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Everything posted by amrasenelya

  1. Helo! your house looks great after the reno! and i agree, i like the windows to be further away from the bed as well... from that view doesnt look like HDB leh..
  2. ooh wow! the ex-owners have a very strong colour combination in the rooms! but i do agree that they look to be in a good condition.. keeping them? so who have u engaged for ur reno? started already?
  3. hehe thankew ling.. update update ur blog with more pics!
  4. Mickey, yep ure right, its constructed on the existing door frame. we wanted glass door, but because we aint redoing the toilet wall tiles, hacking away the existing door frame might disrupt the neighbouring tiles, so have to opt for bifold door, and the brown door frame is silly la, we chose that for the other door frames in the house, but forgot that this toilet door also got door frame, so the painter painted it brown too! but anyway, they'd be repainting it in white i think.. we no issue with PD door, but i think PD door was quoted more exp for us, and the way the layout of our master toilet goes, also no use for a PD door.. If u have elderly ppl living with u, may have to teach them how to use the PD door cus i read somewhere, not very elderly friendly..
  5. hope u had a great christmas mickey! abit late though.. oops anyway i think i only see the colour disparity when u point it out or just because u aim the camera at the floor but with furniture in and u just walking in and out, i think u wont realise it in the future... just because the house is empty now, the incorrect areas just stick out to us la, but still its ur house, ure the one living in it.. so do it ur way and be happy with it!
  6. thankew nee savi hey limmike, our bi fold door is $280, definitely not from PD, but i duno if its from swing slide cus provided by my contractor, its just a normal bifold door, cannot fold to the side to make it slimmer one.. but looks nicer than my current house one..
  7. hehe abit overdue, but merry christmas and happy boxing day!
  8. thank you for sharing the pics.. the living and dining area actually looks pretty ok but ure intending to overlay or hack and lay homogenous tiles eh? ours were homogenous tiles which came frm hdb so lucky for us we didnt have to do anything to the tiles in living room. but the toilets really look like they need a massive makeover.. rooms also need to do up abit.. looking forward to ur transformation!
  9. we're at 648.. from ur floorplan, i think ive seen many flats of that layout in punggol.. initially we also aiming ard 174-176 that area.. den cannot find a suitable one that fits our criteria... u doin overhaul of the place? post pics of ur current house state!
  10. Hey Mickey, I'm not sure if ur prob is the same as mine, but we hacked one wall between 2 rooms, and the direction of the parquet from HDB in these 2 rooms isnt in the same direction, cus its parallel to the room door, and both doors are perpendicular to each other, ah well, my neighbour also did the same as us, and they didnt even realise it when we highlighted this to them. lol. we are ok with it la, cus its flooring only and our small tv console covers half of the irregular direction already.. but if ur wifey is a perfectionist, better fix it now than later else will delay HO also..
  11. hello CJReddevil! we hope to shift in by 16th Jan, or at least that's the date for my hubby to shift in.. but we'll definitely move our things in earlier and start cleaning up so that we can be in time for our wedding! nee savi, hehe yes definitely not in time to usher in 2010, but should be in time for cny la.. it'd better be!
  12. hello and welcome! where in punggol is ur new home at? we're also in punggol...
  13. show show pics of ur hansgrohe! after 25% still not cheap rite? i went to see grohe bef during their 30% or so sale...
  14. Thanks Mickey, thirdrock and neesavi! Our targetted HO date given by the contractor is 8th Jan... I cross my fingers and toes and hope no delays! Cant wait!!
  15. heheh actually i was waiting for ur lengthy process which u mentioned earlier on leh.. yah, we dont always get everything.. but must be happy with what we get.. im very happy with the progress of our house reno too..
  16. congrats on ur completion of ur reno! i envy u.. u have so much space in ur kitchen for tall cabinet...
  17. thank you for sharing! by the way, my friend has a tip for me for stains on white surfaces, u try a little nail polish remover on it and see if it can be removed.. but yah, the main hassle of having white kitchen is having to maintain regularly!
  18. hey nolit! glad to see ur contractor taking responsibility for the solid top error even though not his fault la and hopefully it has been rectified already.. cus today 23rd liao! hmm did u try looking at nippon's chalk white and cotton white? they look very white to me.. for us we had iris white (abit greyish), and lilac white for the rooms to match the feature wall colour.. have u started cleaning up and movin some stuffs in? our targetted HO given by contractor is 2nd week of jan.. yay! good lucks to u too!
  19. congratz wenwen! ur house is looking very nice now!! i love love the mirror feature wall between ur kitchen and ur main entrance.. btw, never show ur wiw? hehee.. i wana see how big issit inside..
  20. Doors and more doors.. top hung bi fold toilet door for mbr toilet.. its not aligned when opened but ok when closed.. gotta ask our contractor if can rectify.. our repainted bomb shelter door.. looks decent now.. congo brown main door, no more dual shades like other houses, but still alright la, to mask the oldness of the actual door..
  21. Day 27.. 1st coat of paint is up.. door frames are painted, bedroom doors are varnished, maindoor repainted too.. no wonder so hard to open the door la! same shade of galaxy for left and right, but left is brighter from the light coming from living room windows.. not too dark! iris white for the other parts of the living room.. we like the slight shade of grey.. hubby with the velvet wall he chose.. turns out nice! funny why one side of the wall is painted, but not the other...
  22. wow thank YOU for sharing your pics Mickey.. those are lovely shots! you can always look back upon those memories every now and then.. im so excited for the day to come yet afraid for it to be over.. haha.. we wont be decorating the venue in pink and black, even the table cloth also not taking red, cus i also scared to blend into the surrounding.. ahh yes... we are actually enjoying it but could have been better if both wedding and reno didnt happen together, but not a choice we could make as the flat came into the picture much later.. hehe, if ure talking about carpentry, i guess they would have already started work in the factory, so once they bring them in, it'd be super fast! i hope my carpentry can come in this week too!
  23. ahahha! so i guess ur wifey's EG will be fuschia pink and black.. mine too.. lol.. congrats! and actually from the snippets uve posted, looks like quite abit have been done already... dun think too lowly of ur progress!
  24. Mickey!! i also have lollipop on one of my smallest wall... heh... i love the colour, but now thinking if its too striking...
  25. hehe actually u can just type amras or enelya, cus its a combi of hubby's and my nick.. did u get an all white fridge and WM? that'll fit just right i think! i think u can check out Hommage (near potong pasir mrt) and also S&C at angmokio... these are hdb furniture shops, but i think most of them u choose based on picture first... unless of course u spot sth nice at their shop.. good luck!