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forgotten last won the day on February 4 2021

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  1. I moved out before my 2nd appointment. I never ask for any extension as a seller.
  2. You can only apply for BTO in early 2014 when you fulfill MOP of 5 years.
  3. HDB inspection is done block by block. Whichever block's one finishes first, its keys will be released first to the owners.
  4. If no mata enforces the rules, noone will take the rules seriously. Hope the authority steps up on their enforcement.
  5. I used their services 3 times. Good service. Yes they have to wear shoes into the house for safety reason. Imagine the heavy furniture crash onto their bare feet.
  6. If you want to reach direct sellers or seller agents, you should call up the ads on Straits Times instead. Because almost all ads on property websites are posted by co-broke agents, who will charge buyer commission. Look out for Straits Times Classfieds for Sat and Sun, there are more ads.
  7. 1. Buyer has to buy over valuation reporter from seller because buyer needs it for housing loan application. Only buyer needs it, seller does not need it. 2. Yes buyer can straight away exercise OTP. Expiry period is standard 14 days for OTP. Yes buyer has to pay 5K deposit. 3. HLE must be obtained before date of exercise Option To Purchase and it must still be valid on the date they exercise the OTP. It is fine for HLE to expire on 1st appointment.
  8. I used Nippon Vinilex 5000 series for my current house. It has been 3 years, the colours are still looking good.
  9. Any recommendation on where to get marble dining table and study table in JB? Thanks.
  10. I am not sure about other JB lighting shops. 3 of the ceiling lights which we bought from "Best Lighting" shop in JB could not work. We had to make another additional 2 trips to JB to exchange. The bad thing about this shop is they don't allow customers to test our lights in the shops. For 1 light which came with a missing rod piece, they just passed us 1 rod and asked us to fit it into the light by ourselves. They refused to help us fix the rod or exchange that light 1 to 1. In the end, we had to ask my electricians to fix the rod for us. I would not recommend my friends to buy lights from that shop due to the unideal service. My electricians did not comment on the difference in the lights when they came for light installation at my house. On the other hand, the service given by the "Best Home Kitchen and Hardware Solution" shop in JB to us were brilliant. We are very pleased by their service. They allowed us to exchange the custom-made sink to another one though it was no fault of theirs. They also taught my hubby on how to assemble the towel racks and shampoo racks step by step when my hubby asked them. Address: No 27, Jalan Ros Merah 2/10, Tmn Johor Jaya, JB
  11. You can call up HDB hotline to double check. A waterproofing membrane has been laid on the kitchen floor tiles too.
  12. It is stated on the HDB website. Toilet tiles and kitchen tiles for new HDB flats cannot be hacked for 3 years. You can only do tiles overlay on them. I think some contractors are too desperate to earn your money lah
  13. Take photos of the flood and complain to HDB, make sure HDB gives them demerit points. Once their company reaches certain no. of demerit points, their renovation license will be suspended for months. How much money have you paid the company? Contact CASE about the bad service, and ask them how you can terminate contract with the company and get a refund from them. It is better for you to engage another contractor to finish up the renovation quickly than waste time waiting for them and waste money on rental.
  14. Heehee I chose the same laminate as u. It is for my kitchen cabinets. Reasons for choosing it - dirt, scratches and fingerprints will not be obvious on it. I like your dining light and painting! How much is that dining light?