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Everything posted by davidfung

  1. hi homemaster, i'm from osa system doing solid surfaces and my material for solid surface is made of methyl methacrylate... it's tested and proven that it is safe to handle food item on the surface as its non porous... maybe can pm me if u want more details...
  2. hih... since u are looking for good solid surface, do u mind i intro my solid surface to u??
  3. hi smallboy, corian and other brands of solid top will not warranty on scratches.... becos solid surfaces are not scratch proof but only scratch resistance... anybody who tell u it's scratch proof then maybe u can introduce him to me... genuine corian surface will not change colour over yrs even if use in outdoor with rough weathers, it is a non porous material, so it wont stain even if u leave a spilled red wine on it overnight... all u need to do is to use detergent and a scouring pad to clean it off... it is also tested and proven that it is safe to handle food on a corian top.... eg... breadtalk roll their doughs on a corian top... i believe for the safety of food handling and quality, the prices of the corian is worthy.... i hope i have create a clearer understanding for corian surfaces.... thank you
  4. u can try calling 67451666 for Sun Sing glass & mirror co. they are one of the pioneer glass company in singapore since 1960s
  5. i agree with you... black, white and a few usually the plain colour are most likely to have scratches seen easily
  6. Hi Mrloco, congrats on getting ur new house... i believe u should be busy with ur reno works and choosing design for ur new home.... Let me introduce myself, I'm david from OSA system pte ltd. we deal with kitchen solid surfaces and vanity tops... we have a wide range of colours for u to choose from... I hope i can meet up with u for a non oblicated quotation. Thank you David Fung HP:82231787 OSA Systems (s) Pte Ltd
  7. hi smallboy, Corian is actually the only material that is approved by the national sanitation foundation on direct food contact.... due to its non porous feature, any stains or scratches can be easily removed using detergent or scouring pad. any cracks or burn marks can be easily repaired as well Corian is a scratch resistant material.. not scratch proof.... only corian will give u a 10 yr limit product warranty..... hope i can let u have more understanding in Corian products
  8. hi guys... maybe u would like to call me if u need any help with corian top.... u call reach me at 82231787 david... from OSA system pte ltd Corian main distributor
  9. hi all... maybe u guys can consider corian top... tested and proven to be safe to handle food on corian and its non porous... eg. u can leave spilled red wine on a corian overnight and clean it next day... it will not leave any stain at all...
  10. if im not wrong i see some of these pictures frm my corian solid surface pictures.... btw corian tops are non porous... so it wont absorb stain... eg. u can leave some red wine over the corian top and clean it the next day... it will be stainless...
  11. hi all... maybe u can consider corian solid surface... as it does not have any joint lines even if the top has to be joint at ur place... btw solid surfaces are not scratch proof... they are juz scratch resistant... if over the years ur corian top has any scratches, u can actually ask the professionals from corian company to polish it for u... and of cos the price of corian is def higher than lg and etc... and it is tested and proven to be safe to handle foods on a corian top.... e.g breadtalk actually roll their doughs on a conrian top...
  12. hi all... would anyone like to try out corian? most of the id will know that corian tops are durable and resistant to scratches.. it is also tested and proven to be safe to handle food items on a corian top... one eg. is breadtalk actually roll their doughs on a corian top... it has invisible joints as well... meaning u will not get to see the joint lines at all for most of the colours...
  13. hi.. or maybe u can choose solid surface like corian... it does not have any joint line and looks classy... on top of that... it is very durable as well...