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About elaineteo

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  1. this is one of the worst shop i have ever deal with!! We ordered our bathroom accessories since October, and we paid a deposit of 1k too. Last Saturday, our ID notified them to deliver the stuff by today and they said no problem. On mOnday, My ID calledd them to reconfirm and they said they have not receive any delivery notice from my ID, and said no more delivery slot! WTH!! My ID insisted to talk to the girl she spoken with on Saturday, only they said ok, we will try to slot for us since we insist! Ok, we thought case closed. Who knows on Monday afternoon, they called us up, and tell us that the WC is out of stock ???? !!! And i went pissed off, what kinda service is this to tell me that my item is out of stock when i requested for delivery ??? And furthermore i placed a deposit when i made the order, not as if i pay nothing!! So i told them off, and cancel of my WC from the order list since they can't commit when will the stock arrived. The staff recalculated my balance, and i issused a cheque to my ID for payment during the delivery Today. And, horribly , this morning , Bacera's staff called and told us that our hood is OUT OF STOCK??????Can you imagine ????? few house prior the delivery only they called to inform the customer that it is out of stock ??????????????????????????? I m furious and insisted to talk to the boss ( since yesterday for the WC incident, they told me that the boss is out when i wanted to speak to him ) . THis time round, they told me that the boss is on the line. I told them i don't care, i want him to hang up the phone and speak to me at once. This is totally unreasonable !! And he came on the phone and told me that he is totally unaware of it, and said he will check on it and call me back, till now, i m still waiting. By noon if i still don't receive any call, i gonna go down the shop and cancel all the items. BACERA = THE WORST BATHROOM ACCESSORIES SHOP IN SINGAPORE!! never ever go there again!!!
  2. oh, i see! It is lovely! okok, will wait for your PM then! We are thinking of changing ours too! But depends on how much it is! Thanks! =)
  3. Hi lovely house!! feel good to read all the progress of doing up your love nest! By the way, i love your main gate, can i check with you, is it customed made or ready-made? Where did you get it ? Is it very expensive? Thanks alot for the reply! Cheers, Elaine