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MetalTab last won the day on September 19 2018

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About MetalTab

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  1. Hello metal Tab , I would appreciate if I could get your contact for your builder . Thankyou very much !

  2.   On 7/21/2015 at 10:38 PM, MetalTab said:

    In the midst of re-con of a 2400 land inter

    2-sty to 3-sty+roof terrace

    from 2700sf to 4900sf

    started Dec14 and TOP inspection next month.

    Very happy with builder who has his own stable of workers - mix of PRC supervisors and Indian/Bangladeshi workers.

    Builder organises them into 4 teams and each specialises in different stages of the building process - initial removal of walls, digging of RC trench; team 2 for the laying of the cement structures, footings and steel structures, team 3 for the brickwork, plastering, glasswork and tiling, team 4 for the painting, general cleaning.

    He works with others for air-con, electricity and plumbing.

    must say that these 8 months have been anxious period for my wife and I since this is the first time we are undertaking such a massive project.

    But the builder has been a god-sent. Truly.

    Not money-face

    Not Mr VO (many I hear in the industry will come in cheap for quote and VO us to death...)

    Not Mr Lazy

    Not sub-standard

    He is very responsible - they have been on schedule, in fact ahead of schedule by 3 months.

    He does not take short cuts - I witnessed him instructing his workers to hack up some cement flooring that I thought was fine. I asked him why, and he said that he wasn't satisfied that the old flooring was good enough standard. OK, the cynics will say that he wayang... but that's hacking up 2 rooms of such old flooring after what seems like all cement work has been completed. And that took another 1week to re-do.

    We went to the site almost everyday... and each time, there were about 8pax of workers around. They seemed to know their jobs, and were a happy bunch.

    The carpenter I employed remarked that the kungfu of the workers were very good (my eyes can't really tell, but he told me that the quality of finishing shows their pride in their work).

    Oh, my wife can be fickle ... changed the paint colour for different parts of the house like 2x and each time, the builder said "mei wen ti" (no problem). We felt bad, but he said that he wanted us to be happy as this is a big investment to us.

    And he is quite fierce to his workers; was told by the supervisor that he can scold them until cry... I suppose it's good that they fear him...

    Can't believe this right? Well, if you told me this, i wouldn't either... as in truth, this is my second builder... the first run off after I paid close to a CAT A COE of deposit... and set us back by a good half a year. So I suppose things even out in the end.

    Guess, the industry is dipping with fewer projects, and choosing the right builder is most important.

    Hope most of you will get the same type as this second builder.

    About a month+ to go... and what a journey it has been.

    Albest to all under-going and about to undergo their re-build, re-con, A+A.

    Hi Metalstab,

    Would you mind share your builder with me? I am looking for a good reliable builder to handle my reconstruction. 

    Much appreciated,



    1. MetalTab


      Hi Chong,


      Sorry for late reply.

      the builder is PG Contractors. Mr Sim is the boss - 91454434


      Albest to you!

  3. Hi Pawqoo, The FSM is Stephanie Lee. Her contact 98893875. She does not have any website and teaches at a feng shui school. Drop her a message. All the best!
  4. you must have called the incorrect number. The number stated is correct 98893875 - FSM Stephanie Lee
  5. The FSM is Stephanie Lee. Her contact 98893875. She does not have any website and teaches at a feng shui school. Drop her a message. All the best!
  6. The FSM is Stephanie Lee. Her contact 98893875. She does not have any website and teaches at a feng shui school. Drop her a message. All the best!
  7. A bit of history here when I pulled back a post from Nov 13. But this is a feng shui journey that my family has taken and I believe a consistent alignment with feng shui will bring goodness to the family for many many years Fast forward to today: - My elder son is in his final year at NTU. Doing well, but most importantly anchored deeply on strong values and character. - My younger son, who was at JC1 failing to meet his common tests is now in medical school at NUS. Also strong values and character. I cannot imagine this, but the feng shui adjustments that we have taken, plus making the new home feng shui have benefited us. The feng shui master helped us to choose a home; she was meticulous as she has always been. Walked the neighbourhood, check ground, check orientation, check what the elements are around the house. Spent a good 3 hours. Then, when planning for re-construction, we made sure that the layout, location of rooms, fixtures were feng shui-advised. We wanted peace of mind. Again, just a personal sharing.
  8. 4k is just too low. A reno of tiles for toilet floor, wall, water closet, sink, shower area etc false ceiling and lightings can reach 10k. This is for renovation alone. What more creating a new toilet.
  9. to tear down and re-build a corner to 5000sf for $750k is a big ask. I think more in region of at least $1.2m, probably more.
  10. Hi Metaltab,


    I am planning to rebuild my inter terrace. Could you please share the details of the builder you used? You seemed to be very happy with him, My email sonnygopi@yahoo.com.sg


    Regards ,SB

    1. MetalTab


      Hi SB,

      My builder goes by the name:Mr Sim Poh Guan

      Contact: 91454434


      All the best!


    2. Sankar Baskar

      Sankar Baskar

      Thank you Metaltab! I met Mr. Sim today. I would like to have a quick chat with you. Can i ask you a big favour to speak over phone?

      regards, Sankar

  11. Hi MetalTab,

    Read a few of your postings about positive compliments of your builder.  I'm in the very early stage of scouting for a builder to do A&A for my newly bought 2 storey semi-d.  Intend to add another storey (2.5 storey) and change the exterior design of the old house.

    May I know what did you do to your inter?  Saw you said that you reconstruct.  Reconstruct same as rebuild?  Mind me asking how much did you paid to get your new house reconstructed?

    Will be much appreciated if you can recommend me your builder.

    Thank you.



  12. Hi! Can pls quote: Supply and install Mitsubishi Electric Inverter R410. Outdoor model: MXY-3A28VA (1 unit) Indoor model: MSY-GE10VA (2 units) : MSY-GE18VA (1 unit) Thanks!
  13. Can pls quote: Supply and install Mitsubishi Electric Inverter R410. Outdoor model: MXY-3A28VA (1 unit) Indoor model: MSY-GE10VA (2 units) : MSY-GE18VA (1 unit) Thanks!