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About trevorcantona

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  1. i hope that people will really see our point. that said, AS will get his just desserts
  2. perhaps, Jess and Edmund can come out and say something. Jaskel, i have met many so called "experienced" IDs and some of them have given me TOTALLY flawed and unfeasible designs for my toilet. the reason why they failed ==> cos they are all humans and I have given them a totally new and challenging situation, which sad to say they failed. sad to say this time round my toilet had to be re-done as one of the IDs with more 20 years experienced forgot that any corridor in a HDB flat must be at least 1metre wide and this caused a huge problem to my toilet! I am sure that sometimes these things may slip their minds. we are all humans, we all make mistakes. i am sure that you must have made some in the past and learnt from them!?!? Trev
  3. Trust, you have offended us and yet you say "NO OFFENDS"! please, i am sick of your contradictory comments! that is a hypocrite behaviour! really!??! I am not sure that everyone is FREE to express their own opinions and views (especially when it is true)! apparently, many people's OPINION are allowed to be posted here without ANY basis but many facts are deleted! please do continue posting your opinions. it is also my OPINION that opinions that are UNSUBSTANTIATED should be ignored. Trev
  4. i comment cos no one is speaking on the other side. those house owners should speak up. but they din. those who spoke are those know NOTHING. i am biased to one side, cos of what i have seen, unless someone can show me evidence that states otherwise. what have you seen? hear say?!?! i keep repeating cos pro jaskel people keep on repeating the same things. so i used spam to deal with spam. Trev
  5. If the suggestions are good ones, yes. but if it keeps being repeated and is not really useful, perhaps the person saying it should just shut up if he/she has NOTHING new to say. thanks, trev P/S: repeated = spam
  6. dear cold, i could not help but to point out the contradictory things that you have written in your posting. you mentioned that you do not know the full facts, nor everything that has happened. i also assumed that you do not know anyone personally. yet you have taken the side of jaskel and assumed that he is right and that seashell is being difficult with him. after that you wrote that this is your personal opinion. it is indeed VERY weird. Trev
  7. Dear Trust, seashell has kindly pointed out that my point is that your analogy does not apply to our current situation. of cos everybody knows that elephants are not the only animals who consume peanuts, i was merely using an animal who does so. you do need to redo compre at the primary school level. clearly, your IQ is very high. as we can all see from your "points" above. you have yet to answer my question at all! do you know jaskel personally?!? but judging from the fact that you are avoiding this, my emphatic self-answered "NO", is overtly correct. Btw, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P.s according to the wiki, P/s is just an add on to my original message, whether or not that message has been ended or not. Trev
  8. dun worry!!!! he will be buried once all of us move house hahahaha.... Trev
  9. hi seashell!!! i know, i was chuckling to myself too!!! and oh on a more serious note, i always ask myself, do i need that 150?!?! actually NO!!! i tell my cousin that my reno costs >70k, 150 means nothing to me! come to think of it, your reno will cost >50k, really what's 150 to you too?!?! even fini's reno is >30k, seriously, 150 is pathetic! what we wan is transparency and integrity and fairness. if the money is spent, there is nothing we can do really, so long as it's for a good cause. what we would wan to see all along is that everything's out in the open. i have said again and again, we victims of AS knows roughly MOST of the contractor price for the various items, so we know who is making a profit or loss. We just wan everyone to be honest and open about what they have made. that said, i think everyone will in one way or another take legal action against AS, as i have told my cousin too, this forum discussion is a matter of principles NOT about money! And this discussion is NOT a distraction, AS is deadmeat legally as far as I know (actually hor i have yet to see AS for the last 1.5 months! and he owes me the most $$!!!) Trev
  10. Only half fact, half personal point of view. it is the same for you i guess. Because some of u all think its not fair to use the money on jesslyn that's why I want you all to think of a fairer way to distribute the amount. As whatever written here can easily go into lawsuit, I don't want the hse owner or me to be facing this problems in the future, so a lot of things can't be written here. there will definitely be a lawsuit, however, the ONLY person who will kanna is AS, NOT you! this is Singapore, we the average people may not think 150 is a lot of money, but to sue someone for no legal reason by engaging a lawyer for a large sum of $$, is rather beyond us! I think you also need to see it from our point of view too and since this saga has been so subjective, there are probably many sides of the coin.
  11. Dear Trust7780, i am sure there are ALWAYS someone willing to risk their lives for merely S$1. Of cos there are ALWAYS someone who earns 4k and will value $10 as their lives. clearly, there are people who will wan the 2.67k and think that they will get about 0.5k or 1k! but after knowing seashell and being friends with her these few months, if she really wanted that 500-1000, seriously, she has so many chances to do so, but clearly she did not. I jus wan to know if you have any dealings with jaskel or to begin with, do you KNOW jaskel and have seen him physically? let me answer for you: NO! you have based your trust on what is written here (no wonder your name's TRUST). I rest my case. Trevor P/S: JAskel is a human being and NOT an elephant, he does NOT get paid in peanuts. your analogy reeks!!!!
  12. again, you do not know enough facts about the situation. Trev
  13. seriously, it is JUST 150. i dun understand how that can show the "true colours" of a person. if the citizens of our country is earning 50 bucks a month, yes the 150 probably will show the "true colours" of many people, but we are talking about Singaporeans whose income are 3000 or more per month! it is all a matter of principles. everyone has their opinion of the matter, we need to come to a common consensus. do you REALLY know enough facts to make a fair opinion like the victims here? if you are basing your opinion on what is WRITTEN in this forum, clearly, it is NOT enough. AS victims do ignore him/her. Trev P/S: i did not say you cant make your opinion known.
  14. Hi all readers!!! I am getting ready to move in liao, very busy so din really get to post pics! Also, i dun like to post pics of half done places! I will rather post pics when more or less completed I will thus be posting i think this coming weekend as I will move this coming sunday! Will post places which are already ready liao first!!!! so keep a look out!! Trev
  15. Oops, sorry for this reply!!! Never see hahaha... Happy Chinese New Year to you!!!