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Everything posted by ngunadi

  1. Looking something like this ... Where to find? (A part from chinatown where all replicas and the sellers trying to rip the buyer off)
  2. Well ... I am thinking If the demand is great for all these stylo-milo dish drainer, it would make sense for me to be "local" distributor right? :P
  3. Maybe I should bring some and sell to you guys? Would you be interested?
  4. I forgot to check mine last night but it's definitely less than $100 Actually, instead of song-cho, might as well get blum. Blum pricing should be between $70-90 also. And blum can withstand heavy weight also.
  5. Hi Kelvin, Apology if you are a genuine home owners. In this forum, there are too many new users who register and self-advertise (the black sheep). It's better to be careful because in reno, home owners would always be in disadvantage. The standard practise usually if the user is a genuine home owners, the user would post photos of the home after the ID reno. Cheers
  6. Yeah, for 750mm cabinet, u need a smaller one. But $196 is so expensive ...
  7. Home Owners BEWARE So many new posters. I am rather to suspect that they are advertising for themselves.
  8. Should change the thread name to be "POISONS BEWARE: You might like it"
  9. The sun shines brightly so should have no rain. But just remember not to park at the lowest basement. Poison Alert Massimo Dutti Sale starts today
  10. Now I get confused also which one is the correct one. But I think your contractor should know since it's quite a common brand?
  11. Remember, don't drive there ... you dont' want your cars caught in newspaper swimming right? Haha ... I am the poison master
  12. I think need resand the whole table (peel off the veneer) Then redo the whole process again. Frankly, if the wood is not valuable, it's not worth the process.
  13. Wah .. wood. Won't the water would seep into the rack?
  14. check the t-blog from vhardono, he was looking for similar dish rack too. I think dmay also ...
  15. Yeap, s/steel one. Hmm ... I cna't remember the exact length but definitely more than 650mm. I think it's around $80-90?
  16. Even if you have paid deposit to this contractor, you better cancel the work with him. Not so much about the renovation permit. But it's a matter of trust that has been broken since start. - The works are NOT minor. - He's not being forth-coming and frank with the situation. - Keeping quiet with rules/regulations. If something wrong happened who would be responsible? - Saying that "everyone else is doing it", "not everything has to follow HDB" are recipes for trouble.
  17. Not kids yet .. so can't be customer But I can be your business partner
  18. on a side note, why don't we make bento-catering business for mothers (and parents) a like?
  19. No knife that will not rust. That even includes stainless steel knife. You need to maintain the knife. Few rules for my knife: - Always immediately wash it after use - After wash it, immediately dry it. - Never ever leave the knife in the sink, dish dryer, or water If you want an affordable knife, u can go to chinatown, kitchen supplies (like sia huat). Otherwise, go razorsharp.com.sg for a much better (and pricier) knife. or order online.
  20. Hehe ... I am the chef of the house, so I usually keep myself updated Which one is cast iron pot for casseroles? Is it the dutch oven? For me, the essential pots and pans are similar to you lor. I like to go for minimalist kitchen so I make sure my utilities are versatile. - Big stock pot (yet to buy cuz never have plan to have big party) - Medium stock pot, got it for ard $50 from cold storage promo. It's 6L and can cook for 6-8 ppl portion? - Small pot, for maggie mee, small portion. Got it for ard $30 from cold storage promo also. - Chinese alumunium wok - 1 stainless steel pan - 1 green pan (actually 1 pan is enough) - 1 cast iron So, same as you and they are not many bah Wishlist (Another poison): - 1 cast-iron dutch oven. Thinking to get this one instead of claypot. My wife is craving to have mushcroom claypot rice which I think dutch oven also can do the job. But it's very expensive ... $200++ - 1 Japanese Gyuto knife (http://www.japanesechefsknife.com/KAGAYAKIVG-10.html) - 1 good chopping board (preferably john boos one) Can refer to this link for basic kitchen equipment http://www.thekitchn.com/thekitchn/kitchen...f-basics-082461 Wow ... enough poison for the day
  21. How about revarnish your dining table to white color? Or is it laminate?