien' - they dare to act differently. Artistic DNA links with 'Hero' DNA. Why? Culturally speaking, the taoism avoid 'doing many things' in lunar 7th month. This is historical..... Logically speaking, the Malay/Indian/Angmoh....also move house and 'do many things' in the 'same month' - any bad luck to these peoples ? The answer is obvious!. You should ask: 'Will I be treated like an alien if i move house in the 7th month'. Or, "Should i seek sure conformance and what are the possible results if i don't follow".
  6. May I know how 'young' are you? 20-30 range?
  7. Fs is all about mother nature. He who understands, and adapts to mother nature's law of nature sure at greatest advantages. Simply this day's fsm prefer to use 3C strategy - convince, confuse & condemn in influencing ones' mind.
  8. World is full of silly people. Stay for at least a year and see what happen then decide what to do. Practically, move to new place involve changes of old habits and forming new habits. Should be more of excitement than anxiety and uncertainties.
  9. Allow me to share: My wife couldn't 'forget' and 'forgive' my resignation at the age of 49 w/o an offer of job in hand. She couldn't 'forgive' me for my lenting $500 to my 2nd biological brother(odd job labourer, 8 yr older than me) w/o consulting her first. And she decided not to visit my parents home during cny...forever. She has many 'couldn'ts' and many things cannot 'forgive' in her mind, heart and soul. She often in bad mood and tired. Couldn't make sound decision at right time at right place.....As if all ppls done the wrong things on her. To untie the knot needs one who tie the knot. Please let all these GO with wind. Say something more encouraging, be forgiving, accommodating, learn more...stay positive, move forward, don't look back. We come empty hands and will go with empty hands, enjoy the process.......
  10. FSM should challenge the fire burea authority why paint red colour.....instead of instilling fear... We understood that the 'meaning of colors'- is culture-bound. The meaning of color come after the 'herding effect' of the community! The meaning is 'subjective' and 'symbolic'! If the mass community acceptance says 'red' is auspicious and this become a 'norms'..... FS itself got anything to do with this norms? Red symbolise 'fire'? If you think it is, then it is. Give red angbao is to give 'fire'? Wear in red is to put on fire? Most Fsms understand human behaviour well....human love to herd and follow the mass.....'sure no wrong'? ' even wrong also can't be far away?'' wrong also never mind because all wrong' mentality! - long queue after the food stall - long queue after the toto booth - stock market herding effects...... So why bother the pipe outside the house is red - will anything red 'burn' the house?, 'burn' the pocket? 'burn' the relationship?
  11. Life is full of ups & downs. When ups, keep the surplus. When down, be positive. Think, say & act positive to ppls around. Don't compare. This will turn the 'curses' into blessing, believe me. Anyway, it takes time and patience.
  12. Met him many years back in Baywater during a so call 'open house'. He was welcome and surrounded by/with many aunties then. Read one of his FS literatures which states the 'red fireman water pipe' in HDB is a 'red burning candle'...should avoid such... Probably my mere guessing he took too much pig brain causing wild imagination and wild speaking that may result him into legal engagement....
  13. To share some thoughts and hoping these could 'shed some light' on this issue. As a FS seller, the pricing strategy is indifferent from traditional product/service pricing formula which state: The costs (Material,Overhead,Labour) set the floor and demands(branding, quality, delivery, competition, environment......) sets the ceiling. In short, the seller needs understood the 'BQ the Pigs and Donkeys' unspoken rule well and apply it, in order to sell. Today industries often stress productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, accountability therefore predictivity, so there come published SOR (schedule of rate) for SOW (Scope of work): http://www.art-of-fengshui.com/price_list.htm http://www.art-of-fengshui.com/how_to_go_about_choosing_good_feng_shui_consultant.htm The 'angbow' transaction which is basically a 'willing buyer & seller' which holds no morale or legal obligations between parties. Do you like to pay $ for service which seller holds no legal obligations? As what Kalimanta implied, the FS service basically hold no morale and legal obligations between parties. So, the worthiness of the consideration in the transaction, is a matter of very personal subjectivity/judgement.
