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About frezhman

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  1. Hi Pls quote for below mention: 3x bedrms - 4x4m (9k btu) 1x living rm - 6.5x6.5m (25k btu) Prefer starmex. Thx.
  2. hi frezhman... is your ID still doing freelance? =) could you share with me your quote? thx!

  3. Total reno ard $31k

  4. My id quit loong ago. Anyway, da co is xclusivinterior. :)

  5. Hi, erwin.. Sorry for looong reply. Its possible for 3 compartments but more ex. Da price of da system x 3, cuz got 3 system. Ard $150 each

  6. Hi frezhman

    change upon your t-blog and it really strikes me.

    Would you mind passing me your id's contact?

    Thanks alot!

  7. Hi Bro,

    Can share your reno contractor and cost please? Thanks!

  8. Hi frezhman!

    I'm not sure if this mail comes late to you... I happened to chance upon your old t-blog. Love your reno! I hope everything is well with you.... :)

    I noticed that you used Blum for your TV console. I'm thinking of doing that, but mine comes in 3 separate storage compartments instead of 1 large one like yours. Anyway, I'm still thinking of u...

  9. possible to share your reno cost in total, excluding appliances and furnitures?

  10. Whosays: yup, its 4 da R/L speakers. For da rear, i run da cables b4 installing my false ceiling. Lastly, da remainin cable dat potrudes out a bit for da rear speakers, i paint it white. It blends them all in. Danisia: i think i used "Sweet Home 3D" from download.com. Its free, btw. Dats almost 2yrs ago. Dunno whether theres a new one or anythin like dat.
  11. Def tech & svs can only be brought at KEC @ adelphi. They have packages @ hifibargain.com. They are the local retailer for these brands. Top subwoofer brands are velodyne, svs n hsu, but only velo n svs sold @ kec. Hsu, u need to import them. Kef: never audition it but heard its decent. Tannoy, mirage, kef, deftech, b&w... All these are reputable brands... U cant go wrg wif these speakers.
  12. I forgot.. But its part of da aventos series. Btw, there are only 4 type of aventos. Go to blum.com.. They hav all da stuffs n do drop by their showrm @ ubi. Gd luxx
  13. Well, u can adjust its weightage. A simple screw on da blum mechanism enable u to adjust whether u want a soft closure n opening. It can also be adjusted to paused halfway. But always take not there's calculations involved n make sure u got da right type of blum system. I suggest u download their pdf file from their webbie to learn more.
  14. 1st & foremost, sorry for da very late reply... i rarely drop by this forum anymore. by the way, thanks for ur comments. reg the speakers thingy, it all depends on ur budget. (go to adelphi to learn more. da place is like "adelphi:speakers: & "funan:computers" (never, ever get BOSE, so overated) 2ndly, i was so ga-ga when i got the hse, wanna do this, wanna do dat. after a yr, it seems dat wats every newbie mistake is makin their hse look as beautiful & nice w/o considerin the practicality of it. design & reno ur hse to ur convenience & needs, not cuz it looks nice only. walk thru da hse n visualise. do check ur email for the stuff u requested...
  15. 5ft low ht laminated shoe cabinet c/w mirror divider above to main entrance: $1500