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About seashell

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  • Renovator Engaged
    Ah Soon ~(
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  1. yo coffee how is ur reno? i totally can understand how u feel cus i was like u a few months ago.. i was totally crazy! pm me is u do need any direct contact or small jobs i see if can get AS to do free for u...
  2. hi all jus some update he is now doing hdb project and starting all over again. miracally, i received the first instalment $200 payout from him last week! and of course, this is all possible after our numerous chasing and chasing...(i didn't expect him to really pay me actually....) when he hand over me the money, i saw him taking out one big stack of money.. my eyes were like rolling.. @@ if there is anyone here that needs to contact AS to get back the $$, and can't get him (he is again very hard to contact as he is now so busy wif HDB project), let me know, i will help if within my means.. but expect small instalment payout from him now cus he is just starting to work on HDB project.. maybe not everyone agree with my doing, ie. getting back in instalment form -- but i guess it is better than nothing... PS: i recently lost my hp and lost some RT forumers contact no. in case u didn't get my update, that is becus i lost ur no...so sorry...
  3. i am really sad to see tt jason is goin into AS shoes..i saw the mirror effect of myself a few months back.. not sure the earlier post stated jason collected cash n no receipts - is it alot of pple affected? cus this is cheating! i mean, obvious cheating. but at least AS does issue receipts ... err... not sure does it make any difference...legally wise, i guess jason can be charged amouting to cheating offences... i guess?
  4. hi ok can say it is slightly bigger than normal type. bear in mind, kyk is running on titanium plates, there is another brand also titanium plate, http://www.watersource.com.sg/ this brand more expensive $2599, use small titanium plate, less functions! kyk got more water level to choose. machine outlook is very old fashion...hahah.... the main thing tt is expensive is the titanium plates... so if u come across cheaper range, do chk if they are running on titanium plates... if not, it may not worth the $$ installation: i did not wall mount the machine because i am afraid my wall tiles may crack... i really hate cracks! now that i place on top of the kitchen granite top, it looks ok too! u can choose to drill a hole on your kitchen top and the wiring n water pipe to go tru there, OR, like me, i choose to drill a hole at the kitchen cabinet side door. don't prefer to have a hold at the kitchen top . installer told me alot of people regretted to drill a hole in the kitchen top and some of them end up having water leakage problem (table water leak into the cabinet).. especially the silicon applied on the drilled hole is not well taken care off. pictures i try to take n let u @@ heheh
  5. oh yes, u can switch off if u wan but no troublesome for me.. (cus i hide the power point in my kitchen cabinet) somemore the power consumption is very minial hehe oh yes there is another tude for the acidic water very good for wasing! good for brushing teeth, wash face, wash floor etc... filter cost about $125. there is 2 filter, 6000litres n 9000 litres... the machine will calculate the no. of litres used everytime u use the water from the machine..
  6. hi! a late congrat! ur house is nice & cosy. i like the posters! the one with a bus and also the one u n ur wife.. is it ur wedding pic? so nice! how old is ur dog? when move over, take some time to adjust?
  7. oh yes, thanks for recommendation... really good... u also got this?
  8. i paid $2199 but i last heard from them last week (cus my friend jus bought from them), that they gonna collect GST soon... hehe.. if u interested, u should go down to the demo n talk..
  9. hi after move in for going 2mths the water stain didn't get any better wonder if i can get them to rectify..?
  10. hi, at the moment, no intention of going into any lawsuits... am getting AS to sign an IOU as he promise to pay back via instalments. although amount is small every month, it is better than nothing. i am still discussing and thinking over if this is the best way... i have too, consulted lawyers, police... and this seems to be another better option i could consider.. yes, one can sue him n etc... but if he really no money to pay, he will jus end up in jail. vs now, give him a chance to repay, at least a chance to get back some $$....i am not siding AS ... i want my money back as well.. recently AS came down and fix my mum's water basin and tap (which he long ago promised).. he and his brother personally fix the basin and tap for me.. no fly me aeroplane.. i take it that to reduce his debts... AS is now down n broke but he takes the effort to do for me.. i felt that he should have done this, for us, & all AS victims long long time ago... jesslyn/edmund: seriously, i guess the contacts that i have, u have it already...like trev, fini, pink, maryjane... i wasn't able to reply you instantly due to problems at home... i really hope like wat u say, u have nothing against me... bcus , now is AS owe u money, not me ...
  11. oh yes i gotten the KYK purifier (red one) one word, *wonderful*! 4levels of alkaline level that can -clear body toxins & increase metabolism rate -good for making tea/coffee. enhances the tea flavour and remove the bitterness of the coffee and strengthen the aroma...(they did the demo before i bought the machine.. really mus see & taste the different to believe this..) my kids lovee it... maybe they like the machine talk whenever it releases water... my daughter constipation problem - gone! competitor brand like watersource.com.sg, more pricey and less functions! http://watersource.com.sg/files/09.pdf this is the quote which i find it a deciding factor for me: by Dr Robert Atkins 'the cells & fluids in most people body are overly acidic and it prevents ur bodies from neutralizing and disposing of harmful, poisonous toxins and leaves u more susceptible to the cell damaging, free radical oxidation that leads to cancer and other disease.. I MUST HIGHLIGHT THIS: SUPERB for making alkaline ice-cubes!! i use it on my favourite coke light, the taste is so fantastic...!! mus taste it then u know the diff... it neutralize the acidic effect of the coke... NICE***!!! NOTE: anyone keen or interested should go down and see their demo and talk - that's when u be most convinced!
  12. hi the long break for myself is for a good rest. really.
  13. hi lyn its cool! nice and cosy feel!! u move in already?
  14. hi! my sofa delivery was good, no cracks or defects! the sofa smells good, feels good! really happy with the latex i added, really not so hot to sit and the bouncy feeling is good! overall is really good! how about urs... how is ur reno now.. i guess by now everything is in order already? pls update again ok!