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Everything posted by titanax

  1. someone mentioned that the balancing kit does not come with the fans & you need the kdk folks to do it for you - so it might wobble if not balanced properly. Not sure how that works out if you buy from JB.
  2. that was not the intention, but you're welcome
  3. no worries, she's cool...else she won't be my missus mah lachesis likes to cook & bake & i want her to have a kitchen she can be proud of...its the least i can do coz she takes such good care of me (woot..score points ) yes it was that thread that got me started: I started reviewing from Henckels International (Chiense steel) to the TWIN series. GLOBAL & MAC were close contenders but lachesis was concerned with the Global's tang & there were reviews that they tend to get a bit uncomfrotable after extended use. So the final close contenders were the TWIN CERMAX & WUSTHOF CLASSIC IKON Regrettably both agents do not carry these series in Singapore & even with the GSS sale, the Henchkel Pro S & Four Star II did not appear to be great buys for the price. HENKELS TWIN CERMAX: WUSTHOF CLASSIC IKON: The black beechwood knife-block exudes pure sexiness I love the way how in both series tang bends, & they both have logos stamped at the handle butt. And of course the all time winner that is out of my league & budget now SHUN ELITE
  4. but of coz!! no tampered glass toliet door or those aluminum PD doors in my MBR, when I sleep I don't like lights, & while these 2 may make my toilet look more classy, stylish toilet door vs my undisturbed sleep = MY SLEEP! uPVC bi-bold doors FTW! (@jaskel: i hope you understand why I want the cheap doors now, its not the cost...no $$ can = my precious sleep) "HAM-SOME" SLEEP CLUBBERS fall in ...
  5. http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=31497 you created 2 threads for the same question..be careful you don't get banned for spamming
  6. wah piang! ur d.amn creative!! i had to stare at the floor plan for like 3 mins b4 i figured out what you're trying to say
  7. thank you! actually the present owners have extended the utility room to be a maid's room, but we will be restoring it back to it original location. one thing i learnt from sale of my own flat is don't hack your walls too much, when people see an ad for 4-room hdb, most of them would want to see 4 rooms! but it went well though
  8. hey jeffcraze, this wall is not plastered yet?
  9. thats good to know...make sure you remind your guests not to pee in the shower!!
  10. can i choose dumb? goes well with my ad!
  11. of coz..this is what makes us singaporean...its our identity! WELL SAID! couldn't agree more! ya..thanks for confusing me earlier...
  12. great, thanks berry! i was looking for the prices, btw i checked with Shaw, the Henckel knives are Chinese steel, made in Shanghai. If you read the reviews on Hencel knives the reviews make a clear distinction between China made steel not the same standard the German steel. Just a FYI
  13. Chengal wood decking in your bath looks real sexy man! Btw what precautions do you need to take? My understanding of outdoor decking is rain & shine, so it gets wet & then it dries naturally. But in your case will the constant wetness & humidity damage the wood? Factoring in both warm & cold showers as well too...advise?
  14. Congrats again! post pix pls
  15. there were pictures too !!
  16. yes it can be done, you gotta get your math right tho, your best argument is "if you're gona give me the same discount as HG, i might as well go there" & work your way from there
  17. oh no..hes banned how sad ...wow Another MasterCard ad in the making: Asking dumb questions : $100.00 Starting almost every post with "hi how much is. .." : $500.00 Getting banned by moderator - PRICELESS!! ps: my bad, but i couldn't resist. "No intelligent persons were blatanty defamed in the making of this commercial"
  18. We are using ComfyHomes. Been using them for a couple of years now, they come every Sat moring from 8 - 10 am, & we get 2 cleaners which is something we prefer. One person to clean the entire hse sure is tiring! We will be using them for our new place as well as engaging them for the post-reno cleaning.
  19. Korean brands are almost on par with the Japanese brands but we must be also be realistic in our expectation of their lifespans, generally if they last 5 years you can consider your investment worthwhile, if you want something to last 20 yrs then you better get a Miele - but there are no guarantees there either. If you're unlucky you get a lemon be it a $1000 or $20,000... Most if not all reputable brands will eventually move their production plants to emerging nations, its basic economics & there is no escaping that. Does FOXCONN ring a bell? Has it prevented anyone from buying iPhones or Nokias etc? We are buying Toyotas made in Thailand & the world's safest car VOLVO is now Chinese Geely, does it mean it will now be the same standard as your Cherry QQ, & yet ironically its the american-made Toyota parts that are killing people, so much for your white supremacy products. My point is people are already entrusting their lives & paying from $60,000 for a car than can kill you anytime...you can't really do wrong with a china-made refrigerator or iphone just my $0.02 worth...i'd still stay away from the baby milk-powder though
  20. If you're crimping yourself, so you're not putting any faceplates? Impressive structured cabling layout btw, looks like you have an option to terminate your Opennet CPE either in BR3 or the living room, but then u'd have to cross cable the patch cord to your BR3 where your router might be situated. Have you asked around for the GB switch pricing locally? JOS or IngramMicro are viable options.
  21. Awesome, great then! we're looking at Hob: Rinnai RB-3CG / Hood: Fujioh MK II I'll give you a heads up on pricing for baseline: Everjoint - Fujioh MK II: $668, Rinnai RB-3CG: $880 <--- so good its almost dodgy! G.A.B - Fujioh MK II: $680, Hood: RB-3CG: $925 The other usual suspects priced higher