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About twotwobravo

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  1. hi am staying in blk b. pls add mine into the name list. thks a lot.
  2. hihi, thanks. moving in soon. think it is more or less done up.... yup, sunday late afternoon, the lift is not working. bought some ikea stuff. very fragile indeed.... need to be careful in installing ikea wooden stuff.
  3. just saw in scv site. only blk B scv and modem service is not ready. A,C,D and E is ready. thus i assume those already staying in C,D and E should not experience the same problem as i have.
  4. hihi, like to ask those who already started staying in the new house. how is the tv reception from the connection of the tv point provided? mine is very snowy and double image. cant find channel u and cna . is it because the buliding scv point is not fully set up yet ? thanks for replying. cheers
  5. hihi anyone sign up with living art? or what ur views on the 3 id opp our flat? just have a quote fr living art. price is not on the high side. just afarid that they cant deliver goodwork and may come up with hidden cost later etc.... will be chking out the remaining 2 id opp our flat soon. ----------------------------------------- anyone heard of i bridge design? their shop in balastier and currently in expo for a few days walk past their shop at ard 11.30 am on sat, already got 3 set of customer inside. but i think their price is consider higher compare with living art as i got a quote from them but were not allow to bring back as compare to living art. cheers.
  6. went to blk C 40th/39th level windy, nice view. good! din see any bbq pit at sky garden. thought there is. 11th floor celling is very high. inside sure look better.
  7. diff people have diff answer to this Q as discuss in the earlier few pages. from wat i being told when i went to select the flat, we only need to show cert in 2009, cos it is the legal completion date. think u can just call ur officer in charge for comfirmation.
  8. Hopefully they will also update it to 4Q 2007 at a later date when more things are done for blk B, E and maybe A.
  9. blk B still 1q 2008 anyone konw blk E date ?
  10. Planting trees..... Good, then i suppose Block C people will rec their keys before 2008.
  11. i saw some uninstall light colour wooden door inside blk c 5 rm flats bedroom. should be thier bedroom doors. from far, it look quite nice. i suspect there are some pattern on the door, cant see clearly. (unlike the plain bedroom door at the new redhill flats) not sure whether the rest of the 4 rm flats issit using the same kind of bedroom door. workers still working there on sunday afternoon.....
  12. i considering contractors too. cos at the mom, i think i only want to do the min -flooring for living and 3 rm and store room -kitchen cabinet and door -2 toliet partition -air con will consider the rest of bulit in furniture if it is within budget.
  13. i rem now. it is living art that offer cost price if you let them have your hse as showflat.