  14. bepgof


    http://baike.baidu.com/view/267119.htm http://baike.baidu.com/view/17723.htm?fromtitle=%E4%BA%8C%E5%8D%81%E5%85%AB%E5%AE%BF&fromid=216535&type=syn http://www.math.nus.edu.sg/aslaksen/teaching/heavenly.shtml http://baike.baidu.com/view/267119.htm I often said-understand the chinese's calendar system & star constellation.....before stepping into Chinese FS. Then you'll not be 'easily conned'. Anyway, acquiring 'kongfu' always takes time and patience. This never goes wrong. An earth has North & South. Above only applies to North because China in north. After acquiring the 'kongfu' till certain grade, you'll ask yourself: Would these northern stars over the sky affect the ways of life in SOUTH indifferently as to the ppls in the NORTH ? And see how todays' masters tackle this question. It's more important to have one 'mirror' in the heart than millions of mirrors in a house.
  15. Generic gives them room to 'siam'. Tongue as slippy as oil. Siam these ppls.
  16. bepgof


    Feng shui masters often talk about 煞 thus give them room to 杀。 Anything and everything also 煞, that come with chiam and scary names. Such names often associate with names of stars in the Northern hemisphere sky. Pity the angmoh school of thought of FS followers that they could only use 'negative energy', much like 'uncle' include 叔,伯,舅 。 My Toilets got mirrors, MBR got dressing table which has mirror, the 2 wardrodes also got built in mirror. My hall got a 12 ft wide, half height mirror. My previous house also like that. Double cash? Double food? I don't know. Invite 'white tiger'?, 'green dragon'? or 'small ppl'?, seriously I don't know. One thing i do know - hall becomes 'brighter', less 'dull', and visitors love to ask me about the mirror in the hall.
  17. Stay away from 'masters' who make GENERIC STATEMENTS - why? Their lips & tongues are super slippery, only the 'gong gong' ppls kena conned. If he makes such statement before me, I would ask him to stay in Heaven where his lip service carries no value. Still don't understand ?
  18. Hundreds or thousands of sharp edges pointing toward me everyday......how?
  19. Mark, i guess u've joined 5 series club. Ever wondering staying ground floor with soil around and walk with bearfoots and stay naked? Got such place in Singapore or not?
  20. Don't mind share your secret weapons here? So all can 'live young'? like Emperor Qin and travel around the world?and spend more time with loved ones? Or to spend more time to stay young, or to spend more money to stay young? Anyway, what's so great to stay young in outlook? Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality.let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.
  21. Am sorry that your act reminds me of "景德传灯录" 卷二十八 - “雷声甚大,雨点全无。Why? First, you invite forumers to ask you ANYTHING, I tot I found a treasure, then I asked lor. The return was that :I asked something which I don't know ?? and the best part is : ask me to read books??? Yes, because I doubtful so i ask. The fundamental mentality of knowledge seeking is 知之为知之,不知为不知,知也。你知不?Don't you know this idiom saying "He who knows nothing doubt nothing!". I felt I was brushed away as if I created nonsense to you. Second, I don't anyhow ask for fun. I tot someone could share the insightful views through critical thinking. Wuxing is the most fundamental yet easily being manipulated or mis-interpret by people.(Stove, basin........) http://m.guoxuez.com/wuxingshengke/jin/32480.html
  22. Haha, I didn't ask you to recap the history and timeline of those theories, these are 'dead' - can get from many sources. No intent to debate anything but my wishful wishes to hear your insightful understandings of those theories when they are mixed and explained in a symbolic way. So, one could pass judgement that 'how well' and 'how much' you could apply these 'correctly'. Rem you told the 168 FS gallery that you agreed with him that the 20 year cycle in the XKFS theory 'is not questionable'? After I posted this link, then everybody keeps quiet? http://www.pjnet.my/errors-in-computation-of-feng-shui-and-astrological-years
  23. 万年历? No need go bookstore or temple. Sit at home and use your fingers, or can be 'on the go' - APPs. The future at your fingertips.