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Everything posted by pweisen

  1. No, in fact my agent told me to pay after the key had been handover (2nd appointment).. So you need not to pay agent fee on the 1st.
  2. my agent agreed to waive off the 7% GST after a short discussion!!! i can utilize the money to buy some other stuff.
  3. I definitely hope that i do not have to pay GST...
  4. Hi All, thanks for the input, will try to talk it out with my agent. Maybe my agent who is driving a Merc is willing to absorb the GST.... anyway, some input on my claim, i had check out with HDB that the 1st and 2nd appointment date can be brought forward if the seller is agreeable to it. In both instances, i convey the message to my agent who in turn suppose to inform the seller. for 1st appointment, i even had the HDB officer to agreed that a email notice is enough for the date to be brought forward. But seller/agent was "busy". As for 2nd appointment, the HDB officer is willing to move the appointment by 7 days, but again, seller/agent is too busy to advise on the earlier date.... sad sad case.
  5. Hi All, Need advice on the following: Recently i bought a 5rm HDB unit in Woodlands @ $365K. At OTP, the agent mentioned that "everything" can be arranged and discussed, ie. early move-in, earlier 1st appt, earlier completion date and etc. But almost none of the above was fulfilled. We actually wanted to move in earlier into the unit before 7th lunar month, but despite sms/call almost every other day, the agent say that seller is busy, everything cannot proceed earlier. Since that is the case, is it fair for me not to give the 7% GST of the 1% agent fee? what is the penalty or is there any consequnence of not giving the GST? the 7% GST can at least buy a lot of useful stuff. please advice. Thanks.