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Everything posted by yokoyoko

  1. sorry.. saw yr post too late.. anyway i went to ryan place(done up pretty nice and cosy .. de PD door looks great.. will be changing my bifold to PD.. lolz).. but neber saw u... hehe.. nxt time ba.. anyway my hse nothing to c.. tiles not lay yet... Thanks.. bro.. u too bro.. thanks... 4d til now haven open leh.. a bit dishearted liao.. this weekend should be it!!.. huat ah! btw any1 went to philips sale? gt anything worth visiting? maybe tml after run den go.. haiz...
  2. Wa..... kena so mani unhappiness incidents.. hope yr luck will turn ard soon... Hope u won 4d or toto this weekend or coming weeks.. Huat ah!! Tml i will be at my unit ard 11am.. to lay my 1st tile.. hehhe.. maybe i will drop by..
  3. yoyoyo... Mayer Sale this weekend: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?sh...c=16091&hl=.. Quite near to our place... enjoy!
  4. which site? maybe can consider.. hehe..
  5. haha.. that strike my mind before.. but think IKEA curtains length must be altered to fit our unit.. but i guess can save quite a bit.. swee la.. remember to share the quotes.. .. btw yr is yr reno so far?
  6. look cute huh.. lolz.. there are ppl selling locally n aboard.. quite exp.. cos it seem like some digital w USB photo frame.. unless yr is normal photo frame? http://www.alibaba.com/product-tp/10059987...hoto_Frame.html http://usb.brando.com.hk/prod_detail.php?prod_id=00483 http://coolsources.en.alibaba.com/product/...hoto_Frame.html Review: http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/egg-frame/ovoid...lent-324479.php
  7. 1.2k seems reasonable.. guess if yr bedroom curtains changed to Roman Blinds.. will be more exp? hmmz... thanks for sharing the factors..
  8. icic.. thanks for the info... Roman blinds for all rms? TKSC which shop?
  9. hi, anyone of u are 4rmer? not too sure of my unit(97sqm) window measurement.. 32bucks per meter.. is roughly hw much for the whole hse? care to share hw much u all did regardless of material quality n etc.. was quoted 1900plus at katong for normal material(2 normal blinds for bedrooms n day/night curtains for living n mbr) n track based... if go for roman blind, and rod based curtains with better quality.. would cost more which is easily 2k plus according to them... or is this market rate for normal n better quality? Just saw TP chasing red plated car driver(drive so fast.. if kena caught.. i think the driver can pay for the OPC price liao...)
  10. is true ma.. to her/them it is peanut... lolz... anyway its nt abt the peanut thingy.. is the cheating of public $$.. du*b charity organsation.. even if they changed the whole managment is still de same lor... wondering where has the infamous golden tap n etc gone to?.. don noe hw much it cost hor.. hmm maybe can install at our hse n c the de diff(maybe gt golden water?)... hahaa.. btw hw much u did for the beta quality curtains? need to c any gd deals ard ant.. hehehe
  11. They don have gong lao oso have gu lao ma.. not easy to get to the world stage even if they are hunted by spore when they were young.. training is tough leh.. quite please with their achievement though i think Li jia wei played badly individually(haven seen her won yet).. btw USA n other countries also gt a lot of FT playing for them oso.. even if they don stay loyal or don recongise spore as their country in their heart.. its not our prob.. as long as the spore garment likes it.. wat can we say... lolz
  12. Linear Green going to be L.i.v.eless Green? haha.. who stay in 220b 4th floor? hehe.. saw one of my same floor neigbour use bronze tiles.. coolz.. unit just gonna hacking permit approved.. and hacked part of the wall... nw waiting for tiling... anyone interested in better price curtain.. can look for forumers: flysummer and Ribenaberry.. they gt it from malaysia ppl so is cheaper.. quality wise i not too sure.. but should have gd quality 1 oso.. will pass my contact to them for quotation n etc once my unit is almost done.. Or can go causeway central near custom to ask for quotation.. should be cheaper oso..all from malaysia.. Jimmy Textiles, Teens n tots from Katong all quite steep as compare to them As for PD door or Bi-folding door is abt the same.. gt gd n bad quality oso.. u pay cheaper u get lousier quality.. act it applies to all.. just whether we accept it anot.. its acceptable for me la.. haha but maybe don expect too much if u r paying peanuts?
  13. Go rootop watch lo.. haha..go marina watch nicer ba?? anyway this weekend gt philips sale.. don forget it guys n ladies!! Finally gt yr keys.. congrats!!
  14. no no.. not staying at the 3 storey place.. haha.. cos my friend super ma fan.. wan to stay in cheaper place.. but i oso feel the same way la.. lolz... i still think i will stay at shinjuku if not.. den maybe ueno side... c where most of the places i wan to visit den i decide ba.. Thanks
  15. thanks alot.. i don really care the stairs n toilets haha.. cos i m a guy ma.. maybe others will.. i got an offer for narita port hotel at 60plus sgd.. but the travellin time is a lot.. don think its worth the stay? think i will stay at shinjuku area ba..
  16. Hey jane, can share the hotel/minshuku name with me? hehe.. cos mostly i find are all budget but exp hotel to me.. all above 100sgd... Thanks
  17. So all the soccer kakis.. u all shld noe where to watch on weekends.. Blk 220C.. hehe.. TIA Wasted...Spore could have won a medal today.. never mind.. nxt time.. USA swimming team solid.. from no where to 1st.. amazing.. COMEX buy TVs ba.. philips sale will be more on light bulbs? don noe wat they gt..haha... maybe just go n c wat they have lo...
  18. hmm.. nothing much.. should have ba.. those japan edition.. hehe.. anyway, where did u stay in tokyo? any gd minshuku or inn to recommend?
  19. Saw this post on Philips Carnival Sale: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?sh...mp;#entry325349 Please take note ya... btw who applying for soccer channel on SCV? kinda exp.. kopitiam shld have telecast.. hmm..
  20. Act this shld be the way ma.. but a lot of workers skip that.. cos they are just plain lazy.. don noe my side will do that a nt.. hmm
  21. Ya.. n oso border book fair.. but metro fair lose out to john little 1 i feel in term of price n variety of products.. Yup.. 1 yr warranty.. n is older model.. but for that price.. guess we don expect much.. nw watching it.. find it ok la.. i not fussy type. lolz..
  22. I just came back from Audio hse n HN.. a fruitful day for me! bot my TVs le.. haha.. last week i lost out but today i won the battle.. n bot a 32 inch LCD TV(HD Ready) at 599bucks at AH.. chiong there once i saw the newspaper on 10sets of philips 32" lcd tv going at 599.. 40" lcd JVC LCD Tv at 999.. but JVC 1 too old model looking so neber get.. but they gave me sharp aquos instead cos they gave away my philips to other ppl.. heng ah.. cos sharp cost more.. hahah If anyone is going tml or sun.. be there as earlier as 1030am.. n tip is go via the backdoor.. n noe where the TV displays are.. cos every sec counts!! promo item is cash n carry.. no delivery.. please take note.. sweat when i need to carry my 32inch LCD TV.. comparison on another tv i bot 37" panasonic (HD Ready)LCD TV AH: base price: $1699 - (200NTUC voucher/Home threate System + Panasonic 8.1MP DC + $50 Taka Voucher) = estimated 1K HN: base price $1999 - ($600 HN offset + 200NTUC voucher/Home threate System + $50 Taka voucher) = estimated 1k Both places are comparable.. anyway this might not be the best deal.. but i bot from AH.. cos i went there 1st.. too late when i saw at HN.. but i still satisfied.. hehe.. cheers!! tml AH gt a star promo item.. 42inch LCD Full HD TV selling 1399bucks.. but must be kiasu like me la..hahah just saw newspaper.. Mega discount Store oso having sales.. gd prices from the newspapers... can try oso..
  23. yrs is 70bucks? mine is 100bucks leh for 4rm... cannot be rite... the deposit will return when u cease their services where i doubt is anytime soon.. just scare u run away from yr bills nia...
  24. haha.. looking through the forum.. when u bot yr megaman lights? at their jalan besha store?
  25. yup.. megaman is 1 of them... refer to this link n d/l the product document: http://www.sec.org.sg/greenlabel_htm/greenlable_frameset.htm Guess don need that device.. more of a habit: http://www.e2singapore.gov.sg/energy-saving-tips.html