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Everything posted by seashell

  1. anyone understand what he is saying? really don't understand at all! **remarks withhold** i will contact the rest and will update u. please kindly understand all these takes time. but if u decided u want these $3k as your profit, u can say so! no one will/can force you to distribute this money... afterall, we are reasonable people knowing there is no free lunch in this world thank U
  2. i just got to know the truth about the two gohs... do pm me!
  3. What u mean by 'none will be able to get any amount'? what u wanna disclose? all up to u to say...
  4. yes i never knew this reno is sooo looong n full of ups n downs, like a roller coaster!! r u going to reno soon?
  5. see, this is what i mean: 人言可畏 time n again, i already emphasis, Transparency. nothing to add. my conscience is clear. once again, thank you for your compliments of saying me as a Calculative & unforgiving person...even if i am one, it ALL depends on who i am dealing with god bless u too!
  6. date tbc, if got housewarming, u'll be first in the list. VIP! haha... PS: thanks for helping me with your lorry, really very 'gan dong'!!
  7. hi! my sofa is coming in this sunday (10 JAN), i pray hard everything will go tru smoothly.. eg. no cracks on sofa... hows ur reno? everything ok?
  8. oh i love this!! my dream tiles!! u using it for floor? can't wait to see your pics!!
  9. sorry to disturb again jus tot of updating that jason is not doing my leftover jobs...electrician also never come... i think he is too busy already... i gotten someone else to do it... anyway, happy new year to all!
  10. n i won't be too free these few days as i must move out my ex-house items out from the warehouse tommorrow... the place already rented to someone else with a 2yr contract ... my house is still in a mess of rubbish n etc... works not totally completed but i still got to move in my things... basically now is my dinner break so i drop by to share with u guys my status now... for the distribution of money, may i suggest the dateline to be postponed till 15 Jan.. or any other dates that deemed appropriate by all...
  11. everytime i come to this thread, my heart is always very gloomy and heartaching... heartaching because everynow n then, new victims seems to appear and the loss is getting bigger n bigger gloomly because i duno whoever will have bad comments on myself ? cus if i say AS call me, people will think i am fishy--wat's so special about me that he only attend to me.... actually i have nothing wif him (neither i want to have anything to do with him) for the past 2weels, i am quite disturbed over people's accusations - even though i have a clear conscience.. 人言可畏 -_- having going tru 6months of renovation is already a torture.. n yes, AS is helping me out with the following: 1) painting (paint i bought myself) - AS supply 1 worker to paint for 4 days 2) arrange ceiling work people to do patch up work and I paid for it. 3) remaining electric sockets to be fixed... I paid for it... 4) fix up sanitary works like wc n basins n tap.. (haven't bill me yet - he says at most pay for worker's labour) i really duno... y AS only attend to me?? i did ask him, he basically says, he is sorry for delaying soooo long and mine left over small minor jobs that he can still squeeze out from his brother's workers... after talking to AS brother, i realize that he had been helping quite a few houseowners (reno started later than me) to do small jobs for the past 2months... so now then is my turn.... since the labours all came to me (no fly aeroplane), i accepted it.. only thing is, the workers working pace is quite slow... i can't say i am happy ... cus by helping me fix little things only help me lessen my loss a little...at least i need not find subcons to do for me.. folks, if u have small remaining jobs, u can talk to AS to try to work things out... since he is still answering my calls (at times), if there's anything u wish me to pass message, it is no problem at all, just PM me... as for those who wish to sue him n etc, jus go ahead n do wat u think is right..afterall it is our hard-earned money... *according to him* - currently he is working for his elder brother to earn money to repay his debts .. how true i duno...
  12. hi jesslyn i thought the matter had ended but jaskel insists we should advise on a fairer method... i am sorry if i have caused you any unhappiness or inconvenience... i shouldn't had voice out sooo much ... trust me, this is definitely not the outcome i wanted when i voice out to jaskel on transparency... really vvvv sorry i also duno wat go over me that i confronted jaskel on the money...at some stage, i even have the feeling if jaskel is send down by AS... after mentally torture by AS for 6mths of reno... my brains are not too logical, highly suspcious of anything that comes along... i really sincerely apologize to u !! :bangwall: :bangwall:
  13. hi pink! really sorry about it... cus me n trev n fini were together and we talk about how they got recommended..imagine we were so desperate that we often meet up at night just to talk about how to 'deal' with uncle... that was really tough period for us..physically and mentally very tired! actually we don't mean u are avoiding calls... we also know that if u give out uncle number to many people, how to keep track right...cus forumers ask if we did try to contact u for help.. so trev was saying he does hv ur number... but seriously we are not blaming anyone.. besides, wat uncle does , no one cannot predict.... i guess at that point of time, even if we did managed to contact u, things will still be the same.. cus uncle is BROKE n it's a fact... i do have a direct tiler contact, if u need it for your recess, let me know!
  14. hi! not a really merry xmas tou... initially tot moving in before xmas... now can move in b4 chinese new year, i m happy liao.. thanks for your well wishes....
  15. i guess if already reno then no point to see fengshui already rite...
  16. actually alot of people say can conceal, also alot say cannot.. ur house, originally, have any conceal points?
  17. non AS victims, kindly allow us some space to discuss about handling AS... it is already very stressful to undergo such a lengthy & lose money renovation...
  18. To all victims of AS, 3 days from now, please do decide, since JASKEL wants us to suggest a fairer way 1) to distribute the money equally among all affected houseowners 2) to distribute the money among all affected houseowners in accordance to how much loss incurred (based on percentage) 3) to distribute the money to the one who has the highest loss 4) your own opinion if no one voice out, we'll take it that the money to be distributed to everyone (in accordance to how much loss incurred). we will work out a date to meet up & distribute. bring all invoices and receipts. all AS victims have the right to vote. List of AS Victims: Name --- (amount of $$ lost) -- Option to distribute the money 1. Trevor -- (12k) -- (option 1/2) 2. seashell --(haven't finalize the $ lost yet) -- (option 2) 3. jesslyntan 4. fini 5. konajovin 6. fastfirefish 7. shace 8. newbie2009 9. Jervis 10. pangpang 11. pinkydot 12. maryjane 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
  19. hi jesslyn i am also sorry .. actually i really have nothing against u, i said my point on transparency but jaskel refused to let the matter go...
  20. to all victims of AS, 3 days from now, please decide, since JASKEL wants us to suggest a fairer way 1) to distribute the money equally among all affected houseowners 2) to distribute the money among all affected houseowners in accordance to how much loss incurred (based on percentage) 3) to distribute the money to the one who has the highest loss 4) your own opinion if no one voice out, i take it that the money be distributed to everyone (in accordance to how much loss incurred). we will work out a date to meet up & distribute. bring all invoices and receipts. all AS victims have the right to vote.
  21. it is not USELESS to go small claims. if it is, small claims court can CLOSED down. i went to case before (for other matters) ... they are merely a mediator. nothing legal.
  22. jaskel u keep saying, if u pass the money to me, what will others say of u? are u saying i don't deserve the money and jesslyn deserve??? and that u give the money to jesslyn, others will not say of u. only give to me, u will have a problem to explain to people???? haiz... i am so tired...
  23. i don't say anything about AS not bcus i am not taking any actions, but i am so busy with my reno and have no time to talk about this. 6months of reno is really a nightmare n i need to get over it ASAP. victimes of AS, u will know what i mean!! all this months, whenever i read online someone house is delayed, i will tell AS to go do something about it... assuming i didn't do that, i chase him every single day, my house already HO LONG LONG ago. if i am selfish enough, the money AS collected would have used to do my house, and not, some here, some there.... it is not my nature to be selfish... and i didn't fight for the $$ --- i asked and i commented because i felt that everything was done without much transparency... and that we are even being MAKE USED to lure AS come out -- when u say u purposely say $3K to lure him out. u make use of us. but i never blame u as u do in the interest of the houseowners. for the new HP, we also get to know on the day he came to my house - my house electric has a major problem. and that was the day we meet u at mcdonalds. besides, it is not a NEW HP no. it is his ADDITIONAL number. and even if i knew it before anyone else, what does it prove? gosh.... first one know HP number, first one go down to witness = ??
  24. police? did ah soon run away? did he say he doesn't want to do? he says, wait. is this a CRIME? i am quite puzzled why u need me to show u case number? i don't even know who r u?? records? of course. AS promise to pay me back in instalments. well alot of people already sue him, fact is, he no money... so assuming he goes to jail now, he will not have a chance to work n repay us. i just can't understand why so many people keep saying police n case. CASE IS A WASTE OF TIME. PLEASE. especially for AS Case. only going to small claims may help a little, bcus it makes it legal that AS owes us money. fyi, i am not feeling uncomfortable with your questions. but i feel, you are asking too much DETAILS - especially u are not even one of AS victimes. u should focus on your reno ....
  25. cus when i suggested to give everyone a share, U SAID what's the point??!! if giving the amount to me and is not fair to others, SO giving the full amount to jesslyn, so then is fair to US??? if really want to make formal, all houseowners come forward to meet up and discuss about the money. i lose money, jesslyn lose money, everyone lose MONEY.. all the SAME!!! n well, u said 'it doesn't agreed upon me & jesslyn ' BUT u said that the money already PAID to do jesslyn house during the meetup at mcdonalds. folks, this is what was said: mr seashell: where is the $3k u mention on renotalk? jaskel: yes there is $3k, but used to do jesslyn house (and u show the bills